This Captain Bonus XP is just Broken | Brotato Abyssal Terrors

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • ✵Playlist: • Brotato
    Today on the DLC for Brotato Abyssal Terrors we play the Captain again with the aim to hit ridiculous XP values, but what I actually wanted to achieve was checking out whether you can win with just 1 weapon. Since the Captain gains 60% bonus XP Gain per open weapon slot, having only 1 weapon means you get 300% bonus XP gain, countering the 200% additional required experience to level up. Level ups on their own definitely wouldn't be enough, but the Captain also doubles all stats gained on level ups. However, a very lucky or unlucky change of fate lead us down a different path.
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Комментарии • 155

  • @Trikik
    @Trikik 4 месяца назад +85

    Him cursing at 20% curse with almost double stats on the crown is golden.

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад +3

      Yeah when something good gets cursed especially the hook

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад +6

      right? crazy luck. getting a 1 round curse on such a high impact item AND getting such a high roll before R20, must have been a crazy low chance. possibly as low as less than 1%. then he also got high rolls on his third hook and second hunting trophy.

    • @warmth9140
      @warmth9140 4 месяца назад

      Then finishing the run with only 22 harvesting...

    • @Trikik
      @Trikik 4 месяца назад

      @@warmth9140 harvesting deacreses 20% with each wave after wave 20

  • @DecayedPony
    @DecayedPony 4 месяца назад +4

    I'm so glad he added subtitles for his german outrage. Always cracks me up

  • @ZorroChicken1997
    @ZorroChicken1997 4 месяца назад +10

    The jellyfish looking boss at 11:23 does not actiually shoot balls randomly when it mutates, they have a set pattern. It shoots left of you the right and repeat, so if you stand still it cant hit you. Just wanted to say that because in a couple videos now you have said that they shoot randomly. much love.

  • @Moonystark
    @Moonystark 4 месяца назад +30

    takes celery tea; wonders why he has such a hard time
    next round; wonders why it is suddenly so easy

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      me every time I take celery tea lol

  • @MilkGodMilkGod-r2b
    @MilkGodMilkGod-r2b 4 месяца назад +40

    Didn’t even watch a minute of it but it’s already peak

  • @NoobMaster-hm2fr
    @NoobMaster-hm2fr 4 месяца назад +16

    Dex, the Particle Accelerator’s lasers count as projectiles, thus they can be affected by the seashell. Lots and lots of lasers are the result. I think you should try it out!

  • @DatShadyGuy
    @DatShadyGuy 4 месяца назад +7

    "One ball to my face and I could have died."-Dex, 2024

  • @Eve_the_eggshell
    @Eve_the_eggshell 4 месяца назад +1

    2:17 omg danke dein SCHEISSE hat meinen Tag gerettet real talk

  • @aK1baby
    @aK1baby 4 месяца назад +1

    nice run,
    did u noticed, at around 30:00 min your turrets where literally creating a deathtrap by pushing a bunch of mobs into the bottom left corner. due to the fast attackspeed and knockback the mobs couldn't escape ... never have i seen such thing.

  • @applemanc22
    @applemanc22 3 месяца назад

    Hi Dex, I love your runs they're really fun to watch, just incase you didnt know yet, the anvil does NOT improve the weapon after you pick up the knot, but it does give the +2 armour.

  • @skywatcher458
    @skywatcher458 4 месяца назад +9

    i would love to see how far you could make the Harvesting goes with all the new dlc characters and items
    especially with farmer and million billions cursed gardens

    • @LincDN
      @LincDN 4 месяца назад +1

      I actually almost managed this last night but I died before I could find improved tools. However I did get 1300 elemental damage thanks to the Axolotl which turned into 2600 engineering from the strange book.

    • @MrGhosta5
      @MrGhosta5 4 месяца назад

      Plays just like druid except you switch to sickles once you have enough cursed gardens you don't need pruners.

