Timeline: 1989 - The Fall of the Berlin Wall, The Shot and Tank Man
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- It is 1989! Weird History presents Timeline: 1989, the last year in the decade of the 1980s. ’89 would see the liberty prevail when the Berlin Wall fell, along with several other countries in Eastern and Central Europe - From Czechoslovakia to Romania, communism took a severe blow. Weird History and Timeline are going to show you the news, culture, sports, entertainment of 1989.
#timeline #year1989 #weirdhistory Развлечения
This series is better than Netflix.
better than the CNN version too.
Your mom is better than netfilx
PCflix you mean. It sure is.
Looks like we are getting the 90s next. Get the popcorn ready fellas.
We got a smart one here folks.
cant wait
The 90s sucks except early 90s the 80s rules and is more awsome then the shitty grunge hip hop techno 1990s
The nineties weren’t as cool as the 80s
Markus Forsberg the 90s were good until 1996. Then it all went to crap. The 2001 came and now this modern times
I feel lucky to be born in '78. To be a kid in the 80's enjoying Nintendo, Legos and Transformers, and a teenager in the 90's listening to grunge or gangster rap or whatever you preferred. All the best movies came out of the 80's and 90's and technology was good enough to make your life easier but not so much where you had to be dependent on it.
Born in 78 as well, although it was at the ass end of it since my birthday's in December.
1970 so even better I got to go through the 80s as A teenager!! lol
Born in 1977... Even my kids think all the good movies come from the 80’s and 90’s. They just know it was better to be a kid in the 80’s.
I have to say that this channel has completely captured my attention. Voice over guy is one of the best I’ve heard in a while, and it’s extremely educational and entertaining, can’t wait for the 90’s series.
Very good video and series! Much love for putting these together. I was 9 years of age and living in Pontiac, Michigan in 1989. I still watch the movie The Wizard starring Fred Savage. I got a Nintendo NES in 1992 and Sega Genesis in mid 90's. I'm stuck in the past a bit
I was born in 1980. Whoever came up with this series, give them a raise! One of my favorite series on all of TV and I am absolutely stoked about the 90’s series coming.
1982, the nostalgia awwwww😊
How was your new year 2000?
Somehow these timelines make me feel old and young again at the same time
I like that they refresh my memory of a few things I stored away.
Same here 😊👍
I was born in 83 had an great childhood until my Dad passed away from lung cancer when I was 9.
Everything seemed to go downhill from there...
I agree Peter but it does make for great nostalgia.
Agreed since I was born 89 😅
Ahh Sunday morning. I walk out on to my patio with a coffee and smoke, let’s see what’s on RUclips. “4 mins ago 1989 gets posted” shit yeah!!
Dan Quayle pillock of the future
In my case its walking out on the patio to wake and bake.
That’s exactly! What I do 😉. I only wish they were longer!
Wake up, make some, coffee, have a bong rip and watch what happened when I was 23!
That's how my sunday morning starts to! It's a lovely way to start the day 🙂
Love these series! 80s looked like a great decade. Patiently waiting for the 90s timeline videos!
Hopefully 2000s as well!
My favourite part of "Timeline: The 80s" was the whole series.
The 90's got me into my adulthood... those will be a wild emotial ride. Can't wait!
I hesitated watching this because once again...I didn't want the 80s to end.
To be honest, me neither. And I'm actually from the 90s. There's something about every decade in the 20th century that makes it very special. The 21st century is bollocks. If I could I'd return to the 20th century and stay there forever.
@@brucewayne1894 I'm working on a few minutes about how great 20th was and how garbage 21st is. I hear you loud and clear.
Tbh, I hated the 1980s. I could not wait for that damn decade to end.
Same, the 80's was a good decade to grow up in (I grew up in Ireland), life with my family was quite crappy, but it didn't matter much because me and my friends spent so much time outdoors, no matter what the weather was like. As we went through the 90's, kids spent less and less time outdoors, and by the turn of the new millennium kids were hardly seen outside at all. I'd hate to be growing up now, what a crappy couple of decades that have just gone by.
