4 The Boscombe Valley Mystery from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892) Audiobook

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • The Boscombe Valley Mystery is the fourth story in the Sherlock Holmes collection 'The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes' by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
    Read by Greg Wagland for Magpie Audio.
    ©Magpie Audio 2017
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Комментарии • 257

  • @isabelstokes4042
    @isabelstokes4042 4 месяца назад +10

    The stories are fabulous, but the narrator brings them all to life beautifully. His various accents are perfect. Well done!

  • @dianejablonski1092
    @dianejablonski1092 4 года назад +81

    Never tire of Sherlock and Watson! I adore their conversations! Brilliant writing and perfectly read! Thanks so much for continuing to entertain us.🇺🇸👏

  • @jodyhunter9044
    @jodyhunter9044 6 лет назад +65

    I have listened to several narrators regarding these stories, and I would like to say that there is none that can compare to the way you narrate things sir you are absolutely a fantastic narrator your voice your diction I've told you all this before but I can't help but say it again I don't think there is anyone that can touch you.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  6 лет назад +7

      Much appreciated Jody. Glad you've enjoyed them!

    • @jodyhunter9044
      @jodyhunter9044 5 лет назад +7

      It's me again, Jody Hunter . Just so you know I want you to know this I don't listen to any other narrator but you. I love the way you talk I don't know how many times I have told you all this before but your voice is perfection and I don't know any other way to say it. The way that you have the ability to change dialects and different accents from different countries totally freaks me out. They are so perfect, and they sound so realistic, I said it before and I will say it again sir, there is nobody that can touch you!!

    • @J7116R
      @J7116R 5 лет назад +1

      He does indeed do a very good job. I've been a Holmes fan for years. About a year ago I discovered the extensive audiobook collection, by Doyle and others (pastiches), and am listening to them as I work at something else. I hope the Sherlock Holmes inventory grows and grows, hopefully resembling the original canon as much as possible.

  • @lianatheghost9357
    @lianatheghost9357 4 года назад +82

    I’m 29 and only truly discovering the world of Sherlock Holmes. The series Sherlock, the games Mr. Jack and Sherlock Holmes Consultant Détective, and now your channel. I love having all these ways to dive into the Sherlock universe. Thank you!

    • @micahfoley9572
      @micahfoley9572 3 года назад +2

      the frogwares games are pretty good, if you've got the means. as a general rule, the newer the better.

    • @michaelkluko3660
      @michaelkluko3660 3 года назад +1

      Don’t know anything about these games , but any Avenue that brings Sherlock Holmes to you is a good thing !!

    • @aircastles1013
      @aircastles1013 3 года назад +10

      Look up the series with Jeremy Brett, masterful stuff!

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад +1

      Capturing the true flavor, however, adaptations take liberties from the canon.

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад +2

      Important fact: Sir Arthur derived the stories from the life of Dr. Joseph Bell, His Mentor, the first real forensic investigator, Sir Arthur was a medical man, he developed two characters, Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes. These stories have a strong basis in real Police Science.

    @HMQCMH 5 лет назад +195

    I'll never understand why people down vote these wonderfully read stories. What a bunch of doofuses.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +26

      I've never quite understood what is meant by a doofus. In the UK perhaps it's the equivalent of a prat or a dipstick or is that wide of the mark.

    • @HMQCMH
      @HMQCMH 5 лет назад +17

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio Same thing over here. That definition is spot on. The fact that people would listen to someone reading stories and decide 'nah. I don't like that someone is reading a story' really confuses me. I mean it's basically like walking up to someone you don't know who's having a conversation and giving them a thumbs down. I know I'm getting too deep with this but it bugs me😁

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +29

      It doesn't bug me particularly.
      Although, It has been suggested that perhaps the thumbs-downs originate from those who believe audiobooks of a certain quality should be PAID FOR and NOT given away for free (public domain or not).
      Could that be it, Corri?
      When the thumbs downs account for 75% I might consider stopping - then again, it might merely spur me on.
      They could always approach me with an attaché case full of used Euros and see what happens.
      Must adjust the chin strap on this tin foil hat - it's loose!

