In diesem Video seht ihr 41 DIY's, die ich selbst gemacht und auf Instagram hochgeladen habe. Lasst euch inspirieren und folgt mir gerne für mehr ❤️ #diy #diyideas #hacks
Same, I think having everything the same colour is quite boring, unless you have a few accented colours here & there & change them up as per your mood/season etc.. (like cushion covers, throws, different art work in frames, rugs & real/ artificial flowers or other ideas) I guess some folks just like everything in their houses to be that off white, creamy colour. Or greys?! They maybe have a few dif shades of the same colour on flooring, walls & furniture. But I like a bit colour here n there.. I do 100% agree though that up-cycling & reinventing of many dif items from other items like in this video, is satisfying & very inspirational. Not to mention satisfying if you up-cycle something old & scruffy to look new & cool to have in your home or sell on.. (which I’m in the process of doing with an old school desk, which’s real solid wood & not modern laminated/veneered style furniture. I found & always look for real solid pieces of furniture if i plan to up-cyle them. Bc modern stuff doesn’t turn out as well!! The hard plastic blue computer chair,I’m going to pair with the done up old fashion school desk. That that came in with a 200’s style imitation wood laminated bedroom fitted teenage style bedroom set up from my mother in laws bought show home.) We kept & changed up some of the furniture about 15 years ago for my daughters bedroom (& it’s a tall bookcase & the blue chair is all that remains from that whole single teenage bedroom furniture fitment combo)😂😂😂 Great to change up what you have, & source from second hand stores & do up/change it’s incredibly satisfying. I’ve been passed the inspiration of up-cycling in the 90’s from my mother when I was a single parent & living off a limited budget, it’s amazing what left over wallpaper, on the back of an old bookcase, then painted to go in with a rooms decor.. it’s a great feeling of achievement I learned way back in my 20’s. 🎉
This is a treasure trove of creative inspiration for home decor enthusiasts. With 41 DIY ideas, hacks, and upcycling tips, it's poised to become a go-to resource for those looking to revamp their living spaces on a budget. Get ready to transform your home with these ingenious decor concepts! Thumbs up👍
Уникальная способность у девушки из ничего сделать вещь и стильную даже - это конечно талант и хороший вкус!!!! Здорово, браво, аплодирую стоя!!!!! 😅😂❤🎉🎉🎉
I was thoroughly impressed in this video. Its demonstrations and innovative ideas make these DIY projects accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a seasoned DIYer or just starting out, this video is packed with imaginative ways to transform your home. Kudos
This video genuinely impressed me. These do-it-yourself crafts are made accessible and enjoyable by its demos and creative concepts. This video is brimming with creative home improvement ideas, whether you're an experienced do-it-yourselfer or just getting started.
@nazmeenkhan7584 // I think in the beginning she's using all-purpose joint compound, but she'd have a lot more subscribers if she listed material used.
I love your video but what products are you using? I don't understand why people make videos and don't put products down. Are we to guess what your using? Please write down what you use!
I absolutely loved this video! The clever upcycling and decorating hacks showcased in this compilation are both practical and aesthetically pleasing. It's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to personalize their home on a budget.
Hola, 🙋🏼♀️, desde Argentina 🇦🇷. Minuto 9:25 en adelante: ¿"qué material, qué masa o masilla, usó", para hacer la tulipa? 🙄. Gracias por contestar 🥰👍👏👏 🏆
Amiga tus ideas son muy bonitas y prolijas y se ve fácil de lograrlas.te felicito. Demuestras con hechos que podemos usar herramientas de carpintería que hasta ahora yo no me atrevo. Gracias! Que Dios te continúe dando muchas ideas. Una venezolana en Costa Rica
Hi, With much respect, might I suggest that you turn your phone on the horizontal to get rid of those large black sides? This is just FYI. Thanks for all the tips. Cheers.
