Watching this again, because it's rad as hell and we love watching you huck the heck out of your car on the track, but watching the little bit of gravel/grit in the pass footwell move around as you go around the track is such a great visual of how fast you're changing directions, how good the grip is, etc. What we're saying is can we be the official sponsors for your footwell grit?
Excellent video and a great view of all those spec series -- cooler than pro-racing AFAIC!! In the mid-1970s I had a 69 BMW 2002 that I bought for pretty cheap after it had been rolled. Back then there was no BMW of NA -- they are imported by Hoffman Motors of NY -- so it took a while but I eventually got it fixed up (more or less) with the help of a body shop pull it out and fix the body and frame -- and then junk yard body parts (from all over the country -- no internet --- just phone calls and published parts lists!!) and a Macco paint job (yeah back then $125). It still looked lkind tacky -- but cool in a way too -- bought a set of 40 mm side draft Webers, lowered the springs, put on Konis, fender flares, wider wheels and tires etc -- basically made my own TI/"race car" and used to do well in parking lot or "gyukhana" racing .
Well this is awesome! I recently watched your expedition towing video before we bought one to see if it was ok with towing my race trailer with an e46… and now I see this video, I was wondering what you had in that trailer lol. I’m currently working towards my comp license with nasa so I can race spec e46
Hah, awesome! Small world. The Expedition will do fine (although I like the LWB model better with an enclosed) and I think legally I am obligated to encourage you to sell the E46 immediately and buy a Spec3 instead. What region are you in for NASA?
@@OutMotorsports Oh of course, I bought the max expedition. I actually liked the spec e46 class because they use less stock parts. It deff costs more than spec 3 but I they’re more playful with the spec parts, makes for a faster and more fun car to drive! I’m actually it far at all, Great Lakes region. I’ll be at Pitt race a couple of times this year as well!
Most people have no issue with fog just with fog-x or dish soap applied to the inside of the windshield, so the addition of the windshield blower is just extra insurance.
I didn't know that about the euro expansion tank,since I have my SAP deleted I wonder if I can do that when I do my cooling upgrade. Are u local to 412?
Not local to 412 unfortunately! You can do the Euro tank, absolutely. Bimmerworld will sell you the tank and one of their team can walk you through what else is required to install it:
Common Spec3 suspension alignment settings (and much more) can be found in the Spec3 Constructor's guide. Just give that a search in your search engine of choice.
I like it.. from Australia... I'm building a budget e36 328 jack of all trades car.... Bit of track . Motorkarna auto cross. Drift ..tar and gravel rally.. budget!!!..
That is shockingly little mechanical modification - having it stripped and caged probably made as much difference for speed as the combined 'performance' mods. 2 questions - what is the purpose of the net on the right side? And, does anyone ever make theirs street legal? You'd have to swap the air intake in & out for inspection and night driving, but, looks like it'd be really easy. Great looking car by the way, it really did turn out well.
You should not drive any car with a cage on the street. These cars are full race cars and should never be street driven. The net in the middle serves the same function as the window net on the left; to contain the driver in a crash. The nets hold the set itself in place when sustaining lateral G's as well as (the window net mainly) keeping the drivers arm inside the car.
@@TaylorGoesFast Well, I have no problem with driving a caged car on the street. Seems like it should be quite a bit safer than your typical pre-airbag heap, and plenty of people (myself included) still drive those. I do treat it like driving a motorcycle - take extra precautions, realize that you're driving something that, for a multitude of reasons, you don't want a random driver smashing into, etc. The one caveat is, I do typically wear a helmet, because that's the one area where the car is much less safe to the occupant than it was stock - head impact. So, yes, if you only get driven around in
@@matthewmarshall6531 none of this is really correct. You shouldn't be in a car with a cage without a 5 or 6 point harness and you should use a harness like that without a head and neck restraint system. You can't drive a Spec3 on the street. We require a catless exhaust, you'll be missing a headlight, you won't have any of the stock electronics or anything left if you want to make weight. It would be a horrible street car.