    • @Brutus-co9dt
      @Brutus-co9dt 4 года назад +10

      Same. I find these relaxing and enjoyable. I listen every night

    • @KP-wg6by
      @KP-wg6by 4 года назад +11

      Bonus points for using the plural of doofus in a sentence. A rare word to spot in the wild... 😂😜👍👍

  • @feralbluee
    @feralbluee 2 месяца назад +1

    I was just listening to another reader. He wasn’t bad, but terribly flat. The tale didn’t even sound like a real Holmes’ piece of writing! After a bit, I immediately looked for your reading. From the first it sounded perfect. It was a real Sherlock. I haven’t listened to you for quite a while, so this story will not be boring at all. Thank you a whole lot :) 🌷🌱 (New York:)

  • @xanaminx
    @xanaminx 3 года назад +35

    Thank you for these. I listen to one a night to fall asleep. It’s challenging to find media 30-60 minutes in length so my device does not run all nighttime. Wonderful reading and wonderful pacing.

  • @GH-bv4pg
    @GH-bv4pg 5 лет назад +37

    "You are yourself aware that you will soon have to answer for your deed at a higher court than the Assizes."
    Don't mind me, I'm just typing my favourite quote in this story.
    Exellent reading! I treat myself with these stories after a month of long exhausting exams, thank you.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +5

      A month of exams - ugh! Good luck!

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад +1

      G H:
      That quote always gives me goosebumps, hence Atheists deny such a fate.

    • @FormerMPSGT
      @FormerMPSGT Год назад


    • @larrywest42
      @larrywest42 10 дней назад

      ​@@carminemurphy4836What an odd thing to say. Why would your fear afflict others?
      BTW, "atheist" is a description, not a name, so it is not capitalized.

  • @karenwaters1926
    @karenwaters1926 4 года назад +64

    It's so nice to hear an Australian accent and not hear an imitation of Steve Irwin. You never disappoint.
    Thank you.

  • @granny13ad33
    @granny13ad33 5 лет назад +21

    Of my hundreds of hours of Holmes, i don't remember this one. Quite good. Great narrator!

  • @pragatibhushan8697
    @pragatibhushan8697 5 лет назад +10

    I so love listening to them at night.I wish they continued forever

  • @instinctivelychelsea2905
    @instinctivelychelsea2905 7 лет назад +175

    I live for these , its a part of my nighttime routine. Such an adult ..I still love a story read to me at bed time lol.

    • @jamiecartright
      @jamiecartright 6 лет назад +12

      Instinctively Chelsea-I used to dislike being read to as a child; I strongly preferred reading books myself. Now-I can’t sleep without listening to a Sherlock Holmes story. How odd life is; eh?

    • @LambentLark
      @LambentLark 5 лет назад +10

      I have to listen to the end again, in the morning. Bonk, zzzzzzzzzzz

    • @mckavitt13
      @mckavitt13 5 лет назад +2

      Instinctively Chelsea Me too.

    • @mckavitt13
      @mckavitt13 5 лет назад +2

      LambentLark Me too.

    • @Bambisgf77
      @Bambisgf77 4 года назад +1

      Same!!! 🙌🏻

  • @CustardBollock
    @CustardBollock 7 лет назад +50

    This is my cup of tea, I listen to these while cooking nuts

  • @ButOneThingIsNeedful
    @ButOneThingIsNeedful 3 года назад +16

    Underrated Holmes tale, in my opinion. Quite good, actually.

  • @geoffreys.2640
    @geoffreys.2640 5 месяцев назад +3

    Greg is simply brilliant. Marvelous actor.

  • @SJRendle
    @SJRendle 4 года назад +5

    I have only just fallen across these fantastic readings. What a stunning English voice. As like the earlier person, I look forward to going to bed to listen to these. So relaxing. Thank you x

  • @hangingwithmatty9465
    @hangingwithmatty9465 3 года назад +9

    This is possibly the best rendition of this work, wow!