  • @Shadowassassinog
    @Shadowassassinog 4 месяца назад +1

    2500 is crazy.
    Love the vids ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️❤️

  • @PhilipAndersson-c7z
    @PhilipAndersson-c7z 4 месяца назад +14

    You went for an xp build but the game wanted harvesting

  • @marcosjose5804
    @marcosjose5804 4 месяца назад +4

    If I could change anything in the game, I'd make hook's base upgrade chance 33%, max 67% chance when cursed, and make it a 2 item only. Worst case cenario would be 66% (better than 60%), it'd speed up so many builds a LOT, and it really wouldn't be BROKEN, just less frustating

    • @Ethan54006
      @Ethan54006 4 месяца назад +1

      itd be pretty broken, even just as youd have to get significantly less hooks for the same impact

  • @Am4gedon
    @Am4gedon 4 месяца назад +8

    You had 13% Dodge and dodged multiple critical attacks while fighting the first boss. How lucky are you? xD

  • @rainonmyscug
    @rainonmyscug 4 месяца назад

    I love how you get the crown at the start but dont even have that much harvesting at the end

  • @skreekx7300
    @skreekx7300 4 месяца назад

    I do love the fun runs more than some of the challenges

  • @lordgenerias
    @lordgenerias 2 месяца назад

    I've had some absolutely abysmal luck in some games where random chance is concerned. Baldur's Gate 3, I had a fighter try to attack 3 times, on a 95% chance to hit. All 3 attacks missed. In a game where a 20 sided die is rolled, I had three instances where all I had to do was _not roll a 1_ on the D20. I rolled 1, 3 times in a row.
    So you not getting a fish hook to curse something multiple times with an 82% chance is far from surprising to me.

  • @Trevor21230
    @Trevor21230 4 месяца назад

    I would really love to see a single weapon run with the baby where you give yourself the Captain's Sword as a starting weapon.

  • @johnmidwest5650
    @johnmidwest5650 Месяц назад

    30:00 that would be cool😊

  • @yogeshharlalka153
    @yogeshharlalka153 4 месяца назад

    Just imagining how genetically modified mod will be with this character with one armed or baby or multitasker as there are lot more bonus weapon slots

  • @1TieDye1
    @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

    love your channel dex. I hope my numerous comments aren't annoying lol

  • @graemewiebe2815
    @graemewiebe2815 4 месяца назад +1

    I'd be very interested to see a scaling build revolving around max HP (leaves) and armor (anvil) to see how far it could go - you often seem to discount many of the scaling per round items (and probably rightfully so), but I'd be interested nonetheless. I'd consider it a fun experiment to see how it compares to other strategies, and wouldn't mind if you modded some items in to get it kickstarted so it doesn't take forever to record

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      both are great for R20 wins (if you get them early enough) and for early endless but eventually, no matter what you do, enemies will outscale your HP and armor to the point they one shot you. Dex tends to say you can't survive hits pretty soon after R40, which is definitely a bit of exaggeration because if you lean into scaling your armor and HP, you can survive a couple hits later on, but even just 10-20 more rounds after 40, it gets way harder to survive and quickly becomes impossible without tardigrades and dodge
      edit: yeah, if you look at his R40 hear, he had very high HP and armor and was still taking enough damage to get 2 shot.
      also, for the run you are suggesting you have to get pretty lucky to get 2 specific rares lol unless he does a mod to give himself specific items instead of whatever items he gets from elites

  • @Belzemat
    @Belzemat 4 месяца назад

    Would definitely be interested in seeing a knockback build! I wonder if you could pair that with cursed slowing items so the enemies just dont even get a chance. If the field is full, does the game spawn more enemies? I don't remember how thats done.

  • @Secretlycat31
    @Secretlycat31 4 месяца назад

    I had the Dextroyer in my first long game which ended at wave 50 so it does exist in myths

  • @LincDN
    @LincDN 4 месяца назад

    I can't wait for the GMO mod to combine the baby and the captain for infinite levels

  • @htpc002Weirdhouse
    @htpc002Weirdhouse 4 месяца назад

    Maybe Dex needs a Dex-branded coffee mug that he can invert to keep track of when he takes Celery Tea so he can be less surprised when a stage is hard and the next stage is easier.

  • @zeldamain6409
    @zeldamain6409 4 месяца назад +2

    I would love to see the mod that combines characters and use the captain with the baby

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      it would be brutal early on. they both have increased xp required to level, so your first level and the bonus XP gain from empty weapon slots might not come until R3 and every one after that would also be really slow, until you get at least 8 or so empty bonus slots, then it would start to snowball a little bit. captain+multitasker would work well though.