@@TaylorGoesFast Proofreading, dear: " you should use a harness like that without a head and neck restraint system" "None of this is correct" is actually incorrect. A cage is crash structure. It's how your car is designed - to have front and rear crumple zones and, to the point that it's feasible, a non-deformable passenger cell. You still have front and rear crumple zones, but you now have an even stronger passenger cell. Is a head and neck restraint an extra layer of protection when using a harness? Yes! Did people race for years and years, get involved in all sorts of crashes, and walk away before they were widely available, also yes. Of course, you're opening yourself up to some risk by not having one (and, no one is to say you couldn't wear one on the street if you really wanted to). Every single thing you do opens yourself up to risk. I just think you're blowing a small amount of risk way, way out of proportion. "You can't drive a Spec3 on the street." Yes, you actually can. "We require a catless exhaust, you'll be missing a headlight" - and? As I mentioned, it looks like it would be quite simple to swap the headlight in and out when needed (I could be wrong on this), and very few places are going to require an emissions inspection on a nearly 30 year old car. "you won't have any of the stock electronics or anything left if you want to make weight. It would be a horrible street car." What does this even mean? It doesn't have a radio?? Who cares! Of course it's a terrible street car! I've never thought 'I want to go for a nice, comfortable, relaxing drive. I think I'll take my racecar.' It's to take it to the mechanic across town, who doesn't really have space to unload a trailer. It's to take it to weekend car shows. It's to go to a local AutoX. It's to take the car out for an hour or two drive after doing a ton of work on it, so you don't have to wait until you're at the track (having paid a bunch of money) to figure out that, oh, it's actually not fixed. There's a slew of reasons to have a car be street legal beyond it being a daily driver. I see that you feel differently about the benefits of having your racecar be streetable. That's fine! I appreciate not having the hassle of a car that I can't take past the end of my driveway without the laborious task of putting it on a trailer (a task that brings along plenty of its own risks). Most people seem to not feel that way. But to say 'No, absolutely not, there is no way for it to be done' is just false.
THANK YOU for using a non m for your racecar build. I just NEVER understand someone paying the "M" tax on a e36 m3 just to rip EVERYTHING off that makes it an M(essentially making it a 325)to build a "racecar" they take to the track once...taking yet another m3 off the road
Well, my first racecar was an E36 M3 sedan so don't get too excited. It fit in a different class and we kept all the M bits as do most club racers, they are advantageous over the non-M cars. Everyone in NASA who's building a racecar (doing track days is not racing) is keeping the car going for years. Mine lasted 8 years before a few crashes required it be parted out. In the case of Spec3, though, you give up a bit of horsepower (and aero, brakes, tires) given the class rules but it's ended up being more fun overall. Either way, the important thing is these cars are being used and enjoyed, not sitting in a garage left to rot and be stared at.
If anyone wants to spend more money... come race Honda Challenge with me. Jokes aside, these cars are VERY good on the stock brakes/DTC60s, they definitely get the job done... and the fast guys are absolutely sliding these things around to be fast.
@@carter_longcor Oh Carter. Sweet boy. Yes, gays do love cars as much as straights and you have in fact stumbled upon a channel for those exact people, a channel that exists because people like you leave comments like these. Stay well.
@@OutMotorsports it’s weird to be so obsessed with the cult symbolism. The flags and such make me loose respect for a person. It’s weird to make you taking dick after you cut yours off your personality. Just be yourself without having to be a member of the cult. It’s not the actions that are gross it’s the cult ideology that shows your sickness of not holding anything more important. You could have put anything on that car and an identifier of sexual preference is what you choose. Being gay is what it is I respect it but It’s disgusting that it’s consumed your identity. You’re not a gay or tranny. You’re a human who happens to be that. But when I see the flags and symbolism it’s makes me see one as a freak not a human.
@11:15 I had no idea both my tail lights worked. Fantastic.
I love Spec3 with all my heart. So glad you've joined us!
Great job dodging John when he spun out, it made my hold my breath!
@@keithdosik I saw Jon go sideways and just stayed the course. I didn't have anywhere to go since I was already two in the dirt. :D
can't wait to build one and race it.
Fantastic Video. I'll be sharing this the next time anyone asks me about Spec3
Great video! You are right- the cold weather e36 does come with a 3.15 LSD but most will find them parted out from a manual M3.
This car is so cool.
Glad you enjoyed! Build one yourself and come race with us!
Watching this again, because it's rad as hell and we love watching you huck the heck out of your car on the track, but watching the little bit of gravel/grit in the pass footwell move around as you go around the track is such a great visual of how fast you're changing directions, how good the grip is, etc. What we're saying is can we be the official sponsors for your footwell grit?
You can sponsor my footwell detritus any day 😍
That looked like so much fun!! I’m on my 3rd e36 and building it slowly. This was a great informative, fun video.
Glad you enjoyed! Build it to Spec3 rules and come race with us!
@@OutMotorsports that is for sure the goal. Thank you for the encouragement.
