Every Unsolved HunterxHunter Mystery Explained in 20 Minutes

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Check out our NEW Anime Channel where we talk about some of the most EVIL Villains in Anime! / @animecourtroomvids NEW Limited Merch out now! Get a shirt or hoodie today and help keep the lights on over here. : droppd.com/ani...
    Every Unsolved HunterxHunter Mystery Explained in 20 Minutes
    Explore the lore rich world of Hunter x Hunter as we dive deep into every unresolved mystery in the series! From the enigmatic Nen inscriptions and Hisoka’s cryptic past to the dark legends of the Dark Continent, this video explains the most puzzling aspects of the HxH world. Discover how Don Freecss may still be exploring the New World, the true nature of Gon’s mother, and the potential hidden powers of Ging Freecss. With the manga returning on October 7th, now is the perfect time to revisit the mysteries that still fuel fan theories and speculation. Don’t miss out on the untold truths and hidden clues scattered throughout the story!
    Topics Discussed:
    Nen Inscription - The mysterious Nen technique that can strengthen objects and enforce restrictions.
    Hisoka’s Past - A glimpse into Hisoka’s eerie backstory and origins, as revealed in a special one-shot.
    Journey to the New World (West Edition) - The lost journal of Don Freecss and the possibility that he’s still alive in the Dark Continent.
    Gon’s Mother - Speculation surrounding the identity of Gon’s mother and unusual theories involving Greed Island’s Pregnancy Stone.
    Ging’s Nen Ability - Theories about Ging’s unseen Nen abilities and his mastery over multiple Nen categories.
    Kurta Clan - The tragic history of Kurapika’s clan and potential connections to the Dark Continent.
    Gyro - The former king of NGL and his potential return with new powers after becoming a Chimera Ant.
    Sonata of Darkness - A cursed musical score with potentially deadly ties to the Dark Continent.
    Hermit’s Scroll - The elusive scroll Hanzo seeks, possibly hidden in the Dark Continent.
    Maha Zoldyck - The legendary Zoldyck family elder and his mysterious connection to Netero.
    Kite’s Revival - Theories on how Kite was reincarnated as a Chimera Ant after his death.
    Benny Delon - The twisted blacksmith whose cursed knives continue to wreak havoc even after his death.
    Floor Masters - The elite fighters of Heaven’s Arena, with Chrollo and Hisoka among their ranks.
    Join us as we unravel these mysteries and more, and get ready for the return of Hunter x Hunter on October 7th!
    #hunterxhunter #animeexplained

Комментарии •

  • @animeinminutez
    @animeinminutez  4 месяца назад +20

    NEW Limited Merch out now! Get a shirt or hoodie today and help keep the lights on over here. : droppd.com/animedrop

    • @eyes5877
      @eyes5877 4 месяца назад


    • @landonletterman831
      @landonletterman831 8 дней назад

      Makes me wonder if the Phantom Troupe tattoo isn't a form on nen-inscription

  • @Karmawashere-1
    @Karmawashere-1 5 месяцев назад +1547

    Great video but do not forget the most famous lines of the philosopher that "bungee has both properties of rubber and gum"

    • @TheGreatPewpyOne
      @TheGreatPewpyOne 5 месяцев назад +57

      You NPCs really gotta find a more funny and fresh meme cause jfc do you NPC beat a dead horse

    • @benniluetke6287
      @benniluetke6287 5 месяцев назад +4

      Ah ha ha

    • @Karmawashere-1
      @Karmawashere-1 5 месяцев назад +35

      @@TheGreatPewpyOne it's not that serious man... Chill

    • @Flavio-bn7ne
      @Flavio-bn7ne 5 месяцев назад +10

      not funny

    • @Karmawashere-1
      @Karmawashere-1 5 месяцев назад +16

      @@Flavio-bn7ne it was meant to be annoying, been a fan of hunterxhunter since 2014 and trust me.. This is the most annoying line I read in every comment section or thread related to the anime

  • @paristonn
    @paristonn 5 месяцев назад +668

    6:02 Ging never said he recorded her voice, that was the 1999 version of the anime. In the actual manga it said, "About your mom If you want to know, keep listening. If you don't...", he never said that he recorded her voice or anything. You can go ahead and reread that part on chapter 66 "The Tape."