  • @TheCrazyCapMaster
    @TheCrazyCapMaster 4 месяца назад +1

    The fact that Dex went in planning to test out a single-weapon run and accidentally made a turret-enabled Giant’s Belt build 🤣

  • @andreihetea3887
    @andreihetea3887 4 месяца назад

    You should try a greedy cursed saver run , maybe endless too if the scaling gets crazy

  • @1TieDye1
    @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

    12:00 Dex on a second date, after finishing the terms and conditions

  • @htpc002Weirdhouse
    @htpc002Weirdhouse 4 месяца назад

    11:59 Is "Gimme your chest!" some sort of German idiom used by VERY forward men?

  • @mihai1997
    @mihai1997 4 месяца назад

    Have you tried a run where you fuse the Captain with the Baby or the Multitasker?

  • @mercerwing1458
    @mercerwing1458 4 месяца назад

    18:46 the stomping sound made me sht myself

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад

      hahahah sorry, that's actually my keyboard that I already have on a towel, but the impact can shake the mic. It usually only happens when I don't talk for a while since it starts picking up more sounds, or when I get excited and slam the buttons too hard. Which tbh isn't hard to achieve for me, finding a Mouse would do the trick

  • @cerenityAura
    @cerenityAura 4 месяца назад

    holocure have big update last week,not gonna visit it again?

  • @WedeChrissi
    @WedeChrissi 4 месяца назад

    I had a run yesterday where a hunting tropy didn't get cursed 3 times in a row with 90 % curse chance. That was a 0.1 % chance of that happening. What I'm saying is curse is only there to torture us...

  • @omnidrohne
    @omnidrohne 2 месяца назад

    I was like "Ghost Eggs"? Did they add a new weapon 😅

  • @petecabrina
    @petecabrina 4 месяца назад

    Does cursing the hunting trophies really matter once they are 99-100+%?

  • @landerdander5852
    @landerdander5852 4 месяца назад

    When you playing new Holocure update?

  • @aaronscott7467
    @aaronscott7467 4 месяца назад

    I wonder how good it could be if you went zero weapons and instead used turrets to kill enemies. I assume it would be awkward to play, since you didn't really like the builder run, but it would be even more xp for you so maybe that could compensate?

  • @Steadyforkempire
    @Steadyforkempire 4 месяца назад

    Why did he sound like gru bro. “Tonight we steal the moon” 23:04

  • @heybintom
    @heybintom 4 месяца назад

    Sup, will you try out the new game Nimrods? I see huge potential there.

  • @juanps2721
    @juanps2721 4 месяца назад

    5 minutes in and its the greediest run I've seen

  • @sixthaxis5236
    @sixthaxis5236 4 месяца назад

    I honestly chuckle when he goes full german~

  • @ernstzumach9972
    @ernstzumach9972 4 месяца назад

    Hey Dex :D could you make a list of the mods you have installed ? thx in advance ✌

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад

      It's in the description :)

  • @ThatoneHeyy
    @ThatoneHeyy 4 месяца назад

    The curses today were following pokemon accuracy logic lmao

  • @grogueQ
    @grogueQ 4 месяца назад

    Why doesn't the damage mod show turret damage?

  • @stormdrifter7904
    @stormdrifter7904 2 месяца назад

    Ok but what if you combined him with Baby?

  • @xredgambit
    @xredgambit 4 месяца назад

    It's pretty wild that you could be so unlucky in curse this run.

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      how? he got a cursed crown in ONE attempt on a 20% chance. that's well above odds AND a crazy impactful item to get cursed. he was crazy lucky lol. and then the cursed hook was a max roll, the crown was nearly a max roll, the hunting trophy was (I think) a maxed roll. his luck was average overall and above average if you consider the impact of the cursed items or just the impact of a 1 round high roll cursed crown alone.