  • @Hollowelldena70
    @Hollowelldena70 2 месяца назад +1

    Wonderful listen. Thank you very much.

  • @englishcat19
    @englishcat19 7 лет назад +33

    This is the nuts, I listen to these while cooking tea

    • @learninfact9281
      @learninfact9281 5 лет назад +3

      Sarcasm at it's best.......What you you think is at the core of personal success of Sherlock Holmes?

    • @elena-db6wh
      @elena-db6wh 4 года назад +4

      I see what you did there

  • @floraulunque983
    @floraulunque983 Год назад +3

    When I was a young girl, I used to play dective to show the mischievousness of my younger sister. Oh, I wish I had come across with these Sherlock Homes histories, I could have been a true detective!

  • @timking7715
    @timking7715 Год назад +1

    When I was a freshman in high school I read this for a short story assignment. Until then I never enjoyed reading for pleasure. I can remember the moment I realized I found something that would stay with me forever. When Holmes breaks down Watsons shaving and the location of the window in his room it was all over for me, I was hooked. Sherlock Holmes has been close by ever since.

  • @leoniegrosse9121
    @leoniegrosse9121 7 лет назад +66

    thank you. A wonderful recording, as always. The perfect way to forget about your daily struggles at least for a hour and find some peace ♡. I really appreciate your work!

  • @sivanlevi3867
    @sivanlevi3867 Год назад +2

    This is the first time I've heard of the Boscombe Valley Mystery. It's rather intriguing. A good read.

  • @lianatheghost9357
    @lianatheghost9357 4 года назад +36

    I would suggest to Sherlock fans to try a hand at that detective consultant board game ! It’s quite expensive, but I’m finding enjoyment in trying to solve the mysteries. I confess: I listen to these audio tales partially for enjoyment and also to become more alert to clues and to become a skilled observer, like our dear Holmes !

    • @nonadeplume1145
      @nonadeplume1145 2 года назад +1

      What is the name of the board game? Is it those really nice looking ones you order from the website? I can't remember the name of them but they come with audio, clues, sometimes a video. I'd love to play one but they are mucho expensive.

    • @jeffjarvis1306
      @jeffjarvis1306 Год назад +1

      ​@@nonadeplume1145Nah, different series. These are called Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective, and there'll be a subtitle for each of the boxes. No audio, but a map for the box, and a newspaper and story books for each of the ten(if I remember right) cases. Basically, you look at the map, read the paper, read a story bit, and pick out a number on the map that will correspond to where in the city you want to continue your investigation, and read that passage.

  • @MikeGreenwood51
    @MikeGreenwood51 6 лет назад +12

    Holmes is the absolute guntz when it's the science of deduction. A pleasant listen with afternoon tea.

  • @learninfact9281
    @learninfact9281 5 лет назад +14

    These are inextricably linked to my daily routine. These have augmented the thoughts and produced positive externalities and the unfettered access to these videos is really appreciable.

  • @marge_owie
    @marge_owie 5 лет назад +8

    As I get ready for work and immediately I get home I put these on and it's so great going back to this time and tagging along, lol. Absolutely amazing! Thank you Greg! 👌🏽

  • @-RD
    @-RD 5 лет назад +12

    Thank you so much for making this wonderful series free! I wonder why it has so many dislikes.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +7

      I don't think Sherlock would puzzle over it 😀

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +4

      There's a clue in your first sentence...

    • @learninfact9281
      @learninfact9281 5 лет назад +1

      These are inextricably linked to my daily routine. These have augmented the thoughts and produced positive externalities and the unfettered access to these videos is really appreciable.

  • @HangingPawns
    @HangingPawns 5 лет назад +12

    I don't understand how anyone could dislike this. Astonishing performance (and all your other recordings too).

  • @caroldixon3952
    @caroldixon3952 4 месяца назад +1

    Excellent story magnificently read.

  • @avijitbanerjee9050
    @avijitbanerjee9050 4 года назад +6

    These recordings work truly as nutritious supplement for humble learners of communicative English.