@@h.borter5367 Can I ask why you hated the 80's so much?
The worst part about going to the 90s series is we are losing that killer 80s intro music :(
So we're going to get some killer 90s intro music instead? I'm game.
Whats 80 intro music
They shouldn't switch it til '92 IMO. Thats when the 90's really began.
classic Arnold 80's action movie intro
How about "killer" by Adamski, came out in 1990, so it's kinda got an 80's feel to the track. That could be your intro song...
Can’t give the producers of this series enough accolades. So well produced and written. Very entertaining and informative. 89 was a good year for my business. These clips can take one right back to that time. Bravo.👏🏼👏🏼🤠🇺🇸
I just can’t thank you enough for doing this! Great voice and great series. Thanks a lot!
Looking forward to the 90s!
This mans level of sarcasm is god level. Gets me everytime.
This is the best thing on RUclips ever
I'm sorry I have to comment again, this whole series was so well done I teared up at the end. Thank you Weird History, PLEASE don't stop.
Thank you. 😎
The rap battle of nwa and ice cube made you cry? Me too.
9/1/89 was a Friday. 1st day of my continuous sobriety. These events are so embedded into my memory in the early days and months of my sobriety. 35 years later I remember them like they were yesterday
I just spent my entire day watching all the videos of the 1980's... twice! fantastic! I loved every second of it! I can't wait for the 90's!!!!
Can't wait for the 90s. 2020 timeline will be interesting.
Ahhh, now it feels like a Sunday. Love Timeline
My sentiments exactly. Nothing like a Sunday morning out on The veranda drinking coffee watching the '80s timeline
Thank you for producing the 80s timeline videos. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching all of them as I grew up in the '80s and it was great to relive all those moments over again through your production.
This for me is a fantastic way to wind up my Sunday 😁
Basically this dude is teaching History to kids !!!! Super cool
Right? this series should be required in history classes throughout the country.
I wish it was a high school curriculum..
Yeah teaching them what year a TV show debuted, not exactly useful, but there are a few noteworthy events thrown in.
A 20 second soundbite on a historical event is hardly informative on any level. Now it's enjoyable for us who lived in the time because we can remember those events we've probably never thought of again till watching these episodes.
Grumpy Cockatiel hahaha......
Well done. I enjoyed the entire series. Couple of small errors but overall a wonderful effort. I look forward to whatever decade that you tackle next. I probably will not be as critical with the upcoming decades as I was this one. The 80s hold a very special place in my heart. Keep up the great work and I look forward to whatever you have coming next. I am eager and expecting your period
Love this series. It takes me back. I feel like I'm being aged in a good way.
2020 has seemed like a whole decade already and its only September
Dr. AwkwarD
Ok?!!. IKR?! I’m so ready for this lousy year to be over. Sure hope 2021 is better or everyone.
I'll tell you something weird:
I had enough of my opiate addiction, so I quit in February, not long before the pandemic.
Imagine how frustrating it would have been trying to get drugs, when we were told to isolate.
Good for you! Congrats 🎉 I was on MAJOR Methamphetamines, and quaaludes when I was in my teens, back in the 1980’s. I overdosed during a suicide attempt and landed in the hospital. I took my last quaalude on 24, of September 1988, and have been clean from hard street drugs ever since. But I went cold turkey. Wasn’t easy. Now I have chronic pain and would kill for real opiates,,as the pain is crippling....
But what I use now is a natural plant called Kratom. It’s a huge plant that grows wild in south east Asia. And it’s big selling point is that it has opiate like results without being a real opiate. It really helps me a lot.
And a horrible decade thus far
2020 had enough stuff to last a life time shit wild it literally feels like I went threw my whole life this year it almost feels like 2020 will never end
The only year of the 80’s I was alive for. LOL
And I’m glad they’re covering the 90’s next. At least I can remember most of that decade.
Same I'm glad I can remember like half of the 90's
I still have to wait until, like, 2007 or 8 before I even start vaguely remembering shit, lol. My earliest memory is from 2002 though.