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад

      @@1TieDye1 I think he refers to the amount of times 20%, 40% and 82% Curse kept failing, not every individual instance. The Crowns at 15% (17% is max, given the low numbers that's give a big diff) was insane, the fact that I even found the Crown was also insane, and the early Fish Hook was decent. But I'd say that's also it, the rest is something you just expect across tens of thousands of rolls, item encounters and gets a bit lowered in evaluation when you know you have a way easier time to Curse something after finding 2 Fish Hooks. The major hits were the second Fish Hook not getting Cursed (this heavily crippled the rest of the run), the Hunting Trophy taking ages to get Cursed and the Black Flag taking ages. Like I think combined they locked 2 slots for 7 rounds, would need to rewatch it though. Early on that's a really heavy hit.

  • @nebelwaffel8174
    @nebelwaffel8174 4 месяца назад +2

    he just talked about how he should take the wheelbarrow in the shop, because it is so much harvesting and like 20 seconds later at 11:02 simply rolls past it and doesn't even acknowledge it. Du Dödel, du Vollhorst!

  • @herkaderk5056
    @herkaderk5056 4 месяца назад

    Please do a knock back build. I was already thinking about that when I saw all the enemies getting flung out of the map

    • @Lil_Puppy
      @Lil_Puppy 4 месяца назад

      I was enjoying the enemies getting stuff into the corners by the turrets.

  • @Smileformi769
    @Smileformi769 4 месяца назад

    Nice curse number 40:31

  • @Sauspreme
    @Sauspreme 4 месяца назад

    "give me your chest!"

  • @ThePandaozaO
    @ThePandaozaO 3 месяца назад

    Giants belt dealt more damage because of the turrerts crits

  • @thesupercomputer1
    @thesupercomputer1 4 месяца назад

    How about a run where you have to take the knot, if it appears you have to take it immediately no matter what.
    Could be fun to watch and will need some planing, since weapons could be freezed at any time.

    • @MrGhosta5
      @MrGhosta5 4 месяца назад

      @@thesupercomputer1 I never take knot because it always shows up way too early and then never shows up again.

  • @kanahana999
    @kanahana999 4 месяца назад

    I've been thinking this for a few vids now, but why does Dex try to curse hunting trophy? Wouldn't getting three basically be 100% to get the bonus.

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      I think they might earn materials individually instead of stacking to 99%
      But I'm not sure this game gets pretty technical

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      each one works independently, they don't add their percentages together. so if you have 3 at 33% you, on average, get about 1 bonus material per enemy but sometimes but each enemy could give 0, 1, 2, or 3. so if each one is cursed on average you get closer to 2 per enemy kill, depending on how good the curse is, not to mention all the crit they give when cursed.

  • @RogueMascot
    @RogueMascot 4 месяца назад

    Is it possible to fuse Bull and Ogre.

  • @michaelparrott7142
    @michaelparrott7142 4 месяца назад

    Pretty sure the the knot stops the anvil o swear that was tried on another vid but cant remember whose exactly i watch alot of brotato

  • @JustS0meNO0b
    @JustS0meNO0b 4 месяца назад +1

    just so you feel better about your hooks, I had firstbhook round 4, second hook round 7... and I rage quit wave 25 because the hook wasnt cursed still... and ai didnt get any economy items

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      i mean, you ruined your shop by keeping something locked for nearly 20 rounds. not getting good economy items is on you lol
      terrible luck overall. after locking a hook for 18 rounds you had 98-99% chance for it to get cursed but still, it's on you, and still, each individual round is still only a 20% chance, which is not good. You don't really need to curse the second hook anyway, if you aren't going for crazy late game runs. Even if you are going for crazy late game, 2 uncursed hooks and 1 cursed hook gets you a 70-82% chance, typically on the higher end of that range, which is plenty tbh.

    • @JustS0meNO0b
      @JustS0meNO0b 4 месяца назад

      ​@@1TieDye1I dont care bro, I literally just wanted that piece of shit to get cursed, after like round 15 I was literally just keeping it too see how unlucky can one get. And chance to not get it per round is 80%, whichbover 18 rounds drops to 1.8% chance...

  • @Secretlycat31
    @Secretlycat31 4 месяца назад

    Can you please explain the captains stats, I don’t understand what the extra 100% stats part does, I don’t see any differences atleast. The level stats part I mean.

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад +1

      Look at the numbers on level ups, they are doubled. So e.g. instead of 5% Damage (as level 1 upgrade) we get 10%.