    • @svej6912
      @svej6912 5 месяцев назад +18

      thanks for the info

    • @wadewilson8011
      @wadewilson8011 5 месяцев назад +38

      Appreciate that Intel. I'm tired of these RUclipsrs doing half-ass research and thinking that they're experts

    • @fighter213
      @fighter213 5 месяцев назад +111

      @@wadewilson8011 Dam good to know you never make any mistakes or misinterpret anything that you do. Also if you actually read the comment you'll notice that it was said during the 1999 anime, and disproven by the manga, which probably means it was a translation error and not poor research... I mean the fact you use "intel" instead of information really shows how pretentious you are. Especially since you're using it wrong haha.

    • @Lunaspapa
      @Lunaspapa 4 месяца назад +15

      @@fighter213 Yummy yummy please spoon-feed me more misinformation I love it!

    • @Clooger-
      @Clooger- 3 месяца назад

      ​@@fighter213Quit bltching.

  • @icecoldnut5152
    @icecoldnut5152 5 месяцев назад +323

    I like the idea that Ging has an ability that he needs to be in a group for. I think it'd be even funnier if his nen ability is made stronger by a restriction forcing him to work with others. Imagine if he got a huge nen boost because he hates working with other people that much.

    • @KingOfhearts72
      @KingOfhearts72 5 месяцев назад +37

      Would really explain greed Island a bit better. Yeah

    • @MarcoAntonio-jq7lo
      @MarcoAntonio-jq7lo 5 месяцев назад +12

      Kinda like Halkenburg's ability that gets stronger when he's near his soldiers.

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад +13

      He carried one of those pregnant stones because he hates commitment, but wanted a legacy.

    • @kasinooni9241
      @kasinooni9241 28 дней назад +3

      Ging doesn’t hate working with people. He’s just selfish so tends to prioritise what he wants which can create friction. Generally if you share the same goal as him he doesn’t mind working with you especially if it’ll help him out.

    • @anna.owo.
      @anna.owo. День назад +2

      So, Ging doesn't hate working with people, people hate working with him​.

  • @Used__Napkin
    @Used__Napkin 5 месяцев назад +736

    Honestly, I wanna know what’s up with Beans. Is he human? Is he made of nen? Is he from the dark continent? Why is his head a bean? Did he use nen to look like that?

    • @LeoBeastmode
      @LeoBeastmode 5 месяцев назад +129

      Maybe a magical beast. Magical beasts in HxH is kind of a mystery too. With some of them being sentient, I wonder how pervasive they are in society.

    • @jurgenparkour9337
      @jurgenparkour9337 5 месяцев назад +90

      He is just a bean. A talking bean. Nothing more, nothing less

    • @pedro-hw1wl
      @pedro-hw1wl 5 месяцев назад +31

      He's just a weird-looking human. He's supposed to have human skintone but the anime made him green for some reason

    • @JustCrash
      @JustCrash 5 месяцев назад +1


    • @glauberbispo8922
      @glauberbispo8922 5 месяцев назад +1

      cause his name is bean

  • @schrodingersdinger3839
    @schrodingersdinger3839 5 месяцев назад +181

    I don’t think the fact that Benny’s aura still remains on his knives is any indication of him being an emitter or specialist. His talent and dedication simply caused him to unconsciously utilize nen, further enhancing the quality of the knives he made. It’s like how Neon unconsciously developed her fortune telling ability from her admiration of an older fortune teller. Or how Komugi unconsciously used nen while playing against Meruem due to her dedication and staking her life on every game.

    • @sakthiveltamilan
      @sakthiveltamilan 5 месяцев назад +9

      Yeah, this makes sense ❤

    • @teinestokoe2628
      @teinestokoe2628 Месяц назад +2

      Unsure if there's enough evidence to support this theory, but I operated under the assumption that everyone who unconsciously uses Nen taps into specialization as their nen category

  • @eded9157
    @eded9157 5 месяцев назад +139

    Togashi create exceptional mystery and interesting lore bits like crazy and then casually just forget about it.

    • @KingOfhearts72
      @KingOfhearts72 5 месяцев назад +12

      This. Like all the “magical animals” that appear at the start of the story. Never got more explanation to them did we?

    • @benboothroyd1523
      @benboothroyd1523 5 месяцев назад +18

      Not everything needs to be explained though. HxH is about journey and exploration, ultimately. I don’t need to know the biological basis of magical beasts. I don’t need to know Hisokas past. Keeping these for instance shrouded in mystery is better than explaining it. Especially hisokas past - having it explained would ruin much of the mystery of his character.

