what the fuck you lookin at?
I was just checking the xbox live website, seems there's all sorts of shit you can do with the newest installment of live!
One thing that caught my eye was you could download Contra and play online multiplayer with it. Now that would be cool. Team up with someone and tear through that game online! Anyone remember Contra from the original NES? Was one of my all time favs back in the day!
Also saw they have something called "Trueskill matchmaking" Apparently you can game with people that are at your own skill level. That's one thing that turned me off online gaming for quite awhile. I got sick of gettin my ass handed to me on EVERY single game I'd play online! I don't suck but those motherfuckers online are to damn good! Made me feel like a damn noob every time I'd play. Would be nice to play a FPS online and have a fuckin chance to get some kills once in awhile!
I was wondering if anyone used live and if so which membership option do you have, is it worth it, etc...
Just trying to get as much info as possible on it as I'm gonna be getting a 360 in the next couple months. I'd like to know if I should bother with spending the money on live or not.
One thing that caught my eye was you could download Contra and play online multiplayer with it. Now that would be cool. Team up with someone and tear through that game online! Anyone remember Contra from the original NES? Was one of my all time favs back in the day!
Also saw they have something called "Trueskill matchmaking" Apparently you can game with people that are at your own skill level. That's one thing that turned me off online gaming for quite awhile. I got sick of gettin my ass handed to me on EVERY single game I'd play online! I don't suck but those motherfuckers online are to damn good! Made me feel like a damn noob every time I'd play. Would be nice to play a FPS online and have a fuckin chance to get some kills once in awhile!
I was wondering if anyone used live and if so which membership option do you have, is it worth it, etc...
Just trying to get as much info as possible on it as I'm gonna be getting a 360 in the next couple months. I'd like to know if I should bother with spending the money on live or not.