Drummer Reacts To - Slipknot Drummer Learns Insane Mastodon Drum Part
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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#slipknot #eloycasagrande #reaction
Eloy: "that was decent" ....... after absolutely crushing it. The dude is the ultimate perfectionist.
He meant "decent" as in he knew it wasn't 1:1 exact way to play that song but he did his best from what he can pick up at that moment. But the playing itself is obviously god tier
Brann always stood out to me. His style is very unique to himself. He unapologetically utilizes single stroke sticking, which is awesome to me. This was a blast watching Eloy nearly perfect Blood and Thunder in 45 mins. What a beast.
Brann is unique as fuck and so damn fun to listen to, seeing him play capillarian crest and the last baron for drumeo recently was truly glorious, wish more people reacted to that. While blood and thunder is awesome and a classic I kinda wish they gave Eloy a more difficult song like capillarian crest
@@puppetmaster8551holy damn bro i see u under every mastodon video 😅
@@Mintis-bh4rr mastodon rules, they also don’t get enough love from reactors so I’m always riding for them in the comment sections lol
@@puppetmaster8551 facts
The fact that he’s so humble makes him even more likable!
the most incredible thing about eloy is that he is a true drum scholar, knowing a ton of styles, and he keep his humility, aways wanting to improve and be a better drummer, even though he had won a ton of awards;
Nailed it!
I think every band out there is doubting their drummer, except Slipknot! All ayes on Eloy! Absolutely the best!
No, Dream Theater isn’t. They have the best
@@WillColaneri cmon, MP is't better than Eloy
" Best drummer we have right now" is an insane statement.
He is El estepario siberiano:s favorite drummer aswell😎
Eloy is my favourite drummer atm..I think he's probably at his peak right now....I still love listening too his work live and studio in Sepultura
Eloy is a mixture (Dr. Albert Einstein + Hulk + Flash + Neurosurgeon Doctor), in one
Eloi Casagrande is insane, the best best drummer of the world
Eloy absolutely crushed it. The energy and power matched the original and to be honest, in 40 mins of learning it, I'm blown away.
Eloy. Man, it seems every time I hear something from this guy...just when you think, wow he is at the top of his game. He pulls a Deadpool and wolverine and shows you something new and incredible. He did an amazing job. Like old school dominos pizza 30minutes or less. And does THAT...such talent..and that humble attitude. And his openness is certainly top tier high caliber. It's that whole package that makes him who he is and why him and his talent is so appreciated.
When I saw Drumeo had Eloy on for a Mastodon song, I was SO STOKED to see it was Blood and Thunder.. I’ve been a huge fan of both Brann, and Eloy as drummers, and as PEOPLE. Both the best caliber out there imo, and are both tremendously humble, and respectful. The original video did not disappoint, and especially Brann getting to give it a listen in the end, and comment. BOTH total class acts.
My all time favorite drummers are:
Brann Dailor
Mario Duplantier
Matt Gartska
Eloy Casagrande
Joey Jordison
Vinnie Paul
Danny Carey
Honorable mention to El Esteperio Siberiano as well. Like him-I also don’t gravitate toward YT vids/prodigies “just because everyone else is”.. He IS a tremendous drummer for sure, and super fun to watch/listen to..
Thanks for reacting to this one bro! Keep up the killer content! 🍻🤙
@@littlemotor414 if I wrote out my favorites our lists would look almost identical.
@@the_comedycritic6066 that’s awesome brothaman!
The drummer of slaughter to prevail is interesting too
10:30 Eloy thought: I'm going to swear in Portuguese, no one will understand anyway. 😂😂😂
Eloy is something else, let's face it.
DAMNNN 🔥🔥 Eloy's so humble yet his drumming's so damn fire and powerful
You should react to his side project called Casagrande & Hanysz. I love the song Resolution. It has some of his best drumming ever. It really sets him appart from most drummers.
Eloy is a MONSTEEEEEER 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🥁🥁🥁🥁
I love seeing these challenges. It really let's the drummers ability shine.
Very cool react! Loved it! And congrats to Eloy! This song is a monster!
Eloy and Bruno Valverde are my favorite drummers.
Eloy = God Drummer
I think the craziest thing about Eloy Casagrande is that I grew up in a small town in Arizona called Casa Grande and the next town over is Eloy. What are the odds?
That's not a thing about this drummer though, that's about Arizona
@@lollipop84858 correct.
Definitely an awesome choice for Slipknot
This video is so fun! I'd love to see drumeo feature Patrick Galante. He is a monster on the kit, and a pretty cool guy.
Agree his is the best
i think i stopped breathing since he started the final take .. absolutely breathtaking
Eloy is freakin amazing!! I’m honestly amazed he hasn’t blown out that snare head!!
I saw mastodon live in Atlanta in 08. Brann is a machine. Not to mention he sings while he does what he does
It didn't take him long, he was being extremely gracious to say the least but goddamn he plays so hard its insane! \m/
Eloy is incredible and absolutely the best drummer of this younger generation I have come across. He can do so many different things its crazy, the ghosting is incredible, then the power element of his playing, wow! He clearly stays super fit and strong so I hope this kind of power playing he does can be sustained because we all know what 20+ years of this kind of playing can do to someone. Being super fit like he is, should really help him in that regard.