    • @brokenntv4739
      @brokenntv4739 5 месяцев назад +14

      @@KingOfhearts72well im pretty sure someone in the Dark Continent Arc said something about magical beasts originating from the Dark Continent, not forgotten really. and most his other mysteries are better left unknown, makes it more interesting. like the Sonata of Darkness

    • @sangan3202
      @sangan3202 4 месяца назад +3

      we probably wouldve known a bunch of these if he didnt go on hiatus for multiple years

    • @brokenntv4739
      @brokenntv4739 4 месяца назад

      @ and and he could of killed himself at his desk trying to work so?

  • @gabrieleiji9222
    @gabrieleiji9222 5 месяцев назад +62

    Everything about the dark continent, Don, Gyro, Pariston, Sarasa's death, Kurta clan's death and Beyond is a big mystery

  • @waylonhastings
    @waylonhastings 5 месяцев назад +184

    Fun fact, Maha is a title meaning great in Sanskrit. So Maha might be an honorific and his real name is Zigg. This is my head canon

    • @sopapiglobo
      @sopapiglobo 5 месяцев назад +7

      I think the same

    • @brokenntv4739
      @brokenntv4739 5 месяцев назад +7

      ive always just called him Zigg Zoldyck, so ill adopt this theory too lol

    • @EerilyChillGuy
      @EerilyChillGuy 4 месяца назад

      If that is true then what about zenos father maha is his grand father so who is his father

    • @jaodasilva7993
      @jaodasilva7993 4 месяца назад +2

      maha is also how japanese people say "Mach" like in the speed of sound

    • @Mahiii778
      @Mahiii778 3 месяца назад +2

      ​@@jaodasilva7993hmm he might have power's similar to killua

  • @karthikeya8498
    @karthikeya8498 5 месяцев назад +133

    14:49 Maha didn't survive a battle with netero. Netero is the one who survived a battle with maha.

    • @abdelk6881
      @abdelk6881 4 месяца назад +4

      Maha survived the battle with netero

    • @nicolasromani3523
      @nicolasromani3523 3 месяца назад +13

      Both survived a battle against each other.

    • @foolishkai1822
      @foolishkai1822 2 месяца назад +15

      @@nicolasromani3523i mean, technically, yeah, but the line from zeno is "he's (netero) the only one to fight my grandpa and survive"

    • @gorgeousgino3260
      @gorgeousgino3260 2 месяца назад

      @@nicolasromani3523wrong. Things aren’t true just cause you want them to be bud

    • @Damiano97
      @Damiano97 Месяц назад

      It's just an example of how old Netero really is. No strength involved. That whole part says that.

  • @landonletterman831
    @landonletterman831 8 дней назад +1

    I just get the worst feeling that it's going to be revealed the Kurta clan were skilled assassins, that you don't know it until you're initiated (part of Kurapika's training was _literally_ to move amongst people without revealing himself), but Kurapika was just getting old enough to join.
    That the Phantom Troupe actually _saved_ him from becoming a mercenary for hire, through Kurta tradition.
    Part of my thinking on this has to be:
    Name for me one moment, besides the Kurta clan, where the Phantom Troupe _punches down!_ They punch up, and their history makes me feel, all the more, like they had a darn good reason (besides being paid to) to go after them. That SOMEONE had to pay for them to do it, and I think the eye thing was just a bonus on top of their actual reason for doing it

  • @treypaige2985
    @treypaige2985 5 месяцев назад +63

    The fact that Ging made an entire Nen video game full of nen vows and restrictions and so many abilities has to make him the greatest nen user ever

    • @dussa472
      @dussa472 4 месяца назад +12

      He didn’t do it alone

    • @docker_java
      @docker_java 4 месяца назад +1

      ​@@dussa472 i mean he didn't but he did over 80% of it.

    • @ivanblyat
      @ivanblyat 3 месяца назад +20

      ​@@docker_javayou totally pulled that 80% out of thin air, we have no idea how much each person contributed.

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад

      @@dussa472 Tell that to Kojima.

    • @shinyzy
      @shinyzy Месяц назад

      Yeah and then got his son to compete in it knowing he could’ve died. He’s a master manipulator as well

  • @UncontrollableOne
    @UncontrollableOne 5 месяцев назад +72

    3:26 what!? No way!

