If you had your own country...


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
If you had your own country, how would you arm it?
I've been going over some pretty poor examples of defense spending tonight and it's bought the question to mind.
This means assume your arguing a reasonably affluent country, not the richest country in the world with no non-military spending priorities!

Militia: Civilians trained for a year in national servicewith AK101s to be deployed only if the nation is invaded.

Rifle: Steyr AUG
Sniper rifle: WS2000
Anti-material Rifle: Gepard 20mm
Infantry MG: SAW
Vehicle mounted MG: Browning .50
Infantry anti tank weapon: AT4
Infantry anti air weapon: Javelin
Machine pistol: MP5
Shotgun: R870
Plus generic mortars and mines
Main battle tank: Leapard 2
APC: M113
Light multirole helicopter: Little bird
Transport helicopter: Chinook

Air force:
Trainer: Tucano
Jet trainer: Yak 30
Ground attack: Su25
Fighter: Gripen
AWACs: TU95 AWACS Variant
Strategic bomber: TU95
Light transport: Hercules
Transport: Anatonov AN12

Coastal defense: Typhoon submarine
Global deterrant: Type 42 destroyer
Maritime Surveillance/ASW: TU95 Maritime surveilance variant

And no, I didn't get any tonight... Can you tell?
Simple, a fleet of boomer subs and a crapload of Minuteman 3's.

Air power.................F-22, F-15I, F-16I, UAV's
Tank.........................Leopard 2 or Challenger 2
Inf Assault Rifle.........................Tavor

Helmet..............................LWH or French Gallet or Brit Mk. 6


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
You, sir...must be a nerd! And you would be the first country, that I would that out!:violent:

You are on freeones. That makes you a nerd too.
We're all nerds here.
Your move. Genius :)

Simple, a fleet of boomer subs and a crapload of Minuteman 3's.

Air power.................F-22, F-15I, F-16I, UAV's
Tank.........................Leopard 2 or Challenger 2
Inf Assault Rifle.........................Tavor

Helmet..............................LWH or French Gallet or Brit Mk. 6

F22? Justify it? Not only did I secifically say no spending like money is water but really, F22 is not a plane you want to go to war with. And certainly not necessary if you already have F15I.
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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fuck having a country. The Federation is the only thing for me.

USS Enterprise > F22
You are on freeones. That makes you a nerd too.
We're all nerds here.
Your move. Genius :)

I am a nerd, SIR! But I have a wife, and she's out of town tonite! I just don't have a life! So that's why I'm on Freeones. Trust, I get pussy on a regular! Point, Match, Serve, Genius!
The only defence/offence I'd use is the Borg. They follow orders well, and don't question when I want to invade an oil-rich nation for no good reason.

The only defence/offence I'd use is the Borg. They follow orders well, and don't question when I want to invade an oil-rich nation for no good reason.


Fuck the Borg. I'll take species 8472 because they kicked Borg ass.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fuck the Borg. I'll take species 8472 because they kicked Borg ass.

The Federation trumps all. Except maybe the Dominion...

Actually, if I had a country it'd be the Q Continuum.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Fuck that I will make a Death Star and not only blow your country up but your planet as well.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Fuck that I will make a Death Star and not only blow your country up but your planet as well.

Seriously? You bring Star Wars into a discussion like this? Get a life you nerd! :mad:
Seriously? You bring Star Wars into a discussion like this? Get a life you nerd! :mad:

Really! Like anybody could provide a Death Star like ship with enough centrifugal force to mirror an Earth-like gravity! Pah-leeze! Even with a gyroscopic chassis under a stationary body, the amount on energy needed to create the necessary RPMs is completely unfeasible and impracticable.

What you'd need is a 100-150,000/1 scale AK47. The moon is tidally locked, so it'd provide the perfect station for it.
The best defense against an opponents navy in a situation like this is not a huge navy of your own but having a bunch of cruse missiles. It almost scary to think of how billion dollar ships can go down with a few long range missiles that the ships you strike can't even see when they were fired from.

It would be the same with air defense also. A smallish but reasonably funded country that just worried about defense and didn't care about police actions or involving itself with the rest of the world could make do with a reasonable air force and a bunch of anti aircraft missile batteries.

I would make sure every citizen had the right to arm themselves. It would crate a nightmare scenario for any invading force if almost everybody in the country could take shots at them when the opportunity arose. It would be magnified it you could take away any air support for any opposing force. Even things like tanks and other heavy armored vehicles have weaknesses like their severe dependency on fuel, the fact don't go over terrain as well as some people like to believe, and the fact the people inside of them still are human and have to sleep and do other things.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I'd just send in a special ops unit of Tribbles. Have them multiply one million fold in about 15 minutes. Then they'd have some trouble I tell ya.