$4,079 - What Sold on Ebay and Poshmark Last Week
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
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Thanks Caylee, I always appreciate learning from you. Love the style based pickups as well as the bread and butter.
You only feature your highest priced sales. It would be good if we could see your lowest 20 sales so people could see what not to pick up or what they can anticipate for similar items.
I think it will be good for everybody to see you make a video on your lowest 20 and what not to get. Be the change you want to see. And if you've been watching her for this long you should already know what to get and what not to get.
Great suggestion!
@@bcdc4208it was a legit suggestion. Deflection isn't the answer. I've heard other resellers say that if you are highly successful, you should be selling 1% of your store daily (which is almost a 100% STR). I am at about .75% per day for March. If I remember correctly Cayley has over 7,000 items, so no where near 1% or even .5%. I just like realistic "what sold" videos. I think it's more helpful than only BOLO sales. And no, I haven't watched that long.
Hey! I've done videos like this before but don't plan on doing them on a regular basis. I like to focus on what to get vs what not to get.
I call them "stinker sales" in my videos. Lol.
In Nick & Nora, there's also a winter flamingo print that sells super well.
Yes, I sold a set for about $45
Thank you so much for all the time you put into helping other resellers!
Thank you Cayley! I’m having so much fun with style based sourcing armed with the knowledge I continue to gain from REU. I had a few style based flops but once it clicked it all came together. Now I really pause before I purchase to be sure the item hits all the high notes. I love your videos… ❤
I’d love to see a video about how you decide what to sell on Whatnot versus listing on eBay/Poshmark, etc.
Thanks for the info. For future reference, you can buy patches for coats made out of this material that are made to blend into the fabric. Small fix that could help get closer to what the coat is worth.
Oh my God, I had that American Eagle heart tank top, but in white when I was in high school. I thought I was so cool when I wore it with a denim mini skirt to the beach
I love your content Cayley, I have been learning so much 😎 but I got to ask can you do a video on how to properly look up style tags on Google I don't seem to be doing it right, I have no luck at all 😮 lol
This is a super old video but it explains how to do it ☺️
@@cayleyelainethank you 😊
I see Nick & Nora all the time! But rarely if ever in sets. Thanks for the tip! I will be on the lookout.
I totally forgot about Energy. I never come across it. I owned so much of it as a teen because it was in my price range lol
Thank you Cayley I start reselling because of your videos before 2 years I like it . But this year my sales is slow and thrift store prices is high I am sad😢 I giving up hope
thrift online!
It's been tough on everyone. I hope things pull through for you 🙏
@@cayleyelainethank u
did you list the rampage under womens or juniors? thats tricky for me bc of course most of us know women can wear juniors sizing..but we also know juniors has less exposure in the search.. thanks!
I normally don't unless I can tell it fits super tight or it's an odd # sizing on jeans.
Just wondering if the only payment option for the reseller education program is via PayPal?
Currently, yes.
Cayley thanks so much for sharing! Im not sure whats going on with the comments section of this video, so I just wanted to say thank you. I LOOOOOOVE babydoll dresses. I've been killing it with them and tops since learning it from you, and bethany. So much value! thanks for sharing your best sales. If you showed all of them it would take waaay too long! Just wanted to say thank you and give you some looove. I appreciate everything you do for us resellers. I am a better business since learning from you.
Thank you!! I appreciate you!
I just joined poshmark and have listed a few items to sell. All I’m getting are what seems to be scams … people placing an item in a bundle then messaging for me to send more pics to a link or to verify my account. What am I doing wrong?!
Nothing wrong. That happens to everyone when they first sell on poshmark. Just block the people and eventually it will stop. Don't send anything outside of the platform. Not sure what the scam is but don't send to a random phone or email address.
These are scams and they are common for new accounts. You can get rid of them by clicking on the flag icon and reporting them.
💌 thank you 🐝🤟🏼
What makes the Ganesh blazer beach? Linen???
That was probably my lister's way of thinking. We try to associate keywords with certain factors.
How many items do you have on your ebay account
About 6k.
@cayleyelaine thanks
I come across Woolrich men's shirts how do I know if they are vintage ?
You can study tags on sites like vintage fashion guild.
I don't know what it is. I get a lot of activity and likes on items but what really sells for me are BOLOS. It makes me feel like I constantly have to be out sourcing looking for those items in order to make sales. I send offers all of the time, and only get a little ROI. Joining Resellers Edge next week! Gotta get these sales numbers up! I have the inventory and a good size store.
How do you become an ebay "preloved partner"?
They reached out to me directly. I think they plan on opening to everyone eventually.
Great question, I would love to get that status as well.
Your sales have been cut in half it seems like you were doing 9-11k before. Did you change something? Not attacking by any means. Just wondering. I think Yumbo is still doing the same numbers with his productivity.
I think the economy is just bad rn people are not spending money like they used to.
She’s not listing as much lately and focusing on other things. Like her reselling school I think. This time of year is somewhat slow however. It’ll pick up for summer.
The 9 - 11 k is not the average. That was Just a few weeks of spikes sell. Her average is around 6-8k
@@la6136 this is normal. Im my sales are doing the same thing. Sales are down this time of year and explode in Q4. It's VERY normal for this to happen every year. It will be slow-er until October. And also like someone mentioned she's not listing as many per day. But no this happens every year.
Yes, we have significantly cut our liatings to focus on other things. We may increase again in the future. Also as someone stated, sales during this time of the year are typically the slowest for me.
As a person very familiar with clothing construction and tailoring, I really have trouble with you calling everything with an empire waistline "babydoll.," e.g. that first Rampage dress. That is a sheath. A babydoll style is an unfitted, full style that falls from an empire waistline or even higher up from the bodice.
It’s not really about being technically correct it is about using keywords that the buyers will search for. A buyer could still like the style even if it isn’t technically babydoll but it is still similar.
As someone else stated, this is what buyers are searching for for this type of style.