  • @ruii933
    @ruii933 5 месяцев назад +48

    I am more curious to see Pariston's Nen ability than Ging's because we still didnt know the range of his power. He still didn't show his combative power throughout the series

    • @Sabrinapivasi
      @Sabrinapivasi 2 месяца назад +6

      Would be funny if he turns out to be an enhancer and go super saiyan

  • @CastlenovaCaption
    @CastlenovaCaption 5 месяцев назад +152

    We're gonna need to update the part abt Gon having no nen, wasn't one of the more recent chapters that Gon's nen was just invisible to him as confirmed by his father.
    He has it just can utilise it

    • @gbemade
      @gbemade 5 месяцев назад +41

      Yea he has aura but he doesnt have nen which is the ability to use aura. He can relearn nen but he doesn’t have it currently

    • @luizrafael7939
      @luizrafael7939 5 месяцев назад +4

      Yeah, would be awesome if it's part of a retcon do gons powers

    • @Alienゝ
      @Alienゝ 4 месяца назад

      He got a reset, now he has to train again to get his nen

  • @njoYYY
    @njoYYY 5 месяцев назад +30

    I would love to know more about Wing. Dude came out of nowhere and showed such great abilities tbh. He is definitely a very good nen user

  • @qcgrimmy9277
    @qcgrimmy9277 4 месяца назад +18

    kurta clan being from the dark continent makes sense because of the power from the scarlet eyes which is 100% efficiency in every nen category while the scarlet eyes are active

  • @abominationdesolation8322
    @abominationdesolation8322 3 месяца назад +18

    If Don has been writing the West edition for 300 years, then who knows how long it took him to write the East edition? He might be far, far older than just 300.

    • @atopgaming9000
      @atopgaming9000 17 дней назад +4

      dont worry don freeccs will complete east edition before togashi completes hunterxhunter

  • @kite9096
    @kite9096 5 месяцев назад +28

    My fav theory is that Pariston is Sheila and either he killed Sarasa or Sarasa was one of his "doll-nen-ability". He either fake Sarasa's death with nen, Sarasa was never alive and was a nen-doll or he was the one who killed her.
    That he saw great potential on Chrollo and wanted him to grow strong for later use. (It is implied that Pariston nen ability is linked to dolls and that Marione is part of his Nen ability).
    Then, Pariston incriminated the Kuruta clan as the killers of Sarasa, and that is why they massacre the Kuruta clan.
    Pariston is also Sheila, Sheila was friends with the original Phantom Troupe members when they were kids in meteor city, before they founded the Troupe. Sheila is also the outsider girl that befriends Kurapika and Pairo in the forest where the Kuruta lived. (Yes, that same Sheila)
    Sheila (Pariston) also manipulated Kurapika into going to the outside world, shortly before the massacre happens. It is likely that Pariston saw great potential on Kurapika and that is why he coordinated the massacre to happen while Kurapika was outside the Kuruta clan village.
    Pariston might be behind everything related to the Kuruta massacre, the creation of the Phantom Troupe and Kurapika's revenge.
    Pariston (Sheila) has stated himself that making the people he loves hate him is what makes him happy.

  • @ChibiKeruchan
    @ChibiKeruchan 5 месяцев назад +25

    it feels like the DARK continent is not originally uninhabitable place.
    it is more like healthy continent that was taken over by nen beast from thousand of years ago.
    coz how would that place have music/instrument or something? or Scrolls with human language written on it?
    Dark continent is more likely a disaster from thousands of years ago, and their journey in there is not just about bringing back treasure or something.
    it is more like finding a way to fix the continent back to it's original form.
    it might have been a continent where everyone knows how to use NEN and everyone go gaga about using nen, such as unlocking the nen of a dog or a cat without realizing the danger of such. in which in create a plague or deceases powered with nen. things had become out of control and it become a disaster. people start leaving the place and the continent become what now knows as Dark continent.

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад +2

      I think it was said humanity was from the Dark Continent and fled to where they are now.

  • @AbdessalamM
    @AbdessalamM 5 месяцев назад +6

    I never thought of these critiques, i always thought it is s good theory for Gon's mom. Great analysis and makes sense when it comes to the serious challenges this theory faces

  • @Senrodo
    @Senrodo 11 дней назад +1

    14:38 I cannot be the only one questioning why Killiua's Great Grandfather looks like Garou😑🙏🤨

  • @schrodingersdinger3839
    @schrodingersdinger3839 5 месяцев назад +43

    I’m not sure if Chrollo’s Ben’s knife actually generates the poison itself. Silva believed it to have poison on it based on its shape. Chrollo probably just applied the poison beforehand.

