But if Fujino really isn't going to do everything in the perks and the game ends at version 1.0. Then there can't be slow progress, there are only 5 updates left, and they will be focused on Asuna even more than usual. This makes you think that Fujino might soon destroy Sinon and Suga, maybe not with Inoda's help, but with the help of the council. Plus, what's interesting is that Fujino said at the end of the update that Asuna's main development is moving to irl, and he will mainly advance the plot in fog. There aren't many possible outcomes here, if he decides to leave Sinon with Suga Kirito, and he will sometimes cheat on Asuna with them, while not knowing about Asuna's betrayal, it turns out we will get a double NTR. But it seems unlikely to me, then what to do with the two heroines who should disappear from Kirito's life, obviously break them and turn them into whores so that he will forget him.Sugu should be either BJ or Sex next, since everybody else already fucked Kirito, at least in FOG. I personally wouldn't mind a slower progression for Suguha IRL, Leafa on the other hand should just go all-in, preferably in front or behind of Asuna' or Liz' back![]()
Ma se Fujino non ha davvero intenzione di fare tutto nei perk e il gioco finisce alla versione 1.0. Allora non può esserci un progresso lento, mancano solo 5 aggiornamenti e saranno concentrati su Asuna ancora più del solito. Questo ti fa pensare che Fujino potrebbe presto distruggere Sinon e Suga, forse non con l'aiuto di Inoda, ma con l'aiuto del consiglio. Inoltre, la cosa interessante è che Fujino ha detto alla fine dell'aggiornamento che lo sviluppo principale di Asuna si sta spostando nella vita reale e che farà avanzare la trama principalmente nella nebbia. Non ci sono molti possibili esiti qui, se decide di lasciare Sinon con Suga Kirito e a volte tradirà Asuna con loro, senza sapere del tradimento di Asuna, si scopre che otterremo un doppio NTR. Ma mi sembra improbabile, allora cosa fare con le due eroine che dovrebbero scomparire dalla vita di Kirito, ovviamente spezzarle e trasformarle in prostitute in modo che lui lo dimentichi.
ecco di nuovo il pessimismo su quei due, spero che quello che hai detto non accada mai, cioè che vengono distrutti da Inoda o dal consiglio
Who knows, everything is possible. By slow, I mean that she should have gradual progression. I'd like to see Kiritos reaction to a BJ, one step every update should be fine. But, well, as you said, it's still possible that he will turn Suguha and Sinon into sex slaves for the council. I personally hope that since Kirito is constantly watching Inoda and his "cousin" there will be more to Suguhas story than that.But if Fujino really isn't going to do everything in the perks and the game ends at version 1.0. Then there can't be slow progress, there are only 5 updates left, and they will be focused on Asuna even more than usual. This makes you think that Fujino might soon destroy Sinon and Suga, maybe not with Inoda's help, but with the help of the council. Plus, what's interesting is that Fujino said at the end of the update that Asuna's main development is moving to irl, and he will mainly advance the plot in fog. There aren't many possible outcomes here, if he decides to leave Sinon with Suga Kirito, and he will sometimes cheat on Asuna with them, while not knowing about Asuna's betrayal, it turns out we will get a double NTR. But it seems unlikely to me, then what to do with the two heroines who should disappear from Kirito's life, obviously break them and turn them into whores so that he will forget him.
i think the game will either have more versions after 1.0 or a small part 3 will be release. There is a lot of scene variations the game could offer in IRL.But if Fujino really isn't going to do everything in the perks and the game ends at version 1.0. Then there can't be slow progress, there are only 5 updates left, and they will be focused on Asuna even more than usual. This makes you think that Fujino might soon destroy Sinon and Suga, maybe not with Inoda's help, but with the help of the council. Plus, what's interesting is that Fujino said at the end of the update that Asuna's main development is moving to irl, and he will mainly advance the plot in fog. There aren't many possible outcomes here, if he decides to leave Sinon with Suga Kirito, and he will sometimes cheat on Asuna with them, while not knowing about Asuna's betrayal, it turns out we will get a double NTR. But it seems unlikely to me, then what to do with the two heroines who should disappear from Kirito's life, obviously break them and turn them into whores so that he will forget him.
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