Things people have said about you (to your face)

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Once, when I was living in exile (Idaho *shudders*) I had to fire a girl because she was stealing. I sat her down with my assistant manager (another woman, whom she really hated) and gave her a chance to come clean.

She started in on the both of us colluding to get rid of her because my assistant was sucking my dick, which was patently false. But after that I didn't have to come up with proof of theft or any other wrongdoing because she was so vile directly to us. Gone.

Often, while on patrol in my cruiser in Vegas, I'd have Latinos or Black people call me anything from "Huero" "Pelon" "Cabron" "cracker" "Punk-ass-bitch" or anything else you can imagine. I always feel that if I've got them yelling at me I must be doing something right. And nothing pisses off a race pimp more than agreeing with them and smiling as I put the wrist crushers on or advise them of the trespass warning.

It's worse if a property owner or manager is yelling at me for not doing my job (which has never happened) because then they'd have cause to cancel a contract and I'd be up shit's creek.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Get out and don't come back.
"You're fucked in the head."

same girl several hours later ...

"Oh <redacted>, Imma cum. How'd you get so good?"

Alcohol on both counts.
The worst thing someone actually ever said to my face was only "I'll be blunt, I don't like you" in a bar I used to work in, but that sent four of my other workmates into rapturous laughter because everyone else who worked there hated her guts for being a stuck up cow.

I have a few others that stick in my mind, mostly people accusing me subtly (or not so subtly) of being a bit strange.

Me : "Am I weird?"
Friend (lengthy pause) : "Well.... you're not normal."

Friend 1 : "(Stiffy)!!!"
Friend 2 : "Christ, what's he done now??"

Girl (to friend, about me) : "He's got an incredible mind, hasn't he?"

Girl (to friend, about both of us) : "You're so immature."
Friend : "I'm immature. HE shouldn't be allowed out. Ever."

I also had a female friend tell me "You're an animal" after watching me lick the sugar from the rim of the glass my margarita was served in. This being a female friend who has told me that if her long-term, committed relationship ever broke down, I'd be the first guy she'd want to fuck. This thought keeps me awake at night sometimes.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
My mother used to tell me, she wouldn't buy me for a dollar, but she wouldn't sell me for a million....then she would give me a hug.

I have also been told, there is a special level of hell, just for me.


Closed Account
Long time ago I checked receipts of every customer leaving a warehouse shopping club. I stopped four guys right in a row, and asked to see their receipts, last guy said: "Did you stop me cause I'm black?"
Me: "Yes, and I stopped the three white guys in front of you because i suspected they had black ancestors."

He actually laughed and gave me his receipt.