Welding The Frame & Mounting The Door!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • In this video I spent a lot of time getting the frame in the right spot so I can mount the door so it will line up with the door striker.
    Instagram: / kyle.reese6511
    Sponsored by Turner Motorsport: goo.gl/NuCI2B
    -------- Camera and Gear I'm using --------
    Camera - Canon 70D: amzn.to/2yNtXua
    Lens - EFS 24mm f2.8 STM: amzn.to/2xnwVUI
    Mic: amzn.to/2zCUERA
    Bendy Tripod: amzn.to/2liijoe
    Big Tripod: amzn.to/2lgozfT
    -------- Music --------
    DJ Quads / aka-dj-quads
    Joakim Karud / joakimkarud
    Inukshuk - Too Far Gone
    / too-far-gone
  • Авто/МотоАвто/Мото

Комментарии • 19

  • @brianvargas4885
    @brianvargas4885 6 лет назад +8

    Damn this Friday going good, first a Chrisfix video and now a Kyle Reese video? Today is a good day

  • @RileyBrycer
    @RileyBrycer 6 лет назад +3

    that’s so crazy how you look at a project as difficult as the condition of the miata, then attack it full send without looking back until you get the result you want! that’s the kind of will to work that i hope to develop one day! you’re an inspiring creator and i hope you keep doing what you’re doing kyle! and i’m not sure if that’s your dad helping you in the vids but i think that’s super cool how he’s supportive with what you love! my dad raised me in the garage. i was born into the love of working on vehicles but i’m just working my way through school so i can one day have the funds for projects like this! anyway, love the vids and keep it up man!

    • @alanspangler5621
      @alanspangler5621 6 лет назад

      I have a gen1 sho in my yard under a cover (about to get her own carport) had an underhood fire in 01, i got pretty much all i need now... Shes super clean and sleeping beauty will become briar rose

  • @eddieh1985
    @eddieh1985 6 лет назад +4

    Looks great man. The amount of work you do out of your home garage is amazing. Keep it up. Don’t pay attention to the negative comments or thumbs down. You accomplish more than some pro shops can do.

  • @proximusadiemus8731
    @proximusadiemus8731 6 лет назад

    Massive body work Kyle and great job for doing it like a pro! :) Well done!

  • @davidd4677
    @davidd4677 6 лет назад

    I was going to suggest the tree and come-a-long, but see you've already tried it. Awesome job getting that done without the use of a super expensive machine!

  • @NGAAutoTV
    @NGAAutoTV 6 лет назад +1

    Nice work! That lift you have gets your car so high.

  • @optimalCALM
    @optimalCALM 6 лет назад

    Good stuff.

  • @powerhouse_customs_ar4889
    @powerhouse_customs_ar4889 6 лет назад

    You did a good job Kyle...I wouldn't have bought that...lol and I do bodywork...

  • @leedavies9309
    @leedavies9309 6 лет назад

    good video ////// that bmw looks so good......

  • @rusyaidijefri4263
    @rusyaidijefri4263 6 лет назад

    Its not ugly to me i mean great job tho! Young and talented!!

  • @powerhouse_customs_ar4889
    @powerhouse_customs_ar4889 6 лет назад

    Harbor freight has a stud gun tool but I like you coming up with your own

  • @sled1racer
    @sled1racer 6 лет назад

    curious.....why didnt you just weld a coupling nut to the original slide hammer assembly?

  • @alanspangler5621
    @alanspangler5621 6 лет назад

    Hey Milo

  • @abdurrehmansawlayh1792
    @abdurrehmansawlayh1792 6 лет назад

    My question of the day is..do some of these comments help you sometimes?

  • @kungfupanda6135
    @kungfupanda6135 6 лет назад

    Puh that music.. nice video as always, but this music kills me every time

    • @KyleReese6511
      @KyleReese6511  6 лет назад +1

      KungFu Panda you’re welcome to recommend some good music that isn’t going to get flagged by RUclips. I’m all ears!

    • @davidd4677
      @davidd4677 6 лет назад

      @@KyleReese6511 Honestly, you start playing music to appease one person then you're going to have 30 others complaining about it. It's not about the music, it's about the content and watching a project come together. Keep doing you, the videos are great.