  • @fzzz9527
    @fzzz9527 5 месяцев назад +25

    tonpa vs hisoka panel was very nicely done

  • @jarlongeorge8328
    @jarlongeorge8328 5 месяцев назад +21

    6:30 Gon never lost his nen he just reverted back to before his aura nodes were opened

  • @kadse2994
    @kadse2994 5 месяцев назад +12

    One of the greatest mystery to me in the Hunter x Hunter universe is who is this girl on the cover from the 15th volume? Some people in the HxH community speculated it is an early concept of Biscuit Krueger who never made in the actual manga but was printed on the cover anyway which makes no sense to me

  • @oshogee
    @oshogee 5 месяцев назад +150

    You forgot that bungee gum has both the proprieties of rubber and gum.

    • @zoro_lost69
      @zoro_lost69 5 месяцев назад +8

      I totally forgot thanks for reminding

    • @MarcosAntonio-vf3ln
      @MarcosAntonio-vf3ln 5 месяцев назад +2


    • @thomascole5584
      @thomascole5584 5 месяцев назад +3

      He did say that! I not sure whether you're ignorant or a troll.

    • @TheGreatPewpyOne
      @TheGreatPewpyOne 5 месяцев назад +1

      He definitely did say that.. learn some new memes fr

    • @thesimplenoob89
      @thesimplenoob89 5 месяцев назад

      Its 2024

  • @theyoungknight.3119
    @theyoungknight.3119 5 месяцев назад +20

    Nen inscription seems to work as some kind of coding that allows your aura to persist inside the coding and activate when programmed circumstances are met.

  • @camazotz-n2j
    @camazotz-n2j 3 месяца назад +1

    while watching the show i noticed how gon sometimes knew things about ging he shouldnt know and how sometimes he acts like an exact copy of ging

  • @obloez4107
    @obloez4107 5 месяцев назад +13

    6:30 doesnt ging say that gon still has nen but he just can't sense it himself? that actually strengthens the possibility of gon being made completely out of nen, since a vow that strong would 100% rid gon of nen potential, but he still kept some of it

    • @geloscopy5736
      @geloscopy5736 5 месяцев назад +6

      All living things have nen, its just that gon lost his ability to utilize and see nen. Basically its like as if he was the way he was before his aura nodes got unlocked. Ging says its as if gon just went back to normal because naninka removed the drawbacks of his vow. Its possible gon will just have to relearn nen

    • @obloez4107
      @obloez4107 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@geloscopy5736 thanks, for some reason i just overlooked the basics of nen and you're right literally everything has nen thats my fault. also when u say that he has to relearn nen i find that really interesting as by that logic he should theoretically just be able to use it, but if he cant learn it that way maybe we can see him leraning the martial arts style (forgot the name)

    • @uuh4yj43
      @uuh4yj43 5 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@geloscopy5736 if gon had no nen he would die, so it makes sense he has just lost his nen abilities. idk if he will or can relearn nen given how powerful his vow was, he basically mastered nen as adult gon, and used up all he could get out of it. given those circumstances i think his vow might bind his ability to use nen, even tho he has to have it by virtue of being alive. this is just speculation on my part obviously.

    • @tawj1918
      @tawj1918 5 месяцев назад

      confusing nen with aura. everyone has aura. nen is controlling the aura

  • @TheMeladya
    @TheMeladya Месяц назад +2

    Um, about the “Gon being made of nothing but Nen.” That wouldn’t be true as you said the card says the holder will become pregnant, meaning the fetus would live off ging with an umbilical cord and they would therefore share DNA.

  • @sonicspeediscrazy
    @sonicspeediscrazy 5 месяцев назад +10

    Dark continent gonna be so hype people living for gta6 i am living for the dark continent

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад

      Half of Europe is living in a dark continent.