@@bengercak8391 My earliest memory is from like 1994-5 or so while watching The Lion King
Barry Sanders the ultimate pro that simply handed the ball to the official and ran back to the bench. No ridiculous celebrations. The Lions wasted his talent.
He wasted his time in Detroit.
Agreed...HOW DARE athletes have fun and show their personalities!!!
*bernie yes it had talent to fix america but he dropped out
@@Hollywood2021 dd
These ‘80s time line videos really take me back to my childhood. All of these videos get a huge 👍🏾! I can’t wait for the ‘90s videos.
Thank you for uploading these videos from the bottom of my heart.
It doesn't matter what it is. Good or bad. All things must come to an end. We shall miss the 80s just as much as this series. 😭
I dunno who's doing the writing.. but y'all need, like.. ALL the awards. "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride..." killed me.
Glad this series is gonna continue to the '90s. Hopefully it will also cover the '00s, '10s, and '20s! This reminds me of the old "I Love the '80s" shows on VH1 from back in the day. I think doing the decades in chronological order seems fine
I’m going to re-watch the 80’s
This series is the one I looked most forward to out of any other I've seen on RUclips. Very well done and an immediate teleport to my teen years. Thank you for this and I can't wait to see what the collective you do next!
Repeating the Uncle Buck scene where he gave the lady a quarter and told her to go downtown and have a rat chew her mole off got me in SO much trouble through the years. John Candy was amazing!
Yeah I was in the Army at NTC when they announced over the radio that John Candy had passed away in Mexico while filming a movie.
I wanted to do that to my son's jerk principle last year. she was nasty.
Buck Melanoma!
Adam Borseti moley russell’s wart!
Such a humble guy and great actor. Canada's Sweetheart lol. Gone way too early. RIP John Candy
1989 baby, the year I was born!!!!!! This is gonna be sooo cool to watch considering I was born in Sept of that year lol thank you so much for an amazing, informative & fun series Weird History💕
Eleni 1979 lol I love it
*Thank you so much for your weekly videos!! I always look forward to your HIGH QUALITY videos and editing!!*
Omg I can’t wait any longer! I need the 90s episode already 😭😫
I just stumbled on Timeline today, man I have a lot of episodes to watch. Thank you.
80's were like a movie themselves
2000’s too
I would love to hear more about the one handed pitcher. Thanks Weird History, you rock!!
Yeah, he has never received enough credit over the years, neither when he was playing or after he retired. What he was able to do was so amazing, he should definitely be in the hall of fame. It sounds like a story out of a movie, a one handed pitcher not only having a solid professional career, but also throwing a no hitter.
It was nothing short of amazing to watch the man field the ball, which he did well. He would keep his fielding glove which was left handed like he was backwards on his right nub. After throwing the pitch, he would immediately put it on his left hand. If he had to field the ball, he would quickly put the glove on his left hand, field the ball, and then stick the glove under his right armpit and retrieve the ball with his left and then throw it to first base or whichever base was appropriate.
It was truly an amazing thing to watch, and he was so good at it that he consistently threw out even the fastest players without giving up an infield hit. You might also think that it would be easy to bunt against him for a base hit, but he was extremely good at fielding balls with his bare hand.
He was an inspiration to watch, and a real inspiration for disabled sports fans and non sports fan alike, as well as people in general, by showing them that there were no limitations that couldn't be overcome.
As a short aside, it's interesting to note that his story was taught in schools and used on standardized tests in the reading comprehension section. But liberals had them removed because they took umbrage with the fact that these stories implied that his disability somehow made him different from other people, and that it was bigoted to say that his disability was an obstacle that he had to overcome. I stead, they claimed it should have been a non issue because disabled people should be able to do anything that able bodies people could do. They also removed similar stories about a blind man who was able to climb mountains. I just always found that funny and absurd, because I was in school when the controversy was taking place.
@@augustgreig9420 there was PETE GRAY before him, who was a 1-handed outfielder if I recall. I think there may have been a movie made about him in fact, so Jim Abbott probably deserves one, or a documentary at least.