  • @MehranRahmany
    @MehranRahmany 4 месяца назад

    Thank you Mr . Greg wagland for your lovely voice ❤️

  • @noxlupa2996
    @noxlupa2996 4 года назад +3

    This is probably one of my favorite short stories (I mean admittedly I haven’t read them all yet but it’s one of my favorites so far), and it was great listening to this while I was working around the house. Awesome job with the narration!

  • @Bambisgf77
    @Bambisgf77 4 года назад +5

    Thanks again Mr. Wagland, the pleasureable hours I have spent with your craft are incalculable. Please consider more installments in “I Digress”.
    Your devoted fan in the Midwest US 😊

  • @petelayne2727
    @petelayne2727 2 года назад

    I drive 45 minutes each way to work/home. I have thoroughly enjoyed working my way through your videos. Thank you for making an otherwise boring drive fun!

  • @SeventhSwell
    @SeventhSwell Год назад +2

    Holmes: No one will ever know of this confession.
    Watson: Hey readers, get a load of this confession!

  • @rubenherrera3852
    @rubenherrera3852 5 лет назад +7

    Thank you very much! Enjoyed immensely!

  • @TheMinerMan
    @TheMinerMan 3 года назад +19

    Holmes: "If McCarthy is acquitted no mortal eye will see this document."
    McCarthy: *is acquitted*
    Watson: *publishes it*

    • @TheMinerMan
      @TheMinerMan 3 года назад +5

      I always chuckle when Holmes refers to Watson's discretion.

    • @IamPapaShaw
      @IamPapaShaw 2 года назад


    • @arcaneTempest1
      @arcaneTempest1 7 месяцев назад

      @@TheMinerMan you also have to consider the fact that Watson writes that Turner was already dead at the time of even writing the book, and as was stated in 'A Scandal in Bohemia', that matter was free to be published about some time after its resolution, a condition I'm sure Watson would have followed.

    • @ronbunn1349
      @ronbunn1349 4 месяца назад

      @@arcaneTempest1No, because the dying man’s wish was in regards to his daughter not finding out about his tale.

  • @mariaisabelgarcia8821
    @mariaisabelgarcia8821 Год назад +1

    These stories are wonderful! So relaxing

  • @moviemad56
    @moviemad56 5 лет назад +15

    Dear Greg Wagland, like many others I greatly enjoy your readings. I'd love to hear you read some of Charles Dickens' writings.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +4

      There’s a bit of Great Expectations on here - only 2 chapters mind

    • @moviemad56
      @moviemad56 5 лет назад +2

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio thanks so much for your prompt response!

  • @RonR-z5h
    @RonR-z5h 11 месяцев назад +1

    From the movies and the audio Sherlock is the medicine for the mind

  • @AD-ve1jt
    @AD-ve1jt 5 лет назад +16

    Your voice is perfect and so is your narration. Guess now in my mind Dr. Watson is associated with your voice.
    Good job. Thanks.

  • @Speederzzz
    @Speederzzz Год назад +1

    I'm ill and have trouble sleeping, glad to listen to this and catch up to Letters From Watson

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +1

      Sorry to hear that but glad you're enjoying Watson et al. All the best!

    • @Speederzzz
      @Speederzzz Год назад

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio thanks! I fell asleep while listening and now I gotta find at which part I lost consciousness XD

  • @justinewellsen1224
    @justinewellsen1224 6 лет назад +38

    This is my tea of nuts, I cook these while listening to cups

  • @gregnicholls8347
    @gregnicholls8347 3 года назад +2

    Fortunately Mr Greg is narrating these wonderful stories and not the induction into social political ideas otherwise it would be easy to be mesmerized and drawn in.

  • @pampom6378
    @pampom6378 Год назад +3

    "there is every prospect that the son and daughter may come to live happily together in ignorance of the black cloud which rests upon their past"
    If only someone didn't blab all about it in a book, Watson.😅😅😅

  • @JD_1776
    @JD_1776 Год назад +2

    “Your secrete will be safe with us”
    Watson writing the story:

  • @pgooddmd
    @pgooddmd 2 года назад +1

    I've recently started listening to the Sherlock Holmes stories and I must say, your reading is excellent, and I mean, excellent! I stumbled on *someone else's* reading (thanks to you tube's algorithm) and I just couldn't continue past the point of hearing his version of Mrs Watson. Anyway, I'm back, Sir, and I sure won't be leaving. I suppose I've become a Sherlock Holmes snob. 😂 Thank you.

