Jonathan? Yes, hi!
No, I can talk. I was playing the piano. I'm so happy you got back to me.
Yes, I agree, the phone is easier, but I figured that an e-mail would be more appropriate.
I didn't want to put you on the spot with my request.
That's where I'm a bit lost, I'm afraid. I've been thinking about those seminars and meetings you held.
Yes, maybe something like that?
My goals? Um...
When I say campaign, I mean to raise awareness, but also to help.
Yes, I only have experience with that. That's where I can help.
Yes, I fully understand. But do you think that you'll ever get the time for it?
Next year...?
Yes, I'd love for you to be a part of it. It would make this a lot easier.
So, planning...sometime during fall, maybe?
Yeah, winter works, too, as long as you're not busy, haha.
No, I won't be telling them. At least not until it's thoroughly planned. They'd probably try to stop me somehow, and I need to do this.
Yes, let me know when you're free for it. Even if it's short notice, ok?
Take care! Bye.