@@augustgreig9420 Having grown up being considered by others as living with disabilities (I never thought that about myself) I can almost guarantee you all he cared about was being given a chance and being able to do what he loved. The notoriety and all weren't needed. Whoever gave him his first chance is a story that needs to be told if it hasn't been already.
I'm 60 years old and I remember each and every person who gave me that chance to prove myself without judging me by appearance only.
Just as you never forget the ones that blatantly turned you away simply based on what they perceived vs actually seeing for themselves.
I always felt sorry for them as they were the ones missing out :-)
His story being removed from the school for those reasons was ridiculous. Let the students decide that for themselves.
Most so-called able-bodied people never make it to the big leagues.
I and many like us like to say, Be an inspiration, not a victim. He was an inspiration for sure and great to watch.
Oh man, this was and is such an epic series and I want to say thank you so much, I loved every moment of it. I was born in 84 so a lot of the list I can remember and wow did it bring a whole lot of memories, so thanks for that also. I am really looking forward to the 90s, it’s gonna be just as epic, I can’t wait. Lastly, please, please do the special edition you mentioned. I feel it would go over just as well as everything you already did.
Thanks so much for everything, the great content, everyone who worked on this, their time, energy, effort, and care to put forth the work to make this series so accurate and come across in a way that just made me and I’m assuming everyone else, wanting to come back every weekend after watch the great weekday videos to catch the epic following years episode.
So again, thank you guys, everyone who made this happen. Take care, stay safe, and peace until next time.
FANTASTIC series, thanks a ton!!! 🙏🏾
BEST SERIES!!! Please do the 60s, 70s and 90s! I feel like you guys do interesting and important highlights!
I was born in 89 and have been waiting for this for a while! thanks for the excellent series!
Wow I was born in 1989 also that was a good year for us cause computers video games world wide web also anime and superhero"s
I remember sitting in our living room, watching the World Series, when the earthquake struck. But the most traumatizing part was seeing the freeway that had collapsed with cars trapped inside. I was 9 years old and for the longest time I was terrified any time we crossed under a bridge.
Right?! It was horrific.
I was 12 when I saw that on TV in New Zealand, it totally freaked me out watching the footage, as we had always been told we were due for a really big earthquake in the Southern Alps fault line. Fast forward to September 2010 and we got hit bad, but from a different fault line. Still jump when I hear deep rumbling sounds.
@@BrickNewton so yall could see the US news back in the 1980s in New Zealand
@@quanbrooklynkid7776 it was a big deal, so yeah they probably got shown information about it
...i love these Timeline episodes. such a nostalgic trip, it makes an old man cry. thank you for this,
Good job guys . can't stop watching your videos
i really enjoyed the timeline videos and i enjoy your channel. i like the fact that you kept the series interesting and almost impossible to not watch the full video. im sure the 90s edition will be just as entertaining. as far as decades go, while all the decades of the 20th century were important in there own way and the 1970s , 80s and 90s are often in the spotlight for not only their importance, but also the roles they played in society, fashion, music and television, i think that maybe the 1910s 20s or 30s would make for a interesting series. aside from the depression or womens right to vote, there are alot of really neat and inspiring things that occurred.
Oct. 17, 1989, I was shopping with my 3 year old in an older part of Oakland, we were looking for a fake moustache for his Charlie Chaplin costume, when I felt the floor vibrate, I could see my son jumping and bouncing and I said to him, "If you don't stop that jumping, you're going to shake this whole place down around our ears!"
At that point, the first jolt hit, I grabbed my son and started running for the doorway, the lights were swinging into the ceiling and glass rained on us, while items on the shelves were being pitched at us when I noticed that the door was entirely made of art deco era glass. I threw my son under the cashier's counter instead. I looked out the window and I could see the pavement rising and falling like waves on the ocean.
When it ended, I went home to find that the chimney had twisted sideways above the roof.
Later when my husband got home, we got ropes and pulled it down fearing an aftershock would launch it into the house.
A few weeks later my 3 year old asked how the chimney got broken, I told him it was the earthquake. He said to me, "You mean the earthquake happened here too?"