  • @im.notogo
    @im.notogo 29 дней назад +1

    This guy is really good at accents

  • @suzanneduncan9478
    @suzanneduncan9478 6 месяцев назад


  • @revanknight3202
    @revanknight3202 9 месяцев назад

    I'm loving these! I drive long distances and these have helped me through!

  • @penklislawnmowing4508
    @penklislawnmowing4508 4 года назад +2

    A very good interpretation of an Australian.

  • @trukeesey8715
    @trukeesey8715 5 лет назад +17

    0:28 I like it that you don't try to sound exactly like a woman, for instance by usin high register of your voice or falsetto. That I have found to have been irritatin when havin been done by others. Your way is more effective, congrats.

    • @justing1474
      @justing1474 4 года назад +2

      Exactly how I feel about bad grammar lol

  • @thehorrorist3471
    @thehorrorist3471 2 года назад +4

    Great reading. Hard to feel sympathy for Turner though. I suppose being blackmailed all those years was some sort of penance, but he was a murdering bandit. Columbo would've carted his ass to jail. Though he did let Janet Leigh slide that one time

  • @wanodyaguteu.a.7849
    @wanodyaguteu.a.7849 3 года назад +1

    Love your reading!

  • @sethum.451
    @sethum.451 4 года назад +9

    I just like to imagine that Sherlock and Watson are sitting and having a chat over a drink and Sherlock is smoking pipe...
    No rush, no worries only deduction and smoking pipe

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад

      Holmes did oftentimes refer to the amount of pipes needed to solve a crime,
      "a 3 pipe problem" in a few cases.

  • @jodyeastman5052
    @jodyeastman5052 6 месяцев назад

    Thank you for such excellent reading!

  • @franzelias5368
    @franzelias5368 4 года назад +3

    'A mole could trace it!' Yes, we are but as less than moles before Sherlock :-D

  • @landofmyth221
    @landofmyth221 5 лет назад +5

    Oh I really loved these videos. This is really what I need. hope I can find all Sherlock stories here💕 I'm Turkish but I read all books in English. I listen them every after a few page of reading. Loved them thank u for doing

  • @terrikennedy3088
    @terrikennedy3088 4 года назад +3

    That's awesome!!

  • @skintech8620
    @skintech8620 4 года назад +4

    At one time, I actually thought Sherlock Holmes was a real person! (Don't laugh, I'm not the alone), Man, I was all sad when i found out it was just fiction. Sir Doyle was a writer that was on a "whole 'nother level", and about as close to Holmes as we're gonna get, close enough!. Thanks SHSMA! Sherlock and Watson would be proud!

    • @johnpeacock7022
      @johnpeacock7022 3 года назад

      I once thought that Lady Godiva was real.

    • @bm8940
      @bm8940 3 года назад

      Dang brudahhh

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад +2

      Actually, Sir Arthur was a Medical Doctor, and the stories were based on His Mentor, Dr. Joseph Bell, in writing the stories, Sir Arthur created two characters, Dr. Watson and Holmes, these stories are not so fictional as taken from true Forensic Sciences.

    • @waynemarvin5661
      @waynemarvin5661 2 года назад +1

      Sorry, but it would be "Sir Arthur".

    • @maryeckel9682
      @maryeckel9682 Год назад

      ​​@@johnpeacock7022she was...is that your joke?