I really like many of these! It gets me to thinking too how I might incorporate my own taste, which is always good.😉 I love shine, glass and bling, so I might try number 1 and add either loose bling or bling sheets inside the spatula lines, and then trim the frame with bling sheets.
Yes. I agree. I did enjoy those large wooden like bowls that she turned into a tea table. But we don't know where she bought it from. I would have kept the wood colour as is and give it another use. Other than that links would be great to see.
Amei suas idéias, gosta de tons claros, principalmente o branco e achei que ficou suave e delicada sua decoração . Vou aderir tons brancos aqui em casa tb , me inspirei . Obrigada por seu conteúdo , muito bom!
Olá, adoro seus videos, obrigada por compartilhar. São de longe os meus favoritos pelo facto de serem peças lindas e que praticamente ficam a custo 0, porque maioritariamente sao feitos de materiais que temos em casa e alguns ja nao usamos. Cumprimentos de Chamusca, Santarem, Portugal
I loved your ideas.. but kindly give the description and product details as well so that beginners can also understand the way to follow... Thank you ❤
These ideas and the results are beautiful! However, if I can’t find what products you use it doesn’t do me a. Lot of good. Example: the second craft when you poured a white powder from a plain glass bottle, what was that?
Wow!!! Such lovely projects you’ve created!!! I couldn’t stop watching this video!!!, I am already subscribed as of now!! Thanks so much for the beautiful that you shared, and can’t wait for more!!!❤The music 🎶 is very relaxing, but why not tell us the products that you used????
Finding wooden bowls around here on the cheap? Ain't happening! Must EVERYTHING be painted white!? Loved the refurbished piece of furniture at the end.
Bom dia, essa massa encontra-se em armazems de creatividades manuais. O nome inglês é Modelling Clay (em portugues talves sera Massa de modelar. Atençao, nao é barro!) Existe em branco ou cinzento e séca au ar livre (tambem existe que vai au forno, seja vigilente na hora de comprar 😉). Em frança as mais baratas encontram-se nos armazems ACTION mas nao sei se essas lojas existem em Portugal. Peço desculpa pelos erros e espéro ter ajudado.
Ok...I'm not into the white minimalist aesthetic, but I am into DIYing quiet luxury on the cheap, and this is INCREDIBLY satisfying. Mind. Blown.
I was about to say that she doesn’t show where she gets the supplies and I saw it’s German! Oh well, lovely all the same. Yes great ideas.
Same, I think having everything the same colour is quite boring, unless you have a few accented colours here & there & change them up as per your mood/season etc.. (like cushion covers, throws, different art work in frames, rugs & real/ artificial flowers or other ideas) I guess some folks just like everything in their houses to be that off white, creamy colour. Or greys?! They maybe have a few dif shades of the same colour on flooring, walls & furniture. But I like a bit colour here n there.. I do 100% agree though that up-cycling & reinventing of many dif items from other items like in this video, is satisfying & very inspirational. Not to mention satisfying if you up-cycle something old & scruffy to look new & cool to have in your home or sell on.. (which I’m in the process of doing with an old school desk, which’s real solid wood & not modern laminated/veneered style furniture. I found & always look for real solid pieces of furniture if i plan to up-cyle them. Bc modern stuff doesn’t turn out as well!! The hard plastic blue computer chair,I’m going to pair with the done up old fashion school desk. That that came in with a 200’s style imitation wood laminated bedroom fitted teenage style bedroom set up from my mother in laws bought show home.) We kept & changed up some of the furniture about 15 years ago for my daughters bedroom (& it’s a tall bookcase & the blue chair is all that remains from that whole single teenage bedroom furniture fitment combo)😂😂😂 Great to change up what you have, & source from second hand stores & do up/change it’s incredibly satisfying. I’ve been passed the inspiration of up-cycling in the 90’s from my mother when I was a single parent & living off a limited budget, it’s amazing what left over wallpaper, on the back of an old bookcase, then painted to go in with a rooms decor.. it’s a great feeling of achievement I learned way back in my 20’s. 🎉
I think the stuff used in this whole project is either plaster of Paris or white putty for wall. Great idea..
