What Underwear, If Any, Are You In Now?

My new jock!
Hey 'Mikey'! You are really ''ROCKIN' that 'EFFFFFIN HOOOOT' black N white 'STRAP'!!! I would just luv to lift up the 'SWEET SPOT' and 'TICKLE' your 'BROWN STARFISH and CUTE PINK PUCKER with my TONGUE!!! UUUUUM I'm STR8 up and LEAKIN BIIIIIIG time just typing this post!!!UUUUUMM
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A pair of AC Show-it boxer-briefs; I've stretched out the elastic so there's enough room in front.

It seems like they've changed their pouch design in recent years. The newer pouches are flatter and bigger around... the opposite of what I need. that sucks bec I really like AC.