  • @kurstinclarke8962
    @kurstinclarke8962 4 года назад +4

    I'm an Australian and I think these audiobooks absolutely enliven Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes adventures..however I have one correction to make on the vgood imitation of our accent. We never say past,last or ask etc.like the yanks!We are a penal colony nation who pronounce ask etc.like poms. It is true that many Aussies contradict the rule by pronouncing dance and branch exclusively with American pronunciations.. The antipodian accents of South Africans,New Zealanders and Australians are unusually difficult to imitate due to subtle contradictions that create a world of challenges in replicating. !Conan Doyle traveled to Australia himself so we are well represented in his stories.Our nation was built ...by the prisoners of mother England so we are a very uniquely likely to produce an unusually large number of criminals!Not serial killers but thieves and schemesrs ! It was simply the criteria one needed to meet in order to board a leaky ,rat infested ov ercrowded sewer drenched drenched, below deck journey to the dryest continent on earth. Those transported convicts needed to scheme and steal in order to survive and eventually with time, thrive.Thankyou for your wonderful narration of all the Sherlock Holmes stories. You breathe life into Conan Doyle's works of genius!
    enough to be exiled to van demons land !

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  4 года назад +1

      Thanks Kurstin. A very useful comment. I'm afraid I'm naughty enough never to revisit or refresh my knowledge of accents and dialects. But your points are well made, and I thank you for them. Cheers.

    • @kurstinclarke8962
      @kurstinclarke8962 4 года назад +1

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio You do such a wonderful job at bringing life to the Sherlock Holmes stories. I hope you take my nit picking as appreciative constructive comment,noting more.Love the ilustrious client btw .Have you thought about doing any bram stoker or Dickens lesser known short stories?

  • @romeman01
    @romeman01 2 года назад +1

    25:37 (Proposed edit:) "I lay upon the sofa and tried to interest myself in a yellow-backed novel. The puny plot of the story was so thin, however, when compared to the far superior story that I am now writing, that I at last flung the book across the room." 🙂

  • @shoneljperera7237
    @shoneljperera7237 5 лет назад +2

    Wow great story telling

  • @RosieChapman-e4t
    @RosieChapman-e4t Год назад

    Excellently read.😊😊😊

  • @moviemad56
    @moviemad56 3 года назад +5

    Greg, just one point about your Australian accent: it's one of the best I've heard, but as an Aussie myself, I can assure you that we pronounce "past", "last" and "fast" exactly the same as most Brits, with a long /a/ sound. I don't know where you got the idea that we say these words like most Americans, with an /ae/ diphthong.

    • @carminemurphy4836
      @carminemurphy4836 3 года назад

      Humbug, what you assume to be, Americans, just inaccurate.
      Get knotted.

  • @WarriorFan48
    @WarriorFan48 Год назад +1

    Love these you are a great reader.

  • @micahfoley9572
    @micahfoley9572 3 года назад +1

    Caught that snap on yellow back novels XD

  • @KiKiabout
    @KiKiabout 4 года назад +1

    Love... Thank you!

  • @julielevinge266
    @julielevinge266 2 года назад +1

    Anyone else notice La Strade changes from a ferret to a bull dog from this mystery to The Hound Of The Baskervilles??😉

    • @Noaartetc
      @Noaartetc 2 года назад

      He probably informed Dr Watson that he came up with better fursona in between (Sorry)

  • @paulgarland3140
    @paulgarland3140 7 лет назад +5

    Thank you

  • @sarasmith99
    @sarasmith99 Год назад +1

    I like it a lot. It's theater.

  • @lolagabrielle2671
    @lolagabrielle2671 Год назад

    Good evening everyone, some months ago, I wrote a comment asking help to find a story, I got some answers but no one can identify it, so I decided to listen to all the stories in order to find it. Here I am, 6 months later and I did not find it!!! I am truly starting to think that I dream this and it doesnt actually exist!!! It starts describing a very cold and foggy day, sherlock its at the basement making a lot of noise and watson is reading something, then at dinner sherlock tells watson something about a very important experiment (something about bullets being fired, i think) and tells him that if he wants to know about this he must promise to stay at home and not talk to anyone, watson accepts this and sherlock goes back to the basement; then in the middle of the nigth a friend of watson arrives at the house and ask him to receive him. Thats the part where I always felt asleep. If anyone can help me with this I will be forever grateful!!! I am sure that im not creative enough to dream the story by myself but I listened to all the stories here, even the pastiches and I CAN NOT FOUND IT, maybe I dont remember correctly or I dont know... help please!!