This is a treasure trove of creative inspiration for home decor enthusiasts. With 41 DIY ideas, hacks, and upcycling tips, it's poised to become a go-to resource for those looking to revamp their living spaces on a budget. Get ready to transform your home with these ingenious decor concepts! Thumbs up👍
Si seulement on connaissait les matériaux qu'elle emploie aucun détail aucune description😠
Ваше видео можно смотреть бесконечно! Все суперкрасиво, доступно, стильно! Руки зачесались, вдохновили!❤
Руки зачесались,а какие материалы нужны для создания такой красоты - тайна за семью печатями.
You are so talented! Please add to description what products you use and where to buy them. Thank you! ❤❤❤
All the credit goes to you for having a huge imagination and skill to put them into action! Everything is absolutely stunning!
Уникальная способность у девушки из ничего сделать вещь и стильную даже - это конечно талант и хороший вкус!!!! Здорово, браво, аплодирую стоя!!!!! 😅😂❤🎉🎉🎉
Все просто большинство переделок - склеили обмазали покрасили🤷
I was thoroughly impressed in this video. Its demonstrations and innovative ideas make these DIY projects accessible and enjoyable. Whether you're a seasoned DIYer or just starting out, this video is packed with imaginative ways to transform your home. Kudos
This video genuinely impressed me. These do-it-yourself crafts are made accessible and enjoyable by its demos and creative concepts. This video is brimming with creative home improvement ideas, whether you're an experienced do-it-yourselfer or just getting started.
Супер как все красиво а самое главное стильно...спасибо что показали. Привет с Кавказа город Нальчик.
Thank you for sharing your video. I saved it so when I remodeling my apartment, it looks goid.
Plenty of new diy projects. You are talented!
U have to mention what u are using
Atleast mention what material are used in each and every art
She doesn't even have to film 😂😂😂
@nazmeenkhan7584 // I think in the beginning she's using all-purpose joint compound, but she'd have a lot more subscribers if she listed material used.
@@culturematrixmc// so she doesn't have to film, but she's getting paid per view and subscribers, so she'd have MORE IF she listed materials.
@@Donna-vh5ym sure. But there is no obligation per se. 😉
I watched the whole thing. You're so creative! And I love how many of these are made with IKEA items, so everyone can try it ❤
Thank you so much 😍❤️
I agree with most of what you said, but not everyone can try it since there isn’t a list of what products she used.
No deberías explicar el proceso? Y los materiales que utilizas ?? No lo entiendo
I Love everything you made. This is Awesome and truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing.
You're a genius! I really like how many of these are created with IKEA components, making them accessible to everyone.
So adorable professional work, I just love it. TFS.🙏🤣👍💐👋🌻
Adorable home decors … Please do mention the materials .. Keep shining 🥰
I really loved the DIYing vibe! Minimal aesthetic's with neutral and natural colors.
I love your video but what products are you using? I don't understand why people make videos and don't put products down. Are we to guess what your using? Please write down what you use!
Use google translate….its not rocket science.
Teilweise sehr hübsche Ergebnisse, vielen Dank für die Anregungen.
You've stolen my creative heart!!
I absolutely loved this video! The clever upcycling and decorating hacks showcased in this compilation are both practical and aesthetically pleasing. It's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to personalize their home on a budget.
Wow, richtig tolle Ideen- danke dafür
Вы супер мастер! Спасибо за щедрость!❤
Hola, 🙋🏼♀️, desde Argentina 🇦🇷. Minuto 9:25 en adelante: ¿"qué material, qué masa o masilla, usó", para hacer la tulipa? 🙄. Gracias por contestar 🥰👍👏👏 🏆
Tolle Ideen. Womit machst du die Vasen? Ist das acryl und Sand ?
