Orca Encounter (Full Show)- SeaWorld Orlando-09.17.24

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • #Show: Orca Encounter
    #Date: September 17,2024
    #Time: 5:00pm
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Комментарии • 21

  • @Lunatic_Dragons
    @Lunatic_Dragons 6 месяцев назад +2

    I’m so happy they brought The Hunt back!

    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel 5 месяцев назад

      Why was it missing? I was checking several 2024 videos and couldn't find it until this one. I saw five shows myself in early June and it was always there.

    • @tuarstinkyalt3
      @tuarstinkyalt3 29 дней назад

      @@Aethuvielprobably they wanted to made it shorter for the construction

  • @tuarstinkyalt3
    @tuarstinkyalt3 27 дней назад

    im so glad they actually brought back hunt because i actually missed hunt so much. it left in 2023 but i am so glad hunt is back because i really missed this portion of the show

  • @felicitytoad
    @felicitytoad 6 месяцев назад


  • @timtaylor953
    @timtaylor953 6 месяцев назад +4

    Keeping these amazing mammals in captivity and In shows like this should be banned. Its so cruel. 😢🤬

    • @KasatkaTilikum
      @KasatkaTilikum 5 месяцев назад

      Did you know that SeaWorld is actually a World Leader in the Care and Study of Killer Whales?
      They work with some of the TOP Animal Behaviorists, Biologists, Veterinarians, Zoologists and Researchers from NOAA. Government Research as proven Orcas at SeaWorld are living long lives - just as their counterparts in the Wild. With the top veterinary medicine and husbandry - SeaWorld's Orcas are Thriving. Many Aquariums, like Zoos donate to Conservation and Animal Welfare Organizations as well as submit research on Marine animals. Some Aquariums even go out and rescue as well as rehabilitate Marine animals. Zoos are Pro-Conservation and Education. People Learn a new thing each day from visiting well-run Zoologicial facilities. Zoos are a place where families can have unique experiences together every time they visit. Today's families are more conscious than ever of the need to teach their children about the natural world and respect for living creatures. The trainers LOVE these animals. They share a unique relationship with the whales. They are not "forced" to do tricks! How are you going to force such a huge, highly intellgent animal to do any behavior? With mutual trust, respect and love - as well as positive reinforcement (Rewarding) as you do with dogs or horses. Bonding with any animal takes time. Also, Their "tricks" are Natural behaviors you'll see in wild orcas. The shows are to educate people about these creatures. If the animals did not want to perform in shows they would easily not do it. When you give killer whales plenty of fish and they have had their fill for the day, what else are you going to give them? More fish? SeaWorld's legacy of animal rescue spans more than 50 years. In that time, SeaWorld’s Rescue Teams have come to the aid of more than 41,000 sick, injured and orphaned animals in need, giving them a second chance at life. The opportunity to see orcas up-close has inspired millions of people, especially children, to care more about marine animals, the oceans and the environment. So you see, it is not “cruel”! SeaWorld is very good and takes very good care of their amazing animals! #seaworldcares #Istandwithseaworld #Iloveorcas #Iloveseaworld

    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel 5 месяцев назад +1

      Making ignorant comments damaging good people should be banned. There are no "poor" anything here. These animals are the 0.1% luckiest in the entire world.

    • @timtaylor953
      @timtaylor953 5 месяцев назад

      Everyone is entitled to their opinions and that is mine. End of.

    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@timtaylor953 So just live your life and end of? You didn't just have "your own opinion", you're out there actively encouraging the destruction of animal's lives and good work done by good people. If you don't like it, leave them be and live your own life!

    • @timtaylor953
      @timtaylor953 5 месяцев назад

      @ You clearly have not understood my original comment have you. I don’t agree with these animals performing in captivity in small tanks or pools. You obviously do!

  • @FlowingDepths
    @FlowingDepths 6 месяцев назад +2

    I hate that these people realized they could make money by doing this. Everything about this is terrible. Imagine doing the same tricks over and over to terrible music because it's the only way you'll get fed...

  • @forblianonym9642
    @forblianonym9642 6 месяцев назад


    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel 5 месяцев назад

      Do you seriously look up these videos only to leave negative comments?

    • @forblianonym9642
      @forblianonym9642 5 месяцев назад

      @Aethuviel nope? Do you?

    • @Aethuviel
      @Aethuviel 5 месяцев назад

      @@forblianonym9642 You just did. You vomited over these whales. I come here to share in the joy and love of these whales, you can here just to barf.

    • @forblianonym9642
      @forblianonym9642 5 месяцев назад

      Wow, you are not the sharpest tool in the toolbox huh? Anyway, dont let me ruin your pleasure of watching these magnificent creatures being tortured in these tanks. Cuz I'm just a whale shitter on, right? Its not at all like I'm shitting on people kerping whales in tanks or people like you who dont have any braincells at all.

    • @forblianonym9642
      @forblianonym9642 5 месяцев назад

      Must be hard being a total psychopath not knowing the difference between love and torture.