  • @swoomyswoom3455
    @swoomyswoom3455 5 месяцев назад +83

    I hope to know more about Zigg
    I mean he's been my profile picture for several years so yeah, big fan
    Unironically one of my favourite characters

    • @BrotherManBilliam
      @BrotherManBilliam 5 месяцев назад +25

      Big fan is crazy

    • @sahnounismail
      @sahnounismail 5 месяцев назад +7

      @@BrotherManBilliam right ahhaahhaha this one of my favourite characters he said lmao

    • @glauberbispo8922
      @glauberbispo8922 5 месяцев назад +22

      big fan of a character that appear just once and never said shit

    • @brokenntv4739
      @brokenntv4739 5 месяцев назад +6

      cant believe yall hating on a mysterious character when mystery is one of the biggest pulls to everything in Hunter Hunter. shoutout to my Gyro fans too bro 👊

    • @reality4saints
      @reality4saints 4 месяца назад +2

      @@glauberbispo8922damn he can’t like his design 😂

  • @williamplarose
    @williamplarose 5 месяцев назад +1

    that hisoka story sounds so good what

  • @bruno_trevis
    @bruno_trevis 5 месяцев назад +1

    You're the man! I love your videos!

  • @DiamondFist320
    @DiamondFist320 Месяц назад +1

    I love how youtubers just take each other's video format without making up their own.

  • @desgranada3274
    @desgranada3274 5 месяцев назад +21

    FYI, netero was the one who survived maha after they fought not the other way around

    • @goldennebula5013
      @goldennebula5013 5 месяцев назад


    • @hooks3978
      @hooks3978 5 месяцев назад +3

      ​@@goldennebula5013 He's saying that netero was the only one who survived Maha, not the other way around

    • @goldennebula5013
      @goldennebula5013 5 месяцев назад

      @@hooks3978 isn’t that what he says in the video though

    • @hooks3978
      @hooks3978 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@goldennebula5013 look at the manga panel

    • @hooks3978
      @hooks3978 5 месяцев назад +5

      @@goldennebula5013 Zeno said "he's the only one who fought my grandpa and survived" or something

  • @LazyCrit
    @LazyCrit 5 месяцев назад +3

    Bro straight up answer a question right in the begining

  • @AbdessalamM
    @AbdessalamM 5 месяцев назад +34

    You forgot to mention that the same symbols are illustrated in the coffins room in Whale ship..in another chapte...

    • @sakthiveltamilan
      @sakthiveltamilan 5 месяцев назад +5

      Also in boxing ring floor when Gon's team went for the dodgeball game, remember that? The one guy who auditioned gon and killua's hatsu for his team also mention the nen symbols laid on the boxing ring floor helped the user to teleport his punch.

    • @AbdessalamM
      @AbdessalamM 5 месяцев назад

      @@sakthiveltamilan True

  • @blahblahgdp
    @blahblahgdp 5 месяцев назад +58

    5:45 please never put this in a video again

    • @Nishinoya-haikyuu07
      @Nishinoya-haikyuu07 5 месяцев назад +4


    • @BluahGhaa
      @BluahGhaa 4 месяца назад

      Why not? You dont like men?
      It's 2024 everyone is gae

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад

      The only instance where being a real woman happened.

  • @Karmawashere-1
    @Karmawashere-1 5 месяцев назад +6

    Another day another banger video

  • @ffswege9244
    @ffswege9244 2 месяца назад +1

    5:46 so if someone insulted gon "your dad is your mom" it would be lore accurate...

  • @scuffed_on_yt
    @scuffed_on_yt Месяц назад +1

    Fun fact: Bungee Gum has the properties of BOTH Rubber and Gum.

  • @Blazedshuggs
    @Blazedshuggs 5 месяцев назад +16

    I like the pregnancy stone theory for gon simply for the fact the card exists but we never saw anybody use it which his dad created and also gons ability literally has him scream rock basically everytime he is bout to use it which is just another word for a stone😂😂😂 just something funny

    • @dansmith1661
      @dansmith1661 3 месяца назад

      Milk milk, lemonade, around the corner, Gon is made.

  • @BigPerc17
    @BigPerc17 4 месяца назад +2

    If Togashi says it’s canon then it’s canon he’s the one who decides that not us

  • @KurapikasChains727
    @KurapikasChains727 3 месяца назад +1

    Bro, imagine Ging is a virgin who created Gon.

  • @Khro
    @Khro 3 месяца назад +1

    Im pretty sure the nen inscriptions are supposed to be similar to circuit boards, including logic gates and such to react differently depending on certain nen conditions. Thats why the design on them look similar to electronics.

