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Your Lie in April
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Mar 24, 2016 11:08 AM

May 2013
Who do you prefer more ?
Mar 25, 2016 5:12 AM
Nov 2015
Though I like like Kaori more Tsubaki as a character, I like Tsubaki X Kousei as a couple more than Kaori X Kousei.

I initially didn't care much for Tsubaki at first but as the anime progressed and how it showcased her relationship with Kousei I felt more and more sympathetic towards her and hoped in the end she would end up with Kousei.
Mar 25, 2016 5:14 AM

Dec 2014
SilentAntagonist said:
Though I like like Kaori more Tsubaki as a character, I like Tsubaki X Kousei as a couple more than Kaori X Kousei.

I initially didn't care much for Tsubaki at first but as the anime progressed and how it showcased her relationship with Kousei I felt more and more sympathetic towards her and hoped in the end she would end up with Kousei.

And she did... Because the other main girl is, you know.... :)

Aiza > Tsubaki >>>> & the rest for me.
Mar 25, 2016 5:20 AM
Nov 2015
Kaori x Kousei for the sole reason that their interactions in the anime were one of the, if not the most meaningful of happenings in this series, in my opinion, of course. Also, because the entire tragedy surrounding Kaori and her desire to be with Kousei even in face of impending death is a sure fire indicator of the depth of her feelings for him.
Apr 24, 2016 3:10 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Kaori <-- Emi <-- Nagi and only then <--Tsubaki

I dont see any potential in a Tsubaki x Kousei ship, at all.
May 20, 2016 9:25 AM

Mar 2016
Tsubaki. I am usually against most childhood friends ships, because true friendship. Tbh, that still does apply here in a way, but I still see her as the most viaable option in this show.
I don't feel like there could be anything with Emi besides rivalry-frienship. Personalities seem to different.
Nagi admires him alot, and he grew on teaching her, but that's the extend to which this goes.
As for Kaori - I don't think I'd dislike that, but I don't really like it either. In a way they felt different too me, not as much as Kousei x Emi, but still a bit. Also, with her role helping him back up from his previous state, I kind of feel that had more of a friendship-vibe then a romance vibe.
May 20, 2016 9:51 AM

May 2010
Kaori, duh! I rarely see a character annoying as much, as Tsubaki... If I were Arima, I wouldn't be able to stand her, she was often such an ass to him. I definitely don't see her as anyone closer than female friend.

Emi and Nagi could also work out if they were given more time screen and attention.
May 23, 2016 7:28 AM

Jul 2008
Not a single person voted for Emi 0.0" I went for Kaori too, she's miles ahead as a winner but sadly her happiness wasn't meant to be which leaves Tsubaki eyeing for the throne >.<
May 23, 2016 7:48 AM

Jul 2015
Emi, just because I enjoyed her character a lot more.
May 23, 2016 7:54 AM

Mar 2015
since kaori already dying, i am more interesting in arima afterwards... really hope there is sequel..
KumaMay 23, 2016 9:43 AM
"If taking responsibility for a mistake that cannot be undone means death, it's not that hard to die. At least, not as hard as to live on."
May 23, 2016 9:10 AM

Dec 2015
Kaori was best for Arima for me without any doubt. Still I like Tsubaki too because she care for Arima too much although she care about Arima way too much. *_*
May 23, 2016 9:13 AM
Jul 2018
Never really liked Kaori, she was just annoying to me for most of the show. Tsubaki on the other hand, I really felt that love she had towards Arima.
May 23, 2016 9:25 AM

Mar 2014
None of them

Arima might be an annoying brat but that doesn't mean I think he deserved to get beaten up by a bunch of misandrists every episode
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jun 12, 2016 2:16 AM

Mar 2016
Can't choose between Kaori or Tsubaki, i love them both, but tsubaki is more like a sister to Arima, so Kaouri wins
Jul 22, 2016 8:40 AM
Jul 2016
Tsubaki because she was so in love with kousie since childhood and I believe that tsubakix kousei is a better ship.
Kaori was nice but I couldn't appreciate her more as a character
Jan 12, 2017 12:06 AM

Mar 2014
all 5 of them; harem ftw
Jan 12, 2017 3:21 AM
Mar 2016
Seto Hiroko, that's gonna be controversial
Apr 17, 2018 5:51 AM
Jan 2009
Having only seen the anime, I go with Kaori. However, at his least he had a more established relationship with Tsubaki than Naruto had with Hinata.
Jun 11, 2019 12:43 AM