Great video, Jake!
Holy crap John spinning made my heart jump!
Excellent video and a great view of all those spec series -- cooler than pro-racing AFAIC!! In the mid-1970s I had a 69 BMW 2002 that I bought for pretty cheap after it had been rolled. Back then there was no BMW of NA -- they are imported by Hoffman Motors of NY -- so it took a while but I eventually got it fixed up (more or less) with the help of a body shop pull it out and fix the body and frame -- and then junk yard body parts (from all over the country -- no internet --- just phone calls and published parts lists!!) and a Macco paint job (yeah back then $125). It still looked lkind tacky -- but cool in a way too -- bought a set of 40 mm side draft Webers, lowered the springs, put on Konis, fender flares, wider wheels and tires etc -- basically made my own TI/"race car" and used to do well in parking lot or "gyukhana" racing .
this is sick! I have a 328i and im working on building it up to race on the track
Great video, fantastic car! That livery is ON POINT!!!
Spec3 is what I wish Spec E46 was
Well this is awesome! I recently watched your expedition towing video before we bought one to see if it was ok with towing my race trailer with an e46… and now I see this video, I was wondering what you had in that trailer lol.
I’m currently working towards my comp license with nasa so I can race spec e46
Hah, awesome! Small world. The Expedition will do fine (although I like the LWB model better with an enclosed) and I think legally I am obligated to encourage you to sell the E46 immediately and buy a Spec3 instead.
What region are you in for NASA?
@@OutMotorsports Oh of course, I bought the max expedition. I actually liked the spec e46 class because they use less stock parts. It deff costs more than spec 3 but I they’re more playful with the spec parts, makes for a faster and more fun car to drive!
I’m actually it far at all, Great Lakes region. I’ll be at Pitt race a couple of times this year as well!
If you are racing in the rain does the defroster set up do enough to keep the screen clear? Also what spring rates do you run?
Most people have no issue with fog just with fog-x or dish soap applied to the inside of the windshield, so the addition of the windshield blower is just extra insurance.
front spring rate of 375# and rear rate of 550# for the Spec3 spring made by Swift
I didn't know that about the euro expansion tank,since I have my SAP deleted I wonder if I can do that when I do my cooling upgrade. Are u local to 412?
Not local to 412 unfortunately! You can do the Euro tank, absolutely. Bimmerworld will sell you the tank and one of their team can walk you through what else is required to install it:
What camber, castor and toe do you have on the front? and what camber and toe do you have on rear?
Common Spec3 suspension alignment settings (and much more) can be found in the Spec3 Constructor's guide. Just give that a search in your search engine of choice.
Did you have to do anything to the oil pump nut??
Yes, should always safety-wire the oil pump nut on the M50/52 and S50/52 engines!
Are using wheel spacer front/rear? If yes what size?
Most Spec3 racers run a 15mm spacer up front and a 12mm spacer in the rear with a 17x8.5 wheel with either a 40 or 38mm offset.
good to compare vs uk 750mc BMW CCR regs, i run a 328i with 220bhp, at 1220kg with me and half a tank.
I like it.. from Australia... I'm building a budget e36 328 jack of all trades car.... Bit of track . Motorkarna auto cross. Drift ..tar and gravel rally.. budget!!!..
That is shockingly little mechanical modification - having it stripped and caged probably made as much difference for speed as the combined 'performance' mods.
2 questions - what is the purpose of the net on the right side? And, does anyone ever make theirs street legal? You'd have to swap the air intake in & out for inspection and night driving, but, looks like it'd be really easy.
Great looking car by the way, it really did turn out well.
You should not drive any car with a cage on the street. These cars are full race cars and should never be street driven.
The net in the middle serves the same function as the window net on the left; to contain the driver in a crash. The nets hold the set itself in place when sustaining lateral G's as well as (the window net mainly) keeping the drivers arm inside the car.
@@TaylorGoesFast Well, I have no problem with driving a caged car on the street. Seems like it should be quite a bit safer than your typical pre-airbag heap, and plenty of people (myself included) still drive those. I do treat it like driving a motorcycle - take extra precautions, realize that you're driving something that, for a multitude of reasons, you don't want a random driver smashing into, etc. The one caveat is, I do typically wear a helmet, because that's the one area where the car is much less safe to the occupant than it was stock - head impact. So, yes, if you only get driven around in
@@matthewmarshall6531 none of this is really correct.
You shouldn't be in a car with a cage without a 5 or 6 point harness and you should use a harness like that without a head and neck restraint system.
