

Expert Member
Jun 1, 2024
100% Gay, 0% Straight
This post is just going to be a personal account of what I’ve experienced, because I’m honestly quite proud of what I’ve achieved and what I’ve discovered.

So I’ve been experimenting with anal toys for I’d say a year or so now. My collection isn’t that big at all, I only have 2 toys, a small butt plug and a 6 inch clear dildo. I’ve always enjoyed the butt plug, just having it in while I chill feels great, but Ive always been quite scared of the dildo, tried to take it several times, but gotten freaked out when it slips in deeper than the butt plug would go.

The other night I decided to just be brave, and try taking the whole thing without backing down (I’m a virgin so the feeling of having something in my ass is something I’m not used to at all). I prepped myself up, relaxed and slowly worked down on it. I saw online that when the dildo hits a part of ur ass that’s sensitive you should stop for a second to get used to the sensation of it being that deep. And lo and behold, slowly but surely I got the whole thing in.

I kind of just laid there for a while, shocked that it wasn’t nearly as difficult to handle as i anticipated, and that i wasn’t even in that much pain. It hurt a little bit, but it was a good kind of pain, a satisfying pain in a sense. I slowly started to let the dildo creep out a bit before pushing it back in, it felt amazing, if the feeling of the butt plug was at a level 10, this was at a level 100.

I’ve never had anything that deep inside me until then, and I think I possibly had the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. I’m now rlly excited and eager to try the real thing ;)

Moral of the story is, don’t be afraid of your dildos, they feel amazing if you take it slow and steady
This post is just going to be a personal account of what I’ve experienced, because I’m honestly quite proud of what I’ve achieved and what I’ve discovered.

So I’ve been experimenting with anal toys for I’d say a year or so now. My collection isn’t that big at all, I only have 2 toys, a small butt plug and a 6 inch clear dildo. I’ve always enjoyed the butt plug, just having it in while I chill feels great, but Ive always been quite scared of the dildo, tried to take it several times, but gotten freaked out when it slips in deeper than the butt plug would go.

The other night I decided to just be brave, and try taking the whole thing without backing down (I’m a virgin so the feeling of having something in my ass is something I’m not used to at all). I prepped myself up, relaxed and slowly worked down on it. I saw online that when the dildo hits a part of ur ass that’s sensitive you should stop for a second to get used to the sensation of it being that deep. And lo and behold, slowly but surely I got the whole thing in.

I kind of just laid there for a while, shocked that it wasn’t nearly as difficult to handle as i anticipated, and that i wasn’t even in that much pain. It hurt a little bit, but it was a good kind of pain, a satisfying pain in a sense. I slowly started to let the dildo creep out a bit before pushing it back in, it felt amazing, if the feeling of the butt plug was at a level 10, this was at a level 100.

I’ve never had anything that deep inside me until then, and I think I possibly had the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. I’m now rlly excited and eager to try the real thing ;)

Moral of the story is, don’t be afraid of your dildos, they feel amazing if you take it slow and steady
Sounds like all on your own you discovered how to take a dildo, and believe me when you take cock its the same, never try to get it all in at once, take it slow, retract and then go again
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Sounds like all on your own you discovered how to take a dildo, and believe me when you take cock its the same, never try to get it all in at once, take it slow, retract and then go again
I mean not all on my own. I have a friend who gives me advice and whatnot. It’s just the fact that I’ve been scared to take anything that deep until then
Nice that you explored more. First times are very intimidating because as kinky and admiring of porn love seeing guys take huge dildos or cocks… until it’s our turn. Lots of lube and being a bit drunk has helped me.
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This post is just going to be a personal account of what I’ve experienced, because I’m honestly quite proud of what I’ve achieved and what I’ve discovered.

So I’ve been experimenting with anal toys for I’d say a year or so now. My collection isn’t that big at all, I only have 2 toys, a small butt plug and a 6 inch clear dildo. I’ve always enjoyed the butt plug, just having it in while I chill feels great, but Ive always been quite scared of the dildo, tried to take it several times, but gotten freaked out when it slips in deeper than the butt plug would go.

The other night I decided to just be brave, and try taking the whole thing without backing down (I’m a virgin so the feeling of having something in my ass is something I’m not used to at all). I prepped myself up, relaxed and slowly worked down on it. I saw online that when the dildo hits a part of ur ass that’s sensitive you should stop for a second to get used to the sensation of it being that deep. And lo and behold, slowly but surely I got the whole thing in.

I kind of just laid there for a while, shocked that it wasn’t nearly as difficult to handle as i anticipated, and that i wasn’t even in that much pain. It hurt a little bit, but it was a good kind of pain, a satisfying pain in a sense. I slowly started to let the dildo creep out a bit before pushing it back in, it felt amazing, if the feeling of the butt plug was at a level 10, this was at a level 100.

I’ve never had anything that deep inside me until then, and I think I possibly had the strongest orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. I’m now rlly excited and eager to try the real thing ;)

Moral of the story is, don’t be afraid of your dildos, they feel amazing if you take it slow and steady
Now tell me you didn't lay there with a sense satisfaction. I job well done! That's kinda how I feel afterwards. It's part sex and part workout. It's a bit addictive. Now... A little more girth on the dildo... Then a little more length. If the smaller one was fun... Then the larger one will be even better. You will surprise yourself at just how far one can comfortably go. As long as the urge is there... It's on.

If you have access to a bathtub with a front edge that a flat based dildo will sit on... That's a fun way to ride one! And after 10 mins... A fucking workout for the quads! Finding a way to mount one so that you can be on your hands and knees to back up onto is fun as well.

Consider finding a dildo with a hole in the base (if yours does not) that you can attach it to a rod. This rod can then be attached to places to allow you to make simple mounts to hold it. Heck, I clamp a rod in my shopmate bench in my garage and ride mine standing bent over. The possibilities are endless!
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