  • @adriansherlockdamondark.1094
    @adriansherlockdamondark.1094 5 лет назад +4

    Very good reading, but for one point. Here in Australia, we pronounce Melbourne's second syllable the way New Yorker's pronounce the first syllable of Manhattan. Just as they would say "M'nhattan", we would say "Melb'n".

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +2

      As a big fan of one of Australia's greatest exports, from Moonnee Ponds, I should really have known that. Sometimes what you think you know isn't what you know!
      Cheers MYNEXTPHASE
      Useful note. Thanks.

    • @sylvainnouet6447
      @sylvainnouet6447 5 лет назад +1

      but go on to pronouce in "british english" that' s why we love you!

    • @davidlindsey436
      @davidlindsey436 5 лет назад +2

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio Greg English, wherever his pronunciations come from, is wonderful for these ACD works.

  • @emersonpegaavisao
    @emersonpegaavisao 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you ❤

  • @sakshamsinghyt
    @sakshamsinghyt 3 года назад +1

    Day 1: 28:16
    Day2: 41:18

  • @eduardosalamanca5992
    @eduardosalamanca5992 3 года назад

    great !!! thank you

  • @bks29999
    @bks29999 4 года назад +1

    A lot of fun!

  • @Heneggsboss
    @Heneggsboss 5 лет назад +3

    It would be nice if the description had a bit of blurb as to the story contained therein. As much as i love Holmes, I sometimes confuse one adventure with another!

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад +2

      Yes. My previous channel had all that stuff, Liam, but then RUclips for reasons known only to themselves, shut it down. And I haven't quite had the confidence to put in that work, fearing that it might happen again. However, wikipedia has some pretty good synopses of the stories should you get desperate. Cheers.

    • @Heneggsboss
      @Heneggsboss 5 лет назад +1

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio either ways, thank you so much for your work. I imagine I'll have most of them known by heart if I keep liatening at my current rate, anyways! I always enjoy Holmes in print but I ADORE listening to you bring it to life like you do.
      Thanks, Greg
      PS Thanks for taking the time to reply to me. If it's not too much, may I ask how you feel about the movies with Downey JR and the series with Cumberbatch? Personally, i think the only way vto enjoy Holmes is the way Doyle intended. Read the book or have it read aloud. No comparison.

    • @stewartlancaster6155
      @stewartlancaster6155 Год назад

      they have different titles, does that not help at all ?

  • @muntaha0019
    @muntaha0019 Год назад

    Thanks for this channel!
    Although I think you already noticed it, but in your website, after 3, there is 5 in the same page, and 4 on the next page with 6

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +1

      On my neglected website? Thank you for pointing it out, Muntaha. I must attend to it (at some point in the near future)! Cheers

    • @muntaha0019
      @muntaha0019 Год назад

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio My pleasure!
      Although neglected, that website and obviously this channel which is the main resource behind will keep you alive for thousand years!
      Well done and congratulations man!

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  Год назад +1

      Many thanks! All the best!

  • @christopherlittle341
    @christopherlittle341 2 года назад

    i like sherlock holmes

  • @NickDiFroscia
    @NickDiFroscia 7 месяцев назад

    I love Sherlock Holmes 😅

  • @georgemarie8583
    @georgemarie8583 5 лет назад +3

    Generally a good story... but an apologist for unlawful, criminal behaviour. Holmes setting himself up as God in judgement. The arrogance was uncomfortable to behold.

  • @stevegoody3434
    @stevegoody3434 5 лет назад +2

    love it

  • @CartersCoolPlants
    @CartersCoolPlants Год назад

    went to the link to sign the petition ... can't find the petition on their website ???

  • @Luke-pk9fe
    @Luke-pk9fe 2 года назад

    Cliff notes: murder and thief absconds with robbery money and murders only surviving witness years later in front of his son.