You can't drive a Spec3 on the street. We require a catless exhaust, you'll be missing a headlight, you won't have any of the stock electronics or anything left if you want to make weight. It would be a horrible street car.
@@TaylorGoesFast Proofreading, dear: " you should use a harness like that without a head and neck restraint system"
"None of this is correct" is actually incorrect. A cage is crash structure. It's how your car is designed - to have front and rear crumple zones and, to the point that it's feasible, a non-deformable passenger cell. You still have front and rear crumple zones, but you now have an even stronger passenger cell. Is a head and neck restraint an extra layer of protection when using a harness? Yes! Did people race for years and years, get involved in all sorts of crashes, and walk away before they were widely available, also yes. Of course, you're opening yourself up to some risk by not having one (and, no one is to say you couldn't wear one on the street if you really wanted to). Every single thing you do opens yourself up to risk. I just think you're blowing a small amount of risk way, way out of proportion.
"You can't drive a Spec3 on the street." Yes, you actually can.
"We require a catless exhaust, you'll be missing a headlight" - and? As I mentioned, it looks like it would be quite simple to swap the headlight in and out when needed (I could be wrong on this), and very few places are going to require an emissions inspection on a nearly 30 year old car.
"you won't have any of the stock electronics or anything left if you want to make weight. It would be a horrible street car." What does this even mean? It doesn't have a radio?? Who cares! Of course it's a terrible street car! I've never thought 'I want to go for a nice, comfortable, relaxing drive. I think I'll take my racecar.' It's to take it to the mechanic across town, who doesn't really have space to unload a trailer. It's to take it to weekend car shows. It's to go to a local AutoX. It's to take the car out for an hour or two drive after doing a ton of work on it, so you don't have to wait until you're at the track (having paid a bunch of money) to figure out that, oh, it's actually not fixed. There's a slew of reasons to have a car be street legal beyond it being a daily driver. I see that you feel differently about the benefits of having your racecar be streetable. That's fine! I appreciate not having the hassle of a car that I can't take past the end of my driveway without the laborious task of putting it on a trailer (a task that brings along plenty of its own risks). Most people seem to not feel that way. But to say 'No, absolutely not, there is no way for it to be done' is just false.
@@matthewmarshall6531 ok
THANK YOU for using a non m for your racecar build. I just NEVER understand someone paying the "M" tax on a e36 m3 just to rip EVERYTHING off that makes it an M(essentially making it a 325)to build a "racecar" they take to the track once...taking yet another m3 off the road
Well, my first racecar was an E36 M3 sedan so don't get too excited. It fit in a different class and we kept all the M bits as do most club racers, they are advantageous over the non-M cars. Everyone in NASA who's building a racecar (doing track days is not racing) is keeping the car going for years. Mine lasted 8 years before a few crashes required it be parted out.
In the case of Spec3, though, you give up a bit of horsepower (and aero, brakes, tires) given the class rules but it's ended up being more fun overall.
Either way, the important thing is these cars are being used and enjoyed, not sitting in a garage left to rot and be stared at.
Love the colour!
Are u allowed minor upgrades like m3 cams and a tune? Or would that be against rules?
We use a spec tune, 325i cams must be retained.
@OutMotorsports I seee, awesome! Thanks for the reply, happy pride!
If anyone wants to spend more money... come race Honda Challenge with me. Jokes aside, these cars are VERY good on the stock brakes/DTC60s, they definitely get the job done... and the fast guys are absolutely sliding these things around to be fast.
Why are your nails painted lol 😂
Because I wanted them to be 😘
Painted nails 💅🏽 suspect
Suspect what exactly?
@@OutMotorsportssucking pee pees
Aw, why the vomit?
@@OutMotorsports gay
@@carter_longcor Oh Carter. Sweet boy. Yes, gays do love cars as much as straights and you have in fact stumbled upon a channel for those exact people, a channel that exists because people like you leave comments like these. Stay well.
@@OutMotorsports it’s weird to be so obsessed with the cult symbolism. The flags and such make me loose respect for a person. It’s weird to make you taking dick after you cut yours off your personality. Just be yourself without having to be a member of the cult. It’s not the actions that are gross it’s the cult ideology that shows your sickness of not holding anything more important. You could have put anything on that car and an identifier of sexual preference is what you choose. Being gay is what it is I respect it but It’s disgusting that it’s consumed your identity. You’re not a gay or tranny. You’re a human who happens to be that. But when I see the flags and symbolism it’s makes me see one as a freak not a human.