
Devoted Member
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Chyos has made a living out of the game, and is now a victim of his own success. The day you find you have to give up trying to please everyone will be the day you find peace again. I'm not going to "decide your path", but your statements are actually your answer. You let others dictate your game, I'm pretty sure it's about money and your fear of losing patreons. You have created something cool, and respect for the incredible work effort, but you have to be able to look at yourself in the mirror, right?.
You quote the wrong Person though


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Should I download CG Rip?has it been added in update 0.5.1?
CG RIP = only pictures to fap, no game to play
You are right, although I wrote to the message in the message. but I know he sneaks peeks, so the message will probably reach the recipient.
Given the last comment on his membership of the one you Quoted he longer is a Patreon, so he can only see messages of his tier for the rest of the month, so I wouldn't hold my breath for that.
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Personally I think Chyos' main problem is the monthlyish update. His game is getting too big for him to be doing this and he might need to switch to bi monthly updates or something along those lines. Hopefully someone else who can help out. (Very risky, I'd get a contract going with that one.) This is without a doubt a huge and ambitious game and if he is intent on doing it alone then I wish him good luck.


CG RIP = only pictures to fap, no game to play

Given the last comment on his membership of the one you Quoted he longer is a Patreon, so he can only see messages of his tier for the rest of the month, so I wouldn't hold my breath for that.

:WaitWhat: :HideThePain:
If you ignore the bad fans of that genre, and the best fans of the Vanilla genre...sure...
So far I've misinterpreted CG as influential with gameplay, btw thanks,


Devoted Member
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It's almost as if the game has been focusing more on the vanilla side than the NTR since the beginning.
Because it had.
Originally there was only 1 Character with NTR content planned (Queen of Cuck Kate), the "success" of the NTR scenes and pressure from fans of that Genre made Chyos include NTR routes for all Characters and plan a dual route for any future developments
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Because it had.
Originally there was only 1 Character with NTR content planned (Queen of Cuck Kate), the "success" of the NTR scenes and pressure from fans of that Genre made Chyos include NTR routes for all Characters and plan a dual route for any future developments
Well then. (I promise, I am not being cynical here...) Maybe it is a good idea to accept that "success" then. Afterall, it allows you to play the game you enjoy. Brigading for more of "your"content is almost always a bad idea.


If I were Chyos, I would do the following every other month: Content related to the main story and content related to side quests (NTR or not). So gradually everything was flowing. NTR content that provoked new routes would only come at the end as if it were a DLC. It would be great because everyone would want to play it again. Marvel's What if type. And if the MC didn't save...
If I were Chyos, I would do the following every other month: Content related to the main story and content related to side quests (NTR or not). So gradually everything was flowing. NTR content that provoked new routes would only come at the end as if it were a DLC. It would be great because everyone would want to play it again. Marvel's What if type. And if the MC didn't save...
I like being able to play the story with NTR themes rather then just having a dozen disparate and unconnected scenarios though. This isn't giving everyone a slice of pie, it's bringing back "Equal but separate" establishments and giving NTR lovers the black bathrooms.


Sadly I agree with every word you said. I had reached the same conclusion a while back (I actually stopped being a patron long ago, didn't like the direction the game was going). I had taken some time off away from the game, so when I did download the latest version and play it, I was extremely disappointed.

I was an early supporter of the game, heck I even exchanged direct messages with Chyos at the time, offering support and help; but then the game started going off in a direction that foretold the current situation, and some members whiteknighting everything Chyos did just made it imho worse.

I was thinking about changing my review too, till I read your post. I'll hold off on that for now though I doubt anything will change in the foreseeable future. I agree that Chyos does seem like a legit good guy, but I can't shake the feeling that he himself is a huge NTR fan (at least that was the feeling I got when I stopped being a patron).
firstly everyone has the right to your opinion but I dont understand what do you people would be fair 80% Non Ntr and 20% NTR? 50-50 or whats the line for you people our counter-part for this update was Dasan he got less scenes than us in the overall end in Rumah, as a non Ntr guy am i tired from Rumah fk yes but if the majority want something how can you go against it, lets say he went against it welp he losses people cause the creator doesnt listen to us, what he does what the majority want welp he does care for the game he is a puppet he is done cause lets be honest we humans are fickle fkers no matter what someone does everyone will never be happy, was the last bonus scene bad yes it was and should Chyos be accountable yes he should, but he has already apologized so thats done. Like honestly he is up shit creek without a paddle and no matter what he does someone will be there to crtisize what he did was wrong
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