HOLISTIC AQUAPONICS, the World's best aquaponics system revealed!
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Presentation of the Holistic Aquaponics system which to me is the world's best aquaponics system.
I will explain how I built it and why it's so much better than any other aquaponics system. We will also have a quick look at the trout and other life that is growing in and around the ecosystem
If you want to go further and start aquaponics you can get free support and join the movement here: aquaponic.subs...
See you on the other side.
By far the best aquaponics system I’ve seen hands down. This man has created Heaven on Earth.
It’s what I need instead of a useless pool of water.
Thank you for the feedback.
I also feel a system like this is a more resilient way of doing aquaponics. It gives you a bigger biodiversity with plants, fish and bacteria to keep the system stable. That will have the effect of less maintenance of the the system and a better experience and enjoyment for the person running the system.
Keep up the good work!
Yes, exactly right!
I really enjoy the ambiance of the system that you have created. It’s beautiful and productive. Aesthetics isn’t everything but it never hurts especially in a home.
Those are some awesome fish as well 👏🏼
Glad you like it!
I love watching your videos, I have learnt a lot from you. It brings back memories from when I studied aquaculture. Your systems are great.
Thank you so much for this beautiful and inspiring video! Your holistic approach using your landscaping experience is both visually stunning and efficient! I can't wait to watch your other videos and your class. I am just beginning to experiment with a chop and flip IBC this Spring 2023. I want to learn about the pumps and things first to prevent killing any fish or plants. I live in Western Corado, USA, in the high desert where the humidity can be very low at 12% and the temperature can fluctuate by more than 60°F in 24 hours. I am planning a rammed-earth greenhouse to extend the growing season and raise humidity. See you in class soon! Peace, Love, Joy and Blessings to all. Namasté
Fantastic job Jonathon! Love what you have created!
Thanks mate
What a beautiful pond !! I love your ideas, especially the shrimp, in my experience diversity leads to balance and then to abundance. I plan to build a system of my own soon in my backyard, something with a lot of diversity.
Following your project since the very beginning
Way to go
Thank you for sharing your experience, I appreciate
Amazing! I love your pond.
There’s something very therapeutic about it mate well done. 👌
Thanks Korka, it really is!
Very interesting & very beautiful output. Thanking you.
So lovely system you have there. Thanks for sharing different ability in aquaponics system.
Thanks for watching!
Super lovely pond! I love the large taro plants. I have two small ponds right out front of my house but I do get water snakes visiting and eating my goldfish and other fish. I want to build a stunning in ground pond like yours!
You can do it! I also offer a step by step training to help in the process. You can check it out there: melbourneaquaponics.clickfunnels.com/holisticaquaponics
Brilliant concept, superbly executed! Given the cold--water temperature requirements of trout (and especially brook trout), I assume you live in a northerly latitude. It must be nice to step into one's garden and see trout swimming among the plantings.
One small nitpick: You identified the yellow-colored trout as a "golden trout." The proper name for it would be "golden rainbow trout, a color mutation of a regular rainbow (Oncorynchus mykiss) discovered at West Virginia's Petersburg Fish Hatchery in 1955, and selectively bred to provide variety for the state's fishing public. The true golden trout (Oncorynchus aguabonita) is native to the Sierra Nevada mountains of California.
Golden rainbows have now been distributed widely within the United States, and are also known as Palomino trout or vermillion trout.
Thanks, yes you are 100% correct. However we all commonly call them Golden trout :)
Do you have any videos where you speak in detail about the filtration systems you use? Thanks.
That’s cool, brook trout and golden are two of the finest. You could also have a compost worm bin near by and feed them the odd treat. Looks like lots of fat fish in there…. I wonder what happens in summer, do you have a water chiller?
I don't have a chiller, the pond is pretty deep and it allows the water to remain cool enough to go through summer without reaching 24C
Great video! My biggest fear would not be algae, but rather all the plants literally taking over the place. BTW, the Nitrats could be used by watering a green house with the water and the fish poop in an automatic fashion. Means next to the fish pond you would also need a green house.
Yes Jens, you are right. I use my aquaponics water to water my classic plants too.
could also just pump it to a drip feed
@@jodynesbitt Ok, but he also needs to get the mud and poop out from the bottom of the pond. This would cloak the drip line.
Good Job ! Jonathan
Thanks Gilberto :)
Thanks for sharing this.
Do you mention at all how big the pond is? How many liters or gallons of water is that? Seems like a big difference is the size of the pond relative to the grow beds. Awesome for the fish and great for a backyard setup where you can do that, but not really scalable for most people.
I mean I like the idea of giving the fish a better life, but if your objective is to grow as much food as possible in a limited size backyard, then I think you produce much more vegetables from an aquaponics system than fish, so you want to have as many grow beds as can be supported by the fish's waste.
Intrigued by the idea of an in-ground pond though - food for thought.
I am not if you take in consideration the quantity of plants and bacteria 🦠 growing on the surrounding of the pond. It makes the whole system very productive
I would love to see recent videos
Me too my friend :), I just move to France and lots to do here before I can go back to my aquaponics passion. But I will come back for sure :)
@@AquaponicsRevolution congrats on your new move! Cannot wait to continue following your journey! I really could your expertise, trying to set up in the Caribbean lol
Amazing, a goal of mine when I own a house
How many gallons is that pond? It looks kind of small for all those fish.
Wow that's absolutely amazing I'm wanting to do the same congratulations
Go for it Brett!
Great achievement vast information to venture of aquaponics breeding especially the trout breeding in plastic pond.very interested to venture small scale. Trial aquaponics breeding trout.