IN LOVE with the flower vase!😍😍 And always wanted to try the mirror frame one
You're obsessed with white color
Hermosos proyectos!!! Aunque no hay nevesidad de pintar todo! Las transparencias y la madera ya son suficientemente lindas..
What are the products...
Many of these I really enjoy! It makes me consider how I might add my own preferences, which is always beneficial.
Pl advise what paint you use for the china vase that you made?
Wow good and beautiful ideas, thank you so much for sharing🥰👍🏻
stopping by supporting. you did some awesome Diy. I got to try some of these. see you soon
Que talento lindo , ideias geniais amei ! Gratidão por compartilhar ❤
Great video, awesome creativity! Now you need some color in your life even if you just give it away!
Amiga tus ideas son muy bonitas y prolijas y se ve fácil de lograrlas.te felicito. Demuestras con hechos que podemos usar herramientas de carpintería que hasta ahora yo no me atrevo. Gracias! Que Dios te continúe dando muchas ideas. Una venezolana en Costa Rica
You're so talented! Thank you for sharing these beautiful inspirations.. Blessings 💜🙏🏽💜
These are some great but great ideals thank you for sharing. Loven them .
Con qué material haces la calabaza por favor. Hermoso todo
Thank you, it‘s air dry clay 🫶🏼
Tolle Ideen....Danke
I love all of your projects. However I iwish you would tell what materials you use 😊
impressed by your creativity and the way you use your hands with perfect manicure all the time :)
Genial!!!! Especialmente los muebles !! Maravilloso 😊
So perfectly!!! You are very-very talented and creative! I wish you all the best!
You've stolen my creative heart!!
Ty for sharing your ideas ❤ beautiful
Hermosamente delicado felicitaciones sigue adelante Dios te bendiga la creatividad tan elegante qué tienes y la compartes
Desde Mérida ciudad de Mérida Venezuela
💕Super talented!👏🏼
Your creative skills is very admirable✌️
Thank you for sharing💖
Hi, With much respect, might I suggest that you turn your phone on the horizontal to get rid of those large black sides? This is just FYI. Thanks for all the tips. Cheers.
I came to the comments to look for where she got the coffee table as soon as I saw it, then realised she made it as the video continued. Love it!!!
I really like many of these! It gets me to thinking too how I might incorporate my own taste, which is always good.😉 I love shine, glass and bling, so I might try number 1 and add either loose bling or bling sheets inside the spatula lines, and then trim the frame with bling sheets.
Eu amei cada ideia 💡 ❤
Que moça criativa, muito obrigada!!!!😊❤
Even the kitty is a neutral color 💕💕💕💕
I watched the entire video, I am truly amazed by people's creativity, and yours my dear is way off the charts 👍
The most suspenseful DIY video. Gorgeous ideas🥰
LOVE this video!! Your ideas are amazing, thank you so much for sharing!!🤍
очень стильно!!! причем из доступного материала 👍
So beige that even the cat is beige ♥️😂😂.. love it
Absolutely love these creations your so talented, could you please share what products you use and where to purchase ?
As you glow up, please add links to items used. You are so talented!!!
Yes. I agree. I did enjoy those large wooden like bowls that she turned into a tea table. But we don't know where she bought it from. I would have kept the wood colour as is and give it another use. Other than that links would be great to see.
Very nicely done. Reminded me of 80's southwest decor. But better
Amei suas idéias, gosta de tons claros, principalmente o branco e achei que ficou suave e delicada sua decoração . Vou aderir tons brancos aqui em casa tb , me inspirei .
Obrigada por seu conteúdo , muito bom!
Your dedication to your craft is truly inspiring. Keep up the great work!
Hiii what paint color did you use on the bookshelf ? 10:19 ❤ itttt!