  • @geosama1317
    @geosama1317 5 месяцев назад +7

    Inscription is just programming, but using nen in real life object rather than just software

  • @PURPLE_G0J0
    @PURPLE_G0J0 Месяц назад +1

    I just watched HxH for the first time and Kite’s rebirth was explained

  • @ixer6661
    @ixer6661 2 месяца назад

    Melody is like Megumi fushiguro, they have a selfdestruct move 😂

  • @bryonycraddock5553
    @bryonycraddock5553 9 дней назад +1

    To think even Gyro ain't showed up yet. This manga is far from the ending. And i think it won't ever be finished which is rlly sad.

    • @MarcusDobson-m4i
      @MarcusDobson-m4i 7 дней назад

      He will have to let out the new episodes, because everyone has been waiting years now,meanwhile thr episodes are out thr Manga still continues

  • @Monroe7635
    @Monroe7635 3 месяца назад +13

    15:10 NETERO kept up with Maha not Maha kept up with NETERO. 🤦‍♂️ Netero’s feat was that he was able to fight Maha and be the ONLY one to survive

  • @let-them-just-let-them
    @let-them-just-let-them 5 месяцев назад +4

    I think you're forgetting something:
    For me, it's a mystery how powerful Bisky really is; I am assuming that she is in the same tier as Ging....

    • @AeyakS
      @AeyakS Месяц назад

      Yeah they are each two star hunters (though Ging is qualified for three stars, he just won't go pick up the award).

  • @NobitaZoldyck
    @NobitaZoldyck 2 месяца назад +1

    Please make part 2

  • @Pandesal-m
    @Pandesal-m 3 месяца назад

    Gon's origin that i like the most is that hes the son of future ging 😂

  • @ghfudrs93uuu
    @ghfudrs93uuu 5 месяцев назад +3

    The sonata didn't give Melody super-hearing. It is part of her nen abilities, they are music based.

  • @R_U_Good
    @R_U_Good 5 месяцев назад +2

    Wow I never knew that Bungee Gum had properties of BOTH rubber and gum!!! The more you know 🌠

  • @Cyfix15
    @Cyfix15 28 дней назад

    HxH rule #1 : when discussing Bungee Gum, you must always explain that it has the properties of both rubber and gum

  • @Sheogorath_Cheese
    @Sheogorath_Cheese 3 месяца назад +1

    I have a mystery nobody talks about, the hunter website, who made it ? How does it works ? Why is it related to the hunters ? Etc...

  • @abigailherington7455
    @abigailherington7455 4 месяца назад

    At 6:17 the picture of Ging is hilarious.

  • @VibeswithNdem
    @VibeswithNdem 5 месяцев назад

    A part two would be appreciated!!!

  • @TheGin28
    @TheGin28 29 дней назад +6

    I honestly think gon is the calamity ging brought from the dark continent but I might be wrong

  • @Plague01.
    @Plague01. 5 месяцев назад +8

    18:58 nobody gonna talk about how tonpa is a floor master?

    • @BluahGhaa
      @BluahGhaa 4 месяца назад +1

      Fduk tonpa seriously im sick and tired of the fduking tonpa jokes...that and the fducking bungee gum jokes

    • @BluahGhaa
      @BluahGhaa 4 месяца назад

      Fduk tonpa seriously im sick and tired of the fduking tonpa jokes...that and the fduking bungee gum jokes

  • @thiagodasilva827
    @thiagodasilva827 5 месяцев назад

    *Superhero movie Meme template*
    Chrollo: "this poison can paralyze a whale in seconds"
    Silva: "I am not a whale"

  • @DontFaseTheMickey
    @DontFaseTheMickey 5 месяцев назад +10

    I love these type of people that watch hxh not just the people that watch it for ships ot memes

    @MR_M0RNINGSTAR 4 месяца назад

    Bungee gum has properties of both rubber and gum 😂

  • @ultimate4416
    @ultimate4416 5 месяцев назад +1

    14:48 - Netero was the first one to survive a fight with Maha

  • @borismuca9643
    @borismuca9643 Месяц назад +1

    18:59 LOL

  • @BeansBetter
    @BeansBetter 3 месяца назад +2

    18:02 KNIVES*

  • @gabetownsend1017
    @gabetownsend1017 5 месяцев назад +2

    I love this idea for a video

  • @isaiasabinadisosagarcia936
    @isaiasabinadisosagarcia936 4 месяца назад

    3:26 thanks to this video I know of this crucial truth. Thank you!

  • @christianboi7690
    @christianboi7690 Месяц назад

    I was under the impression Greed island and most of its functions were made with men inscription that’s maintained by the owners, given the huge rooms at the entrances and exits filled with the script.