A few days after this I heard my son sobbing hysterically, when I went to find out what was wrong, he said, "I didn't mean to do it!"
When I asked, "what did you do?" his response broke my heart, "I started the earthquake! I got all those people dead!"
It took hours of talking to him to make him understand that a 3 year old, weighing 45 pounds, could not start an earthquake!
All because right before it hit, I'd said to him, "You're going to shake this place down around our ears"
This RUclipsr should of liked your comments! Was nice u talked to your son a lot of parents didn’t back in the 80s
@@sda-clips thank you
Bluebelle51, Thank you for sharing your incredible story. I can only imagine the fear you, and everyone else who was there, experienced when your world started shaking itself apart like that. We experience no such events here in Ireland. And as someone else said above, it's nice that you took the time and patience to calm your son the way you did, back then many parents would have gone down the, "Don't be so stupid, how could it be your fault?" path, and left it at that. Obviously you were a good mother. I do hope your (now 34 year old?) son got through his blaming himself for the earthquake😊! What a thing to blame yourself for!! And I also hope your house got repaired promptly.
Thank you for this. I wasn't born yet, but my mom was in West Oakland waiting for the World Series to start when it all happened. She was also right in the middle of the massive Oakland Hills fire that happened two years later while pregnant with me.
The Bay has been through a lot.
@@chicagoakland I went through the 91 fire as well
I went to my church and found they were evacuating people from the hills to their parking lot when a helicopter came over with the PA on saying, "the fire is on the ridge, you must leave this area immediately"
Since I had a huge station wagon, we loaded about 10 people into my car and I took them to my house and left them in the yard while I went back to get more, but a block before I got to the church, the police had the area closed to incoming traffic, so I had to turn back
Everything sounds so important with this guy's voice! I'm enjoying this series immensely.
Thank you so much for doing this series. I laughed, I cried. But, most importantly, i remembered the best years of my life. Hopefully i will carry these precious memories till the end of my days...
Yay, I can't wait for you to talk about my childhood: the 90s!
i was a 90's kid and my birth year is 1989
Same im 1988
Does 93 count? Seems like a hybrid generation.
Always loved your videos but this is my fav!!! The year I was born I always wanted this!
Madonna's Pepsi commercial aired only once, and it was during The Cosby Show. It was promoted during the week prior.
So more expensive to Pepsi than a Super Bowl ad at the time, they might be $5m now.
Good times, Cosby being the good guy.
@@jospi2 last night on SNL was the rerun of when Eddie Murphy hosted. Best line in the monologue when he mentioned he had 10 kids and then did his impersonation of Bill Cosby saying "who's the family man now?"
Great series and a new fan of the channel, it was a pleasure to go back into time and can't wait for the next one. I'm a 80s baby, but raised in the 90s. 7/4/1989
Same here .love the trip down history Lane. 4/11/89
You're only a day younger than my best friend haha, he was 7/3/1989. My day is 9/6/1989
Darn,,the 80s are over, just like my childhood in 89 when i graduated highschool. This was a very enjoyable series, thank you. The 90s were rough before i found my way in life, but i will still be watching the series.
I was class of 90. I cant believe I lived through the 90s.
@Wylde Wylde i see your point, i meant more along the line of school being finished and time to work for a living and i married young.
Helluva year to graduate and party ...89 was awesome. I’m probably guilty of pushing it into the 90’s (twenteens)
@@duncandmcgrath6290 yes, 89 was awesome
I grew up in the 80s and you still had stuff i dont remember, well done, thankyou
Saved this last one till today. Couldn't let go. You guys do a fantastic job! Time to watch the 90's
Sergio Leone is one of the biggest influences on Quentin Tarintino. The Leone/Eastwood: Man with No Name Trilogy and My Name is Trinity Trilogy are some of the best Spaghetti Westers ever made.
And they are so naked as a result of their being made in Italy. Interesting stuff.
Don't forget about Once Upon a Time in America! Such an incredible film.
dont forget Metal Gear.
Absolutely loved this series! I was born in '81 and this decade defined childhood for me. It was wonderful going down memory lane.