Excellent ideas! What is the music playing .. it's SO relaxing! ❤😊
It’s Lo-Fi
Olá, adoro seus videos, obrigada por compartilhar. São de longe os meus favoritos pelo facto de serem peças lindas e que praticamente ficam a custo 0, porque maioritariamente sao feitos de materiais que temos em casa e alguns ja nao usamos. Cumprimentos de Chamusca, Santarem, Portugal
I loved your ideas.. but kindly give the description and product details as well so that beginners can also understand the way to follow... Thank you ❤
There is no description, because she is not the maker. She just made her channel out off other people videos. That's a great hacks too.😅
@@Khorotovich All the DIYs in this video were made by me. The videos belong to me and are copyrighted! Instagram: @1otsofdots
❤😂🎉 You have some really Amazing Ideas! Truly Nice!!
Thank You!!!
Thanks very share your video i love so much ❤️
Thanks for sharing, these tips will be very helpful for our home 🥰
So creative and talented! Love all these pieces ❤
I can't say enough you totally inspired me. You are talented and creative.
I love the ideas!! I’m going to do a couple of projects. Thank you.
Love the chairs 🪑
Wow, so many great ideas. Very inspiring. Thank you for posting.
Adorei tudo o que vi , apetecia me fazê-los todos
Parabéns 👏👏
Wonderful skills and ideas, thanks for sharing.
du bist eine riesige Inspiration! Bleib weiterhin am Ball! Machst das großartig und beweist mehr handliches Geschick als mancher Mann.
Charmante Grüße
These ideas and the results are beautiful! However, if I can’t find what products you use it doesn’t do me a. Lot of good. Example: the second craft when you poured a white powder from a plain glass bottle, what was that?
Je pense peinture acrylique + bicarbonate alimentaire. Beaucoup l'utilise dans les tutos DIY
Sand + Acrylic paint
@@geethajose4571 Thank you for your kind reply!
Yes the white powder is sand 🫶🏼
I have seen a few DIY channels use baking soda as well
Eu amei xada detalhe. Perfeição absoluta ❤❤❤❤
So creative and talented! Love all these pieces
Wow!!! Such lovely projects you’ve created!!! I couldn’t stop watching this video!!!, I am already subscribed as of now!! Thanks so much for the beautiful that you shared, and can’t wait for more!!!❤The music 🎶 is very relaxing, but why not tell us the products that you used????
Great ideas! Thank you for sharing. ❤
Очень красивая девушка и руки у неё золотые ,так все красиво и мило ❤❤❤
You're a true talent; keep up the amazing work!
What's the name of the paint, that you used at 9:54 for that book shelf?
Finding wooden bowls around here on the cheap? Ain't happening! Must EVERYTHING be painted white!? Loved the refurbished piece of furniture at the end.
good ideas, I will use a little color on my future projects. Thank you🤍
Genial elegantes tus proyectos ❤❤tienes talento creativa felicidades linda🎉❤Excelente todo seguro alguno voy a realizar, inspiras empezar ya 😂😂💐🎶🤗👋💜
Спасибо за мастер-класс.Сколько вы можете! Поразительно.
Buenos días
Deberías de decir que materiales usas en mezclas, pinturas pegantes y medidas
Gracias Bendiciones 🙏
This is the first time I watch a video and wish that never ends ❤
Best DIY high end video I’ve seen so far❤
Bravissima COMPLIMENTI!!! ❤❤❤Saluti da Italy
How do you get the paint sticking to the glass . I tried it and it looked tacky.
Magnifique j adore beau travaille 👏👏👏😉
Bom dia ❤excelente trabalho , 👏👏👏👏alguém sabe me dizer que massa e essa que ela abre ou a que ela coloca água ?
Bom dia, essa massa encontra-se em armazems de creatividades manuais. O nome inglês é Modelling Clay (em portugues talves sera Massa de modelar. Atençao, nao é barro!) Existe em branco ou cinzento e séca au ar livre (tambem existe que vai au forno, seja vigilente na hora de comprar 😉). Em frança as mais baratas encontram-se nos armazems ACTION mas nao sei se essas lojas existem em Portugal. Peço desculpa pelos erros e espéro ter ajudado.
Espectacular ,viva la creatividad 🎉👌👏👏👏