Very impressive! Do you have a method to remove the solids that build up in the fish pond, like a swirl filter in an IBC set up.
Yes I have 2 Swirl filters, see my other videos 👍
Do you have more videos of the restaurant around 6:10 .
Sure, here you are: ruclips.net/video/xzfEsVWPPNk/видео.html
One of those male brook trout look like a short body fish. Is that just what they look like when they are fed super well?
You are right Dooley, brook trout males have a very different shape to classic trout. They are actually very often compared to wild sockeye salmon.
See this picture there:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sockeye_salmon
Yes I’m a Canadian brook trout fisherman, they get fat like that instead of long, often called “footballs”…
How much maintenance is involved? Can you help people set a system up?
Little maintenance but knowledge. Yes I offer a bunch of trainings
Beautiful! Sorry if I missed it, but what region/ climate zone are you in? I always believed that trout need cold water...
Yes, they need cold water, but the ideal temperature is at 16 degree celcius, but they can tolarate tenparture as cold as live under ice, or as hot as 20+ degrees celcius (in this range of temperature the trouts are on critical conditions, but if they have good aeration, pure water, and without giving them a lot of food, they can survive)
Will this work in a colder climate with the plants etc. How cold tolerant can a system like this handle?
Yes it is but the plant species will be different
hey, do you use bell siphons, because that just seems extra to me
Yes I do. You can also use a timer on your water pump if you prefer but a flood and drain system is needed in your growbed
Would love to see the amount of edible plants you're able to produce here. Is the growth rate of the crops similar/higher to a standard aquaponics setup in your experience?
Hi Joey, the planting surface area is higher than in classic aquaponics since we have the surrounding of the pond acting like a growbed.
This is so much more appealing than building one of the uglier UVI-type systems. How many litres of water do you think your system holds?
Yes it is, the classic IBC aquaponics is a good way to start and understand how aquaponics works but once the knowledge is built, it's time to move to the next step :)
This setup is around 5 to 6000L
@@AquaponicsRevolution I bought a 20 litre aquarium 2 years ago "to learn the theory of aquaponics" and now I've got a 450 litre fully-planted filter-less tank in my kitchen 🙃 (just like you said - trimming plants is all the 'filtration' you need if you do things right).
It has lots of ornamental fish and plants, but there's nothing to harvest, lol.
I think it's time to actually move from aquaculture to aquaponics! Your system is inspiring, thank you for sharing 🙂
@@AquaponicsRevolution sorry for all the questions, but what do you do with this system in the winter? As the plants slow down growth do you just reduce your fish numbers to zero? Or do you reduce feeding because the fish have lower metabolism?
P.S. Let me know if you're ever in Northern England/Southern Scotland, lol, I want to pick your brains! 😂
@@banksarenotyourfriends Excellent point! It really depends on the species you are growing. Most fish will significantly decrease their food intake. Some species still eat a lot and a close management of the setup is required. Sometimes feeding needs to be slowed down to allow a smooth winter.
@@AquaponicsRevolution I see, thank you. I had been thinking about trout because this would be for an outdoor system in the UK.
All the best to you.
How do you keep the water cold enough for trout? Any idea if something like this would work in Canada where we have hot summers and freezing winters?
Hi Pete,
the depth help to limit temperature fluctuation.
Also, a high oxygenation helps the trout to go though "high temperatures"
Beautiful set up!.... I have been really inspired by your all-natural aquaponics system with fantastic productive capacity.
Awesome, thank you!
How would I get a breeding trout in uk?
Talk to your local trout farms
Hi, just filled up the form from linked above to get the video and 1-1 session. It supposed to cost me $25 + $40 (on promotion) but I have been charged $99.1. I didn't get the access yet because it says I needed to follow the link in the confirmation email. Can please I refund them because I and my friend thinking to take the full day course with you at Mentone instead?
Thanks Sumodiardjo
Yes, all the online training are in USD while the onsite training is for Australian customer and is in AUD.
I will send you an email to transition to the onsite event.
I look forward to meeting you on the 30th July for the onsite aquaponics training 😊
@@AquaponicsRevolution Hi Jonathan,
I haven't received your email regarding my 'case'. Can you please assist me what I need to do? I haven't register for the event on 30th July yet because it will direct me to another payment?
Hi Jonathan,
Sorry my bad. I have received your email. It was buried on my email. 🙃
I have process the payment as well. I am looking forward to see you tomorrow
Hey I just saw your video, but I'm still really confused about the pipe work you did in your grow bed to go back in your pond... I try to crack the mystery ^^
The water is going from the fish pond to a swirl filter, then to the grow bed and then a bell siphon flushes it into a cascade returning to the fish pond.
Hey man, you're awesome! If you tried traveling around teaching people about aquaponics and selling indoor kits?
Thanks! why not but I am not a fan of indoor kits unless they are ornamental :)
@AquaponicsRevolution Yeah but that's the point! Travel + teach aquaponics = profit! No?
Sir I want to purchase Brook trout eyed ova eggs in Indian kashmir please sir I'm interested please reply
They will only survive if your water is under 22C
@@AquaponicsRevolution sir I'm already rainbow trout fish farmer
Thank you for the video and hoping for many more!
You bet!
Sir how I contact you
You and I think a lot alike. wish we could collab.
Vous n'êtes pas anglo-saxons et vous parlez anglais, pourquoi vous ne parlez pas votre langue ?
LOL, Probably to reach about 100 times more people! 😆😆😆
Can you come to Montana USA?