  • @Mic00f
    @Mic00f 4 месяца назад

    Wow what happens with the wall today

  • @gerduuetoa3386
    @gerduuetoa3386 4 месяца назад

    What is it with you and walls?

  • @m1xxx3r
    @m1xxx3r 4 месяца назад

    36:50 Your turrets had insane knockback

  • @klaus-t6q
    @klaus-t6q 4 месяца назад

    can you do a ancor build and a lot of damage

  • @Maxeee9000
    @Maxeee9000 4 месяца назад

    Can we play abysmal terror on mobile?

  • @CultOfTheWicked
    @CultOfTheWicked 4 месяца назад

    Challenge: you should play a run where you are limited to only picking up 5 cursed items day:7

  • @MrGhosta5
    @MrGhosta5 4 месяца назад

    Dex forgot that farmer gets 3% harvesting after every wave and +1 harvesting for picking up fruit at full hp.

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад +3

      That's disabled post 20

    • @MrGhosta5
      @MrGhosta5 4 месяца назад

      @DexTag Really? It doesn't say that it stops at wave 20. Piggy bank specifically says it stops after wave 20 so I didn't think farmer would stop at wave 20.
      Does that apply to all scaling characters such as loud and romantic?

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      ​@@DexTagain't there a mod where you can disable the harvesting cap so you can go insane with farmer
      Harvesting is the only stat that increases itself
      Farmer already has 8% imagine cursing the crown also and no cap on harvesting I feel like that could work very well and be very fun unfortunately I cannot use mods on Xbox 😢

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      @@MrGhosta5 yeah. you can still get harvesting from picking up fruits during the wave, but auto collect at the end of the wave does not give harvesting.
      loud still loses harvesting at the end of the wave, past R20. I don't know what you are referring to in regards to romantic.

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      @@wheresmypudding what do you mean harvesting cap? you mean the decrease after R20?

  • @OLKellenYeller
    @OLKellenYeller 4 месяца назад

    I think hooks are a bit broken and I have no clue how. I had a 54% chance between two hooks and kept a hunting trophy locked for 26 rounds starting on round 20. I should have given up at some point but I couldn't believe it

    • @gavynjaspering
      @gavynjaspering 3 месяца назад

      I’m trying to figure out how to unlock on mobile version.

  • @tomhendriks8304
    @tomhendriks8304 4 месяца назад

    had a run today, hook on early wave and rolled/locked black flag wave after that.. managed to get all 3 hooks and both new ones cursed before i cursed my flag.. 😂😂

  • @marcusmiles5449
    @marcusmiles5449 4 месяца назад

    1:52 I find stabbing easier

  • @matthiasgufler958
    @matthiasgufler958 4 месяца назад

    26:50 you forgot the subtitles here

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад

      the unpaid intern said he didn't get paid enough and just left

  • @BenBraun-h5v
    @BenBraun-h5v 3 дня назад

    Wich mods do you use?

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  3 дня назад

      The links are always in the description

  • @vincentcoody8518
    @vincentcoody8518 4 месяца назад

    Another amazing broken video Dex,
    With love
    -a broke viewer who can't pay for joining the channel

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      I would gift to you but dex needs to stream for that

    • @vincentcoody8518
      @vincentcoody8518 4 месяца назад

      @wheresmypudding I appreciate your kindness internet stranger

  • @kichusuomalainenthedoggose1857
    @kichusuomalainenthedoggose1857 4 месяца назад

    try starting with captain sword on baby

  • @PawsomePranks-ke1ob
    @PawsomePranks-ke1ob 4 месяца назад

    Does max crown give 20% every round?

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      i think it is 17%

    • @Lil_Puppy
      @Lil_Puppy 4 месяца назад

      I've only gotten 16% and I try to curse each one I find.

  • @yeetsterboii8727
    @yeetsterboii8727 4 месяца назад

    I actually surpassed the decreased amount of harvesting every wave after wave 20. I had like 13000+ on wave 40+ 😅

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      How did you do that though with mods

    • @yeetsterboii8727
      @yeetsterboii8727 4 месяца назад +1

      @ I didn’t use mods. I’m on Xbox. I just got a whole bunch of cursed pruners and gardens and was playing farmer lol

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      how do you "surpass" it?