  • @Brianworldwide_7
    @Brianworldwide_7 4 месяца назад

    Ngl I'm more interested in what role Gyro will play in the future than the dark continent

  • @eriya181
    @eriya181 5 месяцев назад

    We NEED to see Gyro 😭🙏

  • @schrodingersdinger3839
    @schrodingersdinger3839 5 месяцев назад +5

    Lmao why u use a picture of Zepile for Benny

  • @ЕмирШульженко
    @ЕмирШульженко 4 месяца назад

    12:06 it gave her nen abilities related to music. Meaning when she was hit by sonata, she gained nen due to exposal to a strong nen aura. Similar to rabbit ant or gons and killuas nen awakening. The sonata is nen ability itself

  • @SOOKIE42069
    @SOOKIE42069 Месяц назад

    The entire "world" existing in the middle of a lake on a continent so big on a planet so even more big that the physics say it should collapse into a black hole is one of the most majestic asspulls of all time and I respect the courage of the mangaka. Nobody else will ever get away with something like that again. He should be proud.

  • @jasperlufkin
    @jasperlufkin 3 дня назад

    Great video except the Kite part...I thought it was explained that many Chimera Ants remember their previous lives...Colt, the Koala, Welfin...

  • @smlel8293
    @smlel8293 19 дней назад

    Inscriptions are probably like computers but with Nen, the inscriptions looks like computer chips, probably imbued with a condition

  • @edwardcraig633
    @edwardcraig633 5 месяцев назад +2

    Will you do Demon Slayer breathing styles?

  • @BronzeUniGaming
    @BronzeUniGaming 5 месяцев назад

    Straight to the point. Got a sub from me

  • @Karmawashere-1
    @Karmawashere-1 5 месяцев назад +3

    Waiting for part-2

  • @wandawonderer3991
    @wandawonderer3991 5 месяцев назад

    Maybe Pariston and Gyro already made a deal? Pariston took the chimera eggs, and he did not bring it to the dark continent. Or did he? 😂🤔

  • @leafyfeathers
    @leafyfeathers 5 месяцев назад

    We’re going to get to the Gyro arc in the year 2234!🎉

  • @guybrushtwood
    @guybrushtwood 5 месяцев назад

    Maha looks like he is one of the Pap victims

  • @toddlerwipes
    @toddlerwipes Месяц назад

    Solid video sir a very fun watch

  • @PrinceSamurai45
    @PrinceSamurai45 Месяц назад

    Been thinking this for a while now, but I think Maha is Zigg’s brother. I feel like Maha fought Netero because Zigg didn’t make it back from the Dark Continent alive.

  • @svej6912
    @svej6912 5 месяцев назад +2

    I wonder what are the properties of bungee gum. Sad to see you haven't included that mystery in the vid.

  • @cathd5675
    @cathd5675 5 месяцев назад +1

    Don is gon. I called it here first

  • @Big_C_23
    @Big_C_23 5 месяцев назад

    you left out Ron Freecss🤣

  • @historicaljuice
    @historicaljuice 4 месяца назад

    My theory about Ging's Nen ability is that he manipulate time.

  • @PhantomPink
    @PhantomPink 4 месяца назад

    Yes Part 2 we want a Part 2 I even subscribed for a part 2

  • @THRetroGamer700
    @THRetroGamer700 4 месяца назад

    Where is the footage of the dark continent coming from? The portion with Kurapika's clan looked animated so have new episodes already started to release?

  • @joemono4727
    @joemono4727 2 месяца назад

    I just thought of something... What if gin condition for whatever his nene is, is the amount of time he spends away from his kid...

  • @zioshi2
    @zioshi2 12 дней назад

    14:50 Netero was the only person who fought with Maha and survived. Not the other way round.

  • @rossserrano-v1c
    @rossserrano-v1c 5 месяцев назад +1

    Need information about each kakin empire family

  • @jibrilbuilder2668
    @jibrilbuilder2668 4 месяца назад

    Channel good, watch I must.

  • @grantenglert5725
    @grantenglert5725 20 дней назад

    Wait wait wait so your telling me bungee gum has the properties of both rubber and gum

  • @kaine48
    @kaine48 4 месяца назад

    "Every mystery" .... "ok let me know if i should make a part 2 with more of them"

  • @Abderraouf_IDEL
    @Abderraouf_IDEL 3 месяца назад

    Great vid