Sep 2014
Personally I think Kousei x Tsubaki is the best Kaori being a good 2nd but nothing else & I'll tell you why Kaori seemed to much like rude spoiled brat of a bulldozer plowing her way through Kousei's peaceful enough life not caring what kind of psychological problems he may have & that just pushing & pushing & harassing him may not be a good idea. Now of course in the end for the most part things worked out ok but you never know with the human psyche as it can be very fragile. Now while Tsubaki is also a rather pushy girl she was at least trying to get him to move past his psychological trauma by trying to have him focus on something aside from music to just leave the past in the past because if all the thing your doing just hurts you in some way or form then don't do it, now in this case it might sound like just running away from the problem but with psychological problems I'm pretty sure they can be a hit or miss either what you tell the person to do works or it fails & hopefully it doesn't get worse. Now psychological problems aside it never felt like to me at least that Tsubaki was ever really forcing Kousei to do what she wanted like Kaori was she just acted natural for the most part & suggested to do things that they both wanted to do & they did them where as with Kaori she just like a bulldozer pushed Kousei inot doing what she wanted to do did he complain no but still she could've been more polite when asking him to go & do things with her & try to compromise on things not you will do this end of story, I never saw/heard Tsubaki doing that.
Mar 4, 2023 9:25 AM
Jan 2016
DeamonLordZack said:
Personally I think Kousei x Tsubaki is the best Kaori being a good 2nd but nothing else & I'll tell you why Kaori seemed to much like rude spoiled brat of a bulldozer plowing her way through Kousei's peaceful enough life not caring what kind of psychological problems he may have & that just pushing & pushing & harassing him may not be a good idea. Now of course in the end for the most part things worked out ok but you never know with the human psyche as it can be very fragile. Now while Tsubaki is also a rather pushy girl she was at least trying to get him to move past his psychological trauma by trying to have him focus on something aside from music to just leave the past in the past because if all the thing your doing just hurts you in some way or form then don't do it, now in this case it might sound like just running away from the problem but with psychological problems I'm pretty sure they can be a hit or miss either what you tell the person to do works or it fails & hopefully it doesn't get worse. Now psychological problems aside it never felt like to me at least that Tsubaki was ever really forcing Kousei to do what she wanted like Kaori was she just acted natural for the most part & suggested to do things that they both wanted to do & they did them where as with Kaori she just like a bulldozer pushed Kousei inot doing what she wanted to do did he complain no but still she could've been more polite when asking him to go & do things with her & try to compromise on things not you will do this end of story, I never saw/heard Tsubaki doing that.

I don’t mind people preferring Tsubaki at all I think both women leads were great and had deep feelings for Kousei. I personally feel Tsubaki would always have a friend/sister vibe. I see a lot of people saying they didn’t see romance between Kaori and Kousei but I disagree they had a deep unseen love the kind that is felt but not said.

Many may not be fans of that but it’s what they had it was passionate and anytime they interacted with one another chemistry was on 10. Tsubaki and Kousei’s relationship lacked depth it wasn’t deep they never had deep conversations and barley had much in common. Not saying you must have something in common to be compatible w/ someone but it helps. Tsubaki looked at music as something that took Kousei from her while Kaori looked at it as a way for Kousei to express himself. That’s how we musicians talk/express ourselves.

The chemistry these two had was unmatched every time they were together was like a fairy tail. I remember watching the anime and always looking forward to them spending time together hoping time could just freeze for the two of them. They expressed themselves through the music a language they both understood well.

Yes, Kaori bulldozes through Kousei’s life because it’s what he needed. He needed a wake up call with Tsubaki he would not have matured or grown he would have stayed stagnant. I guess it falls on what you deem is love or how you cope with things. Some people want space others want someone to dive in the deep end with them. Kaori went in the water to lead Kousei up. A relationship is where we grow and change together, it should be with a person who understands us. Kaori knew the only way to help Kousei was to push him out of his comfort zone.

She did also respect Kousei and Tsubaki because she knew Tsubaki loved Kousei and her time was limited she didn’t want to get between them. Hence the lie. If you want to argue she didn’t express her love enough that’s why. But we had great moments where she clenched to Kousei and told him she didn’t want to die and she wished she knew more about him such as his interest, we had moments where they performed/rehearsed passionately together, lots of laughs and caneles to much to finish. She wrote a letter expressing her love for him and leaving him her most cherished treasure a photobomb of her and Kousei.