Regarding his physique, in an interview he said that he prepared his body and keeps him in great shape to play the way he likes to play, so yes, he will have that physique throughout his entire career.
Great breakdown Colby. Very fun
This guy's a machine
I agree with you, this guy is the best in the business right now.
Eloy is the best, for sure
Mejor batero de la actualidad, sin dudas!!!
He definitely is one of the best check out Necrutman with Sepultura I belive he is most versatile drummer today
Very Nice and smooth, i would love to see Christoph Schneider on Drumeo!
Eloy The Best 👏🏻🇧🇷
That was really f**king good.
I went to HS and was in the Marching Band with Keith Carlock.
Eloy Casagrande is Brazilian. He added in "Spit It Out" song some drum techniques which are commonly used in old samba and old maracatu songs, an afro-brazilian northeastern rithym. Violence.
Eloy is simply insane 😅
Eloy is a monster on the kit!!
he is my favorite Drummer!!!
Absolutely my favorite
Cool. He's doing great. And of course I like this videos.
I know my limits, and I can promise you that I would never be able to do that.
Unlike some people who say that if you set your mind up, you can accomplish anything.
Nope, not me.
But I can’t say who’s the best drummer because I’m going to be biased. Eloy Casagrande and I have roots together, so I’m leaning towards him but I believe it’s unfair due to my emotions come into play… you know what I mean?
I love the evil grins from the drumeo guys lol they're straight up 😈 lol
Grande Eloy, one and only
The guy on the microphone looks like Alan Shearer 😂😂
Brann is amazing and one of the best
Brann com 33 anos, tambem era fera
He's amazing 💯
You should check out Pau from The Warning! She was Drumeo’s 2023 drummer of the year
Eloy killed it
Yes, I like this style of videos.
Best drummer we have right now is just true.
Because Joey Is not with us anymore...
from Brazil to you, mortals, welcome to the third world, where we are forged in difficulty and that is why we are the best
10:30 when you get so stressed, you revert back to factory settings lmao
Love the Randy Rhoads shirt ❤
Eloy is fucking AMAZING!
Eloy is such a humble guy. I LOVE his drumming. Best of the best, right there. 🤘😎🤘
Brazil mentioned!
I've been a fan for 25 years 1999 to September 15th 2024. I've seen them 13 times out of the 25 time's.
Love it!
Love Eloy but Brann will always be my favorite drummer. Im not downplaying anything whatsoever about this. Eloy is incredible and to learn it so fast. It was an A+ playthrough. But I don’t think Eloy would be able to play with nearly as much power if doing a longer Mastodon song or a Mastodon set. They’re draining. Both have their pros that they utilize perfectly. We’re lucky to have them both in the metal world.
Quadra >>> mastodon
Well he plays whole Slipknot sets like that, so I dunno about that.
eloy é o melhor baterista do mundo, eloy is the best drummer in the world.
Eloy está ditando como será o metal daqui por diante.
Eloy is a genius...
I listened to this song so many times in nfs most wanted😂
Slipknot drummer? His name is Eloy Casagrande
I'm freaking speechless, I'm calling him GORN greatest of right now......
Parabéns Eloyyyyyy você está sendo foda.
Perfect!!! 🇧🇷
Eloy about to be the next Mastodon drummer now. LOL
El estapario and Eloy casagrande r both gods of new age drumming
eloy, é o cara.....toca muito
Eloy is in my top 5. Along with Abe Cunningham, David Sandstrom, Brandon Barnes annnnd probably Brad Wilk. That being said, there are so many amazing drummers, it’s almost impossible to keep the same top 5 forever. Haha
2 fills. Caveman fills near the end. Dude is a disciple of Aquiles Priester.
Never challenge a Brazilian, it can take a few takes but we'll eventually perfect it.
Now let’s see Lars try it
Whatever he’s paid, is not enough!
Dope.... First! ✌🏽👽
You should react to a drum cam of Jamie St Merat from the new zealand based band Ulcerate. He will blow your mind. the best modern extreme metal drummer.
He's amazing! I saw someone say in the comment section, most bands have a lead guitarist, Ulcerate have a lead drummer. Him, and Eloy are two favs at the moment!
Eloy the best....toca muito
38 minutes later🤦🏻🤯🤣
Uau Very nice, Eloy MONSTER Casagrande.
There is no doubt, he is great. I'm still partial to Neil Peart (RIP).
Of course, it was a matter of time for him to pick it up...
We Brazilians love how Eloy's moving our energy fowards playing with Slipknot and all of this Drumeo videos! And he put a "PUTA QUE PARIU" in the end! That's awesome!
O kra é um monstro
30 minutes.....yeah I got it. Crazy
eloy has been my fav since he joined Sepultura
Better than siberiano...big statement....both are amazing.
You should react to Brann Dailor playing capillarian crest and the last baron from the recent drumeo video he did, those songs are way crazier that blood and thunder and imo Brann doesn’t get the love he deserves by reactors which is a bummer because he’s a legend. Anyway sick vid from Eloy he’s fantastic
Eloy is the best out there hands down
How has Eloy not been charged with assault and battery or attempted murder of a drum kit yet!? 😂
Can we get this to the drummer if mastodon and have him return the favor and learn one of eloy bands
isso é NFS MW