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Horror and/or gore on their own doesn't really faze me, but I just can't stand actually playing horror games. Rather than about fear, it's more to do with the pressure of trying to do stuff in a creepy setting/while being haunted by spooky shit. I'm fine with horror VNs, but anything more involved is too much.

Thanks to Manlybadasshero, I've found I do actually quite enjoy the tension so long as I don't have to actually do the thing -- which is why I wanted to at least "properly" experience it secondhand.

You've convinced me to at least give it a try though, and finding a save is always an option. Thanks.
Well, there are only a handful of scripted times you're being hunted by anything. And you don't actually have to do much while that's going on. (There's super obvious cues for when something is coming after you.) Just run away, hide, pay attention to what dialogue tells you to do, and if you're at a dead-end with a closed door then bang on it till it opens.

That's the full extent of what you'll be doing when something's hunting you. When the cues go away, you aren't being hunted anymore.

I was in a position similar to you before. I get spooked out or squeamish easily. I played the game through about 10 times. Only bits that really bothered me were the sex events that happen if you die in battle to Fear Incarnate. But she's one of the things you're supposed to run and hide from.


New Member
I think the game is bugged.. I was going for true ending I made it to Yuki, As soon she transforms into this thing It just keeps attacking me without allowing me to defend or do anything even if am at 0 fear it kills all my characters and I cant do anything about it. I tried everything all orders all food No mentions of this in the walkthrough.


Active Member
I think the game is bugged.. I was going for true ending I made it to Yuki, As soon she transforms into this thing It just keeps attacking me without allowing me to defend or do anything even if am at 0 fear it kills all my characters and I cant do anything about it. I tried everything all orders all food No mentions of this in the walkthrough.
I think I remember this bug. This one happens when you use the "Shout" command on the enemy before this fight, and that enemy dies soon after. Try fighting the enemy like normal and see if this bug continues.
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So while I was trying to remember how to fullscreen this game, I came across a creepy secret in the main menu. Maybe some of you have already seen this one, but I haven't seen it talked about in this thread. I don't fully know the exact trigger needed, but I do think you need to do three things, and they're pretty easy: You need to complete the
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for the new green title screen to show up, you need to have Fear Incarnate flash in the background like in the original red title screen, and you need to not exit the main menu. Wait a few minutes after doing all this. Keep in mind you can't just tab out of the game's window, otherwise the game will "pause" and the music will continue to play. Once you meet all conditions, you will be greeted with red text filling your screen. I've taken a few screenshots.
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I can't read Japanese, so I'm not sure what this means. I guess the translation team overlooked this one, too. Also, if you look into the Abaddon game folder by pathing through Graphics -> Titles, you can find an image labelled "error.png" that contains an image of this "error." Shortly after, the game will forcibly shutdown. Restarting the game will bring you back to the original red title screen. Everything functions like normal. You can use options, view the gallery, and start a new game. There's just one creepy exception. If you enter "Load Game," your save files end up looking like this with some white noise background audio that you'd expect in a "Something went wrong" screen.
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You'll get this for every save file, with each character's sprite shown in their rotting form and their stats, inventory, and status listed exactly like in the image above. Your files are essentially "corrupted" and you can't use them. If you exit out and come back, your save files will be back to normal like some fever dream. I haven't bothered to see if anything was different in-game, but for the sake of time consumption I'll assume that nothing has changed. I've been able to replicate this occurrence twice after, but encountered difficulty on the third. For the third time, I used a whole copy of Abaddon's files.

Well, things sure don't look good.
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Active Member
So while I was trying to remember how to fullscreen this game, I came across a creepy secret in the main menu. Maybe some of you have already seen this one, but I haven't seen it talked about in this thread. I don't fully know the exact trigger needed, but I do think you need to do three things, and they're pretty easy: You need to complete the
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for the new green title screen to show up, you need to have Fear Incarnate flash in the background like in the original red title screen, and you need to not exit the main menu. Wait a few minutes after doing all this. Keep in mind you can't just tab out of the game's window, otherwise the game will "pause" and the music will continue to play. Once you meet all conditions, you will be greeted with red text filling your screen. I've taken a few screenshots.
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I can't read Japanese, so I'm not sure what this means. I guess the translation team overlooked this one, too. Also, if you look into the Abaddon game folder by pathing through Graphics -> Titles, you can find an image labelled "error.png" that contains an image of this "error." Shortly after, the game will forcibly shutdown. Restarting the game will bring you back to the original red title screen. Everything functions like normal. You can use options, view the gallery, and start a new game. There's just one creepy exception. If you enter "Load Game," your save files end up looking like this with some white noise background audio that you'd expect in a "Something went wrong" screen.
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You'll get this for every save file, with each character's sprite shown in their rotting form and their stats, inventory, and status listed exactly like in the image above. Your files are essentially "corrupted" and you can't use them. If you exit out and come back, your save files will be back to normal like some fever dream. I haven't bothered to see if anything was different in-game, but for the sake of time consumption I'll assume that nothing has changed. I've been able to replicate this occurrence twice after, but encountered difficulty on the third. For the third time, I used a whole copy of Abaddon's files.

Well, things sure don't look good.
I got the first one before, but was so shocked by it, I didn't get a screenshot before the game closed. Text is a bit hard to read, but it looks like it's saying:

"Why did you wake him up!! Why won't you leave me alone!!"


Active Member
I got the first one before, but was so shocked by it, I didn't get a screenshot before the game closed. Text is a bit hard to read, but it looks like it's saying:

"Why did you wake him up!! Why won't you leave me alone!!"
That's interesting. Thanks for the rough translation. Here's a few things I can think of.
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Oh that's good. That's really good. I wish we could get a definite answer, because your interpretation makes the most sense to me. Thanks again for translating the other text for us.

Also, take note. The text really is scrambled and even as unscrambled as I could make it, it's still in semi-broken Japanese. Some parts are hard to understand even in the best circumstances.

So, I can't deny I might be mis-translating it, but I'm pretty sure I got it right.

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tips from me when you finally meet the other party and they ask for food and weapons, you have to give it to them. otherwise then the surviving party members who asked those questions would come out alive as hopeless rather than fear. don't let the party members become hopeless. i let rikana-chan hopeless and she just ran away leaving me and gave me a hard time not only that you can't increase the affection of party members who in hopeless state. i don't give mia-chan food and weapon when she ask she become hopeless when i meet her make sure you give them food and weapon


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Реакции: Haru080 и Katsuki45


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Hello Been awhile since I got to play again But Isn't there supposed to be a hidden pathway here? I'm on my 2nd playthrough
You first need the item from the main hall chest I mentioned to you before, the one that requires the Gold Key. If you haven't gotten the crowbar from the main hall chest, then you'll have to get the gold key first.
I'm going to copy and paste what's written in the walkthrough.

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This game is probably the closest we could get officially to what it was like to play Sweet Home.
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