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      ​@@1TieDye1you can't this shii don't make any sense the more harvesting you have post w20 the more you lose

    • @DexTag
      @DexTag  4 месяца назад +1

      @@wheresmypudding he just means he played Farmer and was able to maintain a constant increase. Farmer gains 1 Harvesting per Garden, so if you have a ton of Gardens you gain a ton of Harvesting. Only 20% of that is lost each wave.
      Let's say you get 1k Harvesting a wave (way more is easily possible with enough Cursed Gardens and Structure Attack Speed %). On wave 21 you have 1000 (we pretend we started at 0 which is not reality). On wave 22 you go up to 2000 and lose 400, down to 1600. Now you went up by 600. On wave 23 you go up to 2600, go down to 2080. You went up by 480. And you keep going with that. Eventually you'll hit a point where increase and decrease is equal, or in other words hitting 5k Harvesting. It goes down to 4k afterwards and keeps doing that, but this whole scenario disregarded that you keep getting more gardens and structure attack speed.
      So yea, he doesn't prevent the -20%, it's just that Farmer gets around it

  • @obamna-iw3mi
    @obamna-iw3mi 4 месяца назад

    Your 13% dodge carried you so much on wave 12 lol

  • @trveheimer6360
    @trveheimer6360 4 месяца назад

    dude always pick up stuff (in this case celery tea) and then forgets about it (in this case wondering why the wave after that was so easy)

  • @timZimmer-nm2wj
    @timZimmer-nm2wj 4 месяца назад

    Ich Wuste Garnicht dass du aus Deutschland Kommst

  • @fluewZ
    @fluewZ 4 месяца назад

    Dex i want you to do a max regen build and get to the limit of regeneration with couch and armor und max health :D

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      I want unlimited hp Regen just curse the penguin item I had almost 10k hp Regen the other day when I cursed all 3 of them so I got 6 hp Regen for every fruit I picked up but it was useless since my hp wasn't nearly as high as the amount I healed
      Also armor doesn't work in this game like it's supposed to your best defense is offense

    • @1TieDye1
      @1TieDye1 4 месяца назад

      @@wheresmypudding what do you mean armor doesn't work?

  • @oumashu4162
    @oumashu4162 4 месяца назад

    Do a modded run combining captain and baby

  • @DER_Jan_90
    @DER_Jan_90 4 месяца назад

    Ach leck doch die Wand an😂
    Zu geil wenn der Deutsche aus dir raus kommt.

  • @yedi1064
    @yedi1064 2 месяца назад

    Die random deutschen Kommentare sind das beste dran😂

  • @piotrkolacz
    @piotrkolacz 4 месяца назад


  • @pocci6533
    @pocci6533 4 месяца назад

    Leck doch die Wand an! Warum sollte man das tun? 😂

  • @GhostSnip__
    @GhostSnip__ 4 месяца назад

    Leck doch die wand an❤️❤️😂

  • @vey2
    @vey2 4 месяца назад

    we say in german, leck doch die wand an 😂

  • @maus6199
    @maus6199 4 месяца назад

    ok, what's the deal with germans and walls? 😂

  • @adb4522
    @adb4522 4 месяца назад


  • @WilliammiauwI
    @WilliammiauwI 4 месяца назад

    when the roll is so shit you switch too native language xD

  • @phantomboy1377
    @phantomboy1377 4 месяца назад

    The equipment concept already exists in the phone version of the game...but then again it's heavily pay to win build of the game it's as terrible as the pc one is brilliant.

  • @Myraciil
    @Myraciil 4 месяца назад


  • @galileo007lg
    @galileo007lg 4 месяца назад

    moin meister

  • @MichaelViehland
    @MichaelViehland 4 месяца назад

    30:20 just play brotato mobile😅 ( don't it's awful)

    • @wheresmypudding
      @wheresmypudding 4 месяца назад

      Nah premium is exactly the same but the free one is a micro transaction hell
      Mobile is actually easy asf compared to the other versions because some things work differently

  • @Norlaxo
    @Norlaxo 4 месяца назад

    Scheiße! 😂😂

  • @Imkaje
    @Imkaje 4 месяца назад

    Haahahahaha. "angry german noises". German is a good language to curse a game with.

  • @_A_L_
    @_A_L_ 3 месяца назад

    Looks so fake