  • @harrickvharrick3957
    @harrickvharrick3957 4 года назад +1

    Subtitles in this story are littered with tiles with question marks for some reason

  • @DarthWill3
    @DarthWill3 5 лет назад +1

    *Mary:* What do you say, dear? Will you go?
    *Watson:* I really don’t know what to say. I have a fairly long list at present.
    *Mary:* Oh, Anstruther would do your work for you. You have been looking a little pale lately. I think that the change would do you good, and you are always so interested in Mr. Sherlock Holmes’ cases.
    *Watson:* I should be ungrateful if I were not, seeing what I gained through one of them. And then there's the fact he won't last long against the wilderness of England.
    *Mary:* _(chuckling)_ Poor Mr. Holmes. I do hope you won't have to help him off another tree.
    *Lestrade:* I am a practical man, and I really cannot undertake to go about the country looking for a left-handed gentleman with a game leg. I should become the laughing-stock of Scotland Yard.
    *Salem Saberhagen:* _(as Holmes)_ Um... Aren't you _already_ the laughing-stock of Scotland Yard?
    *Lestrade:* _(flatly)_ Oh, ha, ha, ha. Very droll, Mr. Holmes.
    *Salem:* I do my best.
    *John Turner:* Black Jack of Ballarat was the name I went under, and our party is still remembered in the colony as the Ballarat Gang.
    *Salem:* Where I'm from, Mr. Turner, I'm a _legend_ for what I did. Hence the fur.

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад

      You must tell me a little more about these extracts DarthWill3 ?

    • @DarthWill3
      @DarthWill3 5 лет назад

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio Surely you must have watched _Sabrina the Teenage Witch?_

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад

      I regret to say that no, I never have.
      Do continue...

    • @DarthWill3
      @DarthWill3 5 лет назад

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio Well, in this show, Salem Saberhagen is a warlock who's been sentenced 100 years as a cat for trying to take over the mortal world. And one of his followers, Hilda Spellman, has to keep him worm-free for a century. ;)

    • @DarthWill3
      @DarthWill3 5 лет назад

      @@sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio Salem Saberhagen is a warlock who's been sentenced 100 years as a cat for trying to take over the mortal world. And one of this followers, Hilda Spellman, has to keep him worm-free for a century. XD

  • @realJman51
    @realJman51 5 лет назад +2

    I must of missed it but why didn't Mr. Turner so adamant about his daughter not marrying James McCarthy?

    • @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio
      @sherlock_holmes_magpie_audio  5 лет назад

      (Can't remember)

    • @GameGeek7784
      @GameGeek7784 5 лет назад

      that was so because he had the blood of his father. Although he had nothing against his son the fact that he carried the blood of his nemesis was more than enough for him to be against the marriage

    • @stalkek
      @stalkek 4 года назад +1

      Chaitanya Sinha McCartny was clearly an awful nightmare of a man, but it seems Holmes and the sense of the story were very kind in completely forgetting Turner’s very criminal past, upon which his wealth entirely depended!

  • @johnmoesche3959
    @johnmoesche3959 3 года назад +1

    Who does the artwork?

  • @philipgregory4748
    @philipgregory4748 3 года назад

    excellent reader

  • @leu3368
    @leu3368 6 лет назад +6

    Don't worry I just drink coca cola or water

  • @Madcow76
    @Madcow76 4 года назад +3

    Where did all these ads come from. Can't abide these interruptions. Going to have to unsubscribe. Sorry. Too much.

  • @NickDiFroscia
    @NickDiFroscia 8 месяцев назад

    Back to reality ❣️😘

  • @NickDiFroscia
    @NickDiFroscia 9 месяцев назад

    Back to reality ❣️.

  • @sumazdar
    @sumazdar 6 месяцев назад


  • @nikaylatucker6714
    @nikaylatucker6714 Год назад


  • @dundunduuuun3925
    @dundunduuuun3925 6 лет назад


  • @markvines7308
    @markvines7308 5 лет назад +1

    Aussie's pronounce past " parst".

  • @gemmacastrillon2301
    @gemmacastrillon2301 5 лет назад +1

    Visto 1/11/20