I'm not American, but this is an extremely fun to watch series, since many aspects of that culture were exported overseas and were an integral part of my childhood. The only thing I think I won't ever be able to understand is the American fascination with baseball. Thank you and keep up the great work, WH!
You forgot Voyager 2 visiting Neptune. That was the first and only time a spacecraft ever visited that planet.
:( Nobody cares on Planets anymore. So Sad!
Dude lets talk about this channel's intro song, it's really refreshing and satisfying to hear that beat come out at the beginning.
This series is amazing! Please do the 90s or 70s next! The 90s would be awesome, but then after that you'd have to go to the 2000s, and I'd think more people would be interested in seeing a timeline on the '70s than one from 2000 to 2010, but maybe I'm wrong.
I'm gonna go and rewatch the entire decade. This was such a well made and informative series. Thanks 👍
This was such a great series and I looked forward to watching them every Monday. I can’t wait for the 90’s👍
I just finished, binge watching your series! A super trip, down memory lane! Thank you!
cant get enough of these
Gonna miss the 80's from next episode... keep em coming ... thanks
Great series and show, very nicely executed! Thank you :) Minor note: Gretzky scored his 1851st point in that game, not goal. In his entire career, he scored 894 goals (regular season).
Looking forward to the next series :)
Ah 1989, the year of the greatest batman movie in history.
Mask of the Phantasm was better.
Michael Keaton is the best batman
lol the American Gladiators TV show clips made me lol. Pop culture was so fun in the 80s-90s
This is one of the best series on youtube rn
The timeline music jingle is SO COOL so 80’s omg I love it so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️I sure watch from 1980 to 1989 all over again thank you so much for doing it
I love the 80's. It was a great time to be a kid. The music was the best. Thanks.
This was informative, entertaining, and nostalgic. Good looking out.
This channel is so badass, I'm so excited for the 90s
There was still so many things missing that were part of the 80's.
This is a masterful series. Voice overs great info amazing and entertaining. Bravo 👏🏽👍🏽💯
This is the best thing to ever happen in RUclips I’m loving it
I absolutely love your videos! I can't wait for the next timeline season!!!
Wonderfully put together!
I love Weird History documentaries.
Looking forward to seeing the '90s next
I just wanted to tell you this Weird History, Thank you!
I like how the title graphic reflected the time.
Brilliant video! I love the eighties! Music, movies and life was spectacular!😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😍😍
This series is simply awesome. Great narrative
The MLB commissioner being the dad of Paul Giamatti is the greatest twist.
I never knew that. Interesting!
Timeline 2020: 30 minutes of non-stop footage of a on fire dumpster with 2020 written on the side in human excrement and a loop track of wordless screaming.
It least you could have put "spoiler alert" in the header.
And don't forget the great covid scare of 2020! 🙄
Was it really that good?
More like an outhouse on fire. An outhouse full of murder hornets.
I was a teenager and turned 20 (in 1978) during the 70's -- I would LOVE for you to do timelines about that decade!!
Disco(Vision)/LaserDisc and the whole Mr. Wizard thing would have to be used lmao
Vh1 has I love the 70s series you can watch on youtube
@@InfamousFunkster Thank you very much.
Yes pls
Your old
I love saved by the bell even tho I’m a 2000s kid but I’m currently super invested in the 80s and 90s
Now it's time for 1980....part 2!
1981.....part 2.....etc.....
Don't ever get rid of the narrator.
His voice, total icing on the cake.
YES! This was awesome!! I was 14 in Washington in 1989 and I am blown away that Ken Griffey, jr was only 19!!! I am not a sports fan but hey, there wasn’t much to watch those days and I was aware of the world, things just look so different when you look back decades later. Holy crap. Thank you for this. 1989 was the last “good year”, in my humble opinion anyway.
The 50's would be interesting.
60s would be better because if the beatles
50’s would be a challenge not as much footage available
Boring ass decade.
@@hennylo68 Nah.
80’s best decade ever...great job covering this decade.
Thank you for this series. Terrific work!
Love these videos. Are you gonna do the 90s? The 70s?