I just finished Your Lie in April so my feels are running deep I binged it within two days and it’s left a mark on me. Kaori will always be in my heart and Kousei’s no matter what. She was the one that got away, like a lightning strike she came crashing down and disappeared. She will not be forgotten she has reached a good majority of us. I may be late with this but that’s the beauty of media you can never be late this piece is timeless.
Apr 15, 2024 11:47 PM

Jul 2023
I like both Emi and Aiza Nagi, though leaning more to Emi.
Mar 13, 9:46 PM
Apr 2022
Reply to KenSenpaiSSJG
DeamonLordZack said:
Personally I think Kousei x Tsubaki is the best Kaori being a good 2nd but nothing else & I'll tell you why Kaori seemed to much like rude spoiled brat of a bulldozer plowing her way through Kousei's peaceful enough life not caring what kind of psychological problems he may have & that just pushing & pushing & harassing him may not be a good idea. Now of course in the end for the most part things worked out ok but you never know with the human psyche as it can be very fragile. Now while Tsubaki is also a rather pushy girl she was at least trying to get him to move past his psychological trauma by trying to have him focus on something aside from music to just leave the past in the past because if all the thing your doing just hurts you in some way or form then don't do it, now in this case it might sound like just running away from the problem but with psychological problems I'm pretty sure they can be a hit or miss either what you tell the person to do works or it fails & hopefully it doesn't get worse. Now psychological problems aside it never felt like to me at least that Tsubaki was ever really forcing Kousei to do what she wanted like Kaori was she just acted natural for the most part & suggested to do things that they both wanted to do & they did them where as with Kaori she just like a bulldozer pushed Kousei inot doing what she wanted to do did he complain no but still she could've been more polite when asking him to go & do things with her & try to compromise on things not you will do this end of story, I never saw/heard Tsubaki doing that.

I don’t mind people preferring Tsubaki at all I think both women leads were great and had deep feelings for Kousei. I personally feel Tsubaki would always have a friend/sister vibe. I see a lot of people saying they didn’t see romance between Kaori and Kousei but I disagree they had a deep unseen love the kind that is felt but not said.

Many may not be fans of that but it’s what they had it was passionate and anytime they interacted with one another chemistry was on 10. Tsubaki and Kousei’s relationship lacked depth it wasn’t deep they never had deep conversations and barley had much in common. Not saying you must have something in common to be compatible w/ someone but it helps. Tsubaki looked at music as something that took Kousei from her while Kaori looked at it as a way for Kousei to express himself. That’s how we musicians talk/express ourselves.

The chemistry these two had was unmatched every time they were together was like a fairy tail. I remember watching the anime and always looking forward to them spending time together hoping time could just freeze for the two of them. They expressed themselves through the music a language they both understood well.

Yes, Kaori bulldozes through Kousei’s life because it’s what he needed. He needed a wake up call with Tsubaki he would not have matured or grown he would have stayed stagnant. I guess it falls on what you deem is love or how you cope with things. Some people want space others want someone to dive in the deep end with them. Kaori went in the water to lead Kousei up. A relationship is where we grow and change together, it should be with a person who understands us. Kaori knew the only way to help Kousei was to push him out of his comfort zone.

She did also respect Kousei and Tsubaki because she knew Tsubaki loved Kousei and her time was limited she didn’t want to get between them. Hence the lie. If you want to argue she didn’t express her love enough that’s why. But we had great moments where she clenched to Kousei and told him she didn’t want to die and she wished she knew more about him such as his interest, we had moments where they performed/rehearsed passionately together, lots of laughs and caneles to much to finish. She wrote a letter expressing her love for him and leaving him her most cherished treasure a photobomb of her and Kousei.

I just finished Your Lie in April so my feels are running deep I binged it within two days and it’s left a mark on me. Kaori will always be in my heart and Kousei’s no matter what. She was the one that got away, like a lightning strike she came crashing down and disappeared. She will not be forgotten she has reached a good majority of us. I may be late with this but that’s the beauty of media you can never be late this piece is timeless.
@KenSenpaiSSJG I just finished watching through for the first time, and I just wanted to say thank you internet stranger for this very well written little mini essay.

KenSenpaiSSJG said:
I remember watching the anime and always looking forward to them spending time together hoping time could just freeze for the two of them.

KenSenpaiSSJG said:
like a lightning strike she came crashing down and disappeared. She will not be forgotten she has reached a good majority of us. I may be late with this but that’s the beauty of media you can never be late this piece is timeless.
Mar 19, 3:03 PM

Oct 2010
Nagi. At first Tsubaki, but he can relate with Nagi a lot better. They're actually only 1 year younger than Kousei despite the looks. The series just has an issue depicting age, tbh. I always forget Kousei and such are all technically in MIDDLE school until episode 14 or so when they talk about which High School they want to go lol. I think in the future, having a wife who fully understand your career would make for a happier marriage so I'm with Nagi

but I do agree Kaori would've been best overall.... :(

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