Okay, so I’ve been diving deep into astrology lately, trying to figure out my own chart and what it all means. I’m a Sun in Aquarius and a Scorpio Rising, and let me tell you, it’s been a journey trying to piece it all together.

I started by, you know, Googling. Lots and lots of Googling. “Sun in Aquarius,” “Scorpio Rising,” the whole shebang. I found some basic descriptions, but it was all pretty surface-level stuff. It felt like reading a horoscope – interesting, but not really me.
So, I dug deeper. I found some forums and online communities dedicated to astrology. That’s where things started to get interesting. People were sharing their own experiences with these placements, and it was like a lightbulb went off. I wasn’t just reading definitions anymore; I was reading real-life stories.
My process of exploration
- Started with research. I wanted to understand what my Sun sign and Rising sign really meant in the first place, by researching online, I got a lot of useful informations.
- Combination the two. I’m an Aquarius, I like to be alone to do things in my way, but also a Scorpio rising makes me a little bit…intense.
- Observed myself. I started paying closer attention to how I react to things, how I interact with people, and how I feel in different situations.
- Wrote it down. Every day, I keep notes of things that I found.
- Tried to connect the dots. Are my actions more aligned with my sun sign or my rising sign?
The biggest thing I’ve noticed is this internal conflict. Like, my Aquarius Sun wants to be all independent and rebellious and do things my own way. But my Scorpio Rising makes me this intensely private, sometimes even secretive, person. It’s like I’m constantly battling between wanting to be free and open, and wanting to hold everything close to the chest.
For example, I started a new project recently. My Aquarius side was all excited, wanting to brainstorm crazy ideas and collaborate with everyone. But my Scorpio Rising was like, “Hold on, don’t share too much. Keep your cards close.” It was a real struggle!
I’ve also been paying attention to how I relate to people. Aquarius is supposed to be the sign of friendship, but Scorpio can be…well, a little suspicious. I’ve noticed myself being drawn to deep, meaningful connections, but also being hesitant to fully trust people right away.
It feels like I am still learning. It’s not like I’ve suddenly unlocked the secrets of the universe or anything. But it’s been incredibly helpful to see how these two very different energies play out in my own *,I’m still putting the pieces together, but I feel like I’m